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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/14/21).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)
Important TLAV Mask Coverage
Recent Mask Studies
5 NIH/National Library of Medicine studies from 2004-2020 all finding verifiable health effects from wearing a face mask, including scientifically verified reduction in blood oxygen level:
Cloth Mask Study
Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated:
Fauci…just because there are vaccines required for school doesn’t mean that is right.
Ahh this is so sad, worse yet is all the bots droning in, ahh hurry up and get the 3rd shot.
I don’t do twitter, but could someone post the link of those two doctors talking on this site, and some
links to shows on twitter. Dont do it if you think they’ll ban ya. But damn, such a nice girl, dead….
I’m sorry Tom I didn’t quite fully grasp the second sentence in your comment was this what you were looking for? : https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/dr-michael-palmer-catherine-austin-fitts-interview-understanding-medical-economic-covid-motives/
In the case it isn’t here are some other interviews with more information:
Dr.Kaufman: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/dr-andrew-kaufman-interview-what-true-catalyst-behind-covid-19/
Dr.McCullough: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/dr-peter-mccullough-interview-covid-vaccine-agenda-rush-suppress-alternative-treatments/
Dr.Malone: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/dr-robert-malone-interview-inventor-of-mrna-technology-censored-for-speaking-out-on-vaccine-risks/
Dr.Hodkinson: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/dr-hodkinson-interview-covid-19-vaccines-infertility-spike-protein-dangers/
Michel Chossudovsky: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/michel-chossudovsky-interview-engineered-destabilization-global-economy-reimagining/
Denis Rancourt: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/denis-rancourt-interview-experts-banned-from-research-publication-for-challenging-covid-narrative/
Dr.Bhakdi: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/dr-sucharit-bhakdi-interview-covid-vaccine-blood-clot-risk-was-known-ignored-buried/
Dr.Lyons-Weiler: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/dr-james-lyons-weiler-phd-interview-peg-teg-the-known-dangers-of-the-covid-vaccines/
David Meiswinkle: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/anthrax-covid-ongoing-anthrax-deception-that-created-biosecurity-state-covid-19/
Dr.Simpson: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/pulmonary-specialist-speaks-out-health-risks-wearing-masks-lies-surrounding-covid-19/
Approx. 59:00, re: the Atlantic article & whatever sellout doctor that was, didn’t we just see the AMA proposing some new shifty language to this effect in their Winter 2021 COVID-19 Guide?
“COVID-19 Language Swaps
Instead of…
Hospitalization rates
( https://www.ama-assn.org/system/files/2021-02/covid-19-vaccine-guide-english.pdf )
I’m struck. Am I being too “skeptical”?
Big huge thanks to TLAV and the community; let’s keep the pressure on these sociopaths & their sycophantic sidekicks. They’ll never say it but we’re winning….
Love & light!
Just discussed this on the last show. Thanks for connecting it here, very relevant.
Who cares? You should be checking out the doctors and scientists who have finally gotten hold of the vials of these poisons and are showing what is in them. Dr. Robert Young. Boy he talks slow but he has explosive info.
I mean this is the AMA we’re talking about, the same AMA that lied about HCQ and then quietly pulled back their statements, but more importantly the AMA that heavily pushed for the fluoridation of our water supply and obviously the heavy push for the scamcines.
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Alternatively — quick & simple article highlighting and posting — is: https://outline.com
I just signed-up to try it and created a sample of one of your articles:
Hey Ryan,
You posted a study somewhere that showed that once someone was vaccinated for SarsCov2 their immune system could no longer relearn to fight it off naturally. Basically now you’re a ǝuıɔɔɐʌ junkie.
I’ve been searching your site, can’t seem to locate it… can you help me out?
Please please post source links.
I need to share.
Apologies for the delay. Thought I already added them.
Regarding the remdesiver ebola study.
The info says how great it is in the basic part. You have to go to the drop bars and click “results” then 4 paragraphs down titled “mortality” they talk about how over 50% of the people given remdesiver died and it was pulled from the study.
Hey Ryan, would you mind letting us know if/when you hear back from Christian, Ice Age Farmer? He hasn’t uploaded in almost 2 months. I hope he hasn’t been targeted. I’ve heard others like Max Egan also expressing his concern. Thank you & God bless.
Fauci – had to have the measles, mumps etc vaxes to attend school. This stuff began in the 1960s, long after Fauci was in Grade School. Nice try, though.
You might have already seen these Ryan but if not: UK Funeral Director with first hand experience saying vaccine injury/death is what Delta variant actually is….and building of giant containment camp prisons potentially for unvaccinated…. https://www.bitchute.com/video/3k6RZC96dOHK/
This was the 150000+ deaths VAERS expert prediction research a couple of weeks ago.
I think you mentioned you might talk about it in your Dr Kaufman interview, but not sure if you got much further with it (I know you went to your homesteading group after so mentioning on the off chance you forgot about this (say) )… https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CDC-2021-0089-0024
Keep up the brilliant work… forever grateful to you.
I see these people wishing death on strangers, using vile language, asking like overall jerks. And they say, “We need to ban the unvaxxed from Our Polite Society.” Lol. So superior and polite of them. Great social skills too.
Glad to stay away from these nasty, hateful boors. Even if they weren’t a bunch of Typhoid Mary’s. Plus they will probably drop like flies come flu season and blame us if we are still “privileged” enough to hang around the periphery of their Polite Society.
I have a tiny subcommunity of my own. We want nothing to do with the Vax Fascists. I just want these horrible, hateful people to stay away from me forever.
Looks like they will due to their paranoid hysteria. Good riddance!
If their legs give out and they lose the use of their hands the Vaxxtards are on their own. Thanks to doctors ignoring the effects, nurses leaving the profession, and the social distancing–which will stay in place–they will receive little or no home care if they get horribly crippled or neurologically damaged. Hard to pity them at this point.
And they won’t be prepared for the broken supply chains they demand (ironically) by applauding a ban on interstate travel for the “unvaxxed.” Food shortages will hit them the hardest and the first. We need to arrange to keep our food localized and focus on feeding our families/communities. The Blue Cities are on their own.
Leana Wen is associated with the World Economic Forum.
Close. Its not her (Leana) ethnicity, its her communist culture.