On December 31, 2011, New Year’s Eve, President Barack Obama signed into law the most constitutionally damaging law in American history, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. This New Year’s Eve we note its 5th Anniversary. Previous annual appropriations bills funding national defense were mostly procedural but it was the addition of two sections, Read More…
The recent events in Las Vegas shook the entire nation, and the rest of the world has watched intently as authorities have struggled with their investigation and some independent media outlets have spread uninvestigated and sensationalized narratives. Yet one should always remember that events that shake the West from time to time regularly occur in countries across the globe — and Read More…
Editor’s Note: Despite many in mainstream media still embarrassingly asserting their organizations have somehow retained their objectivity, and can still report in an unbiased fashion, it is now becoming shockingly clear that these organizations have pulled out all the stops and are now calling for open rebellion against the “democratically” elected leader of the country for which Read More…
what is the name of the 2 guys they are talking about in 1:20:00 ?
Malarkey and Grubber (I think)
Thank you!
Malarkey and Grubber (LOL)
This is excellent, Ryan! Kudos to Taylor Hudak, and huge thanks to Michael Palmer and Catherine Austin Fitts for exposing and naming the criminality for what it is. The work that all of you are doing is beyond essential in helping the public to fight back against vaccine passports!. Thank you, thank you!!!
Thank you, thank you for posting this. In the brand name – Comirnaty… do you think the “mirna” part really stands for microRNA? It’s usually written miRNA. I wonder if that could be the change they made that makes it legally different but still the same formulation? Haven’t yet thought of what the “Co” and “ty” could refer to.
Intrigued by the Malarkey and Grubber reference. Yesterday I was looking at suspect research papers and came across a Dr. J. Faust. Are they thumbing their noses at us?
Doesn’t seem to be anything weird – both show up in other FDA documents and on the FDA website.
Taylor is a great addition to the TLAV crew. She asks intelligent questions and she is very professional in her approach.
Trying to find more about Dr. Palmer. Search engines are not helping me any. Just wanted to know some cursory info on him like I have on CAF. Any help is appreciated!
Here you go: https://uwaterloo.ca/chemistry/people-profiles/michael-palmer
Is there a transcript of the interview? I want translate it.
Great interview. Suggest that in the show notes you post the bios of your guests
Long before, I assumed, what Austin-Fitts told-to work longer or being killed, eg by a “vaccine”. Thus in Italy u are forced to take this toxic injection, if u are >50yrs. On the other hand, most injected people survived the till now! What Attali many yrs ago….in a nutshell, to kill the elderly!