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The SAVE Act, REAL ID & ID2020 – Using The #TwoPartyIllusion & The Election To Usher In Digital IDs

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/9/24).

As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.


Video Source Links (In Chronological Order):

(39) Elon Musk on X: “@TheOfficial1984 Gage made repeated and clear calls for violence, which is illegal, hence 6 month suspension. Rule applies to everyone, apart from the “UN exemption” for recognized leaders of countries. If politicians can say something to the UN General Assembly, then they can say it here.” / X
(19) Tiberius on X: “It’s absolutely fucking insane to see @elonmusk saying this while letting thousands of Zionists who call for the deaths of Palestinian children roam free on this platform, some of whom he personally follows” / X
(21) Tiberius on X: “Look, I’m not defending Gage here, but if you want to enforce a rule, that rule has to be consistent. This James Woods post is still live, unequivocally calling for mass murder. This was from November, too, when we knew thousands of children were being killed. Musk is a fraud.” / X
Lucas Gage Interview – How The Two Party Illusion Maintains Division And Cultivates Hate
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Clint Curtis 2000 Congressional testimony. Rigged election machine? VIRTUALLY UNDETECTABLE
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#ID2020 Defector Speaks On “Techno-Solutionism” With Immunity Passports & The Vaccine Deception
Resignation at ID2020 Raises Doubts About Blockchain, Immunity Passes – CoinDesk
NYU School of Law Warns Digital ID “Paving a Digital Road to Hell”
Exposing the “Digital ID is a Human Right” Scam
Who’s Behind the Push for ‘Digital Drivers Licenses’ in the U.S. and Mexico? – The Last American Vagabond
THALES collaborates with elon musk – Brave Search
(23) Censored Men on X: “🇮🇱🚨#BREAKING: Before verifying your ID with AU10TIX on X, read this thread. After reading it you will understand why so many of us are opposing Elon’s decision to make us hand over our IDs and biometric data to Israeli intelligence. Bots & Data Stealing = 🇮🇱 @elonmusk” / X
(26) Pandemic Special on X: “@Cancelcloco @NuanceBro This is just the first step into the beast system Getting the sheep used to Real ID … Gates had ID2020. Same shit. This is all smoke and mirrors.” / X
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ID2020 | Digital Identity
ID 2020 and REAL ID – Brave Search
Washington residents will need REAL ID-compliant identification to fly starting October 2020 | Transportation Security Administration
Author of US digital ID bill discusses central role of biometrics in ID2020 webinar | Biometric Update
How Digital IDs Will Open Up Municipal Governments
ID2020 Washington – Action Network
ID2020 | GHPC | Digital Identity Alliance
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(17) Jason Rabinowitz on X: “lol Yet another delay to REAL ID. 24 months this time, from May 3, 2023 to May 7, 2025. Time to update allllll those signs.” / X
(30) Andrew Good on X: “The REAL ID Act *of 2005* was enacted May 11, 2005 in response to the terrorist attacks on 9/11. There are kids born *after* this law passed who are legally driving. 🚙 There are kids born *after* the towers fell that are legally drinking before REAL ID is implemented. 🍻” / X
(31) Elon Musk on X: “The goal all along has been to import as many illegal voters as possible” / X
(31) Krayonic 😜 on X: “The Save Act – What does @ronpaul @mattgaetz @RandPaul @GovRonDeSantis think about this bill? Hey @elonmusk – the title sounds good but did you read the thing? Mike Johnson has been known to speak with a forked tongue. Not sure, but Massie wasn’t down for REAL ID repackaged.” / X
(31) Thomas Massie on X: “@crismiller12 I’m not getting one for as long as I can avoid it. Your mileage may vary. Be aware: they keep saying you’ll need one to board a plane (unless you have a passport), but they keep pushing that deadline back.” / X
Text – S.4292 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act | | Library of Congress
Text – H.R.8281 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act | | Library of Congress
Microsoft Word – REAL ID Act text.doc
REAL ID FAQs | Homeland Security
REAL ID | Homeland Security
(17) Elon Musk on X: “Those who oppose this are traitors. All Caps: TRAITORS What is the penalty for traitors again?” / X
James Corbett Interview – COVID-19 Censorship, Technocracy & The Amazing Country Of Digital Gulag
Ben Swann Interview – Exposing The COVID Illusion & The Impending Technocratic Future
Catherine Austin Fitts Interview – Global Financial Coup D’état & Technocratic Slavery That Follows
James Corbett Interview – The Budding Biosecurity State & Its Technocratic Culmination
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(17) Hands OFF our Children on X: “Just like “Bird Flu” of 1918 brought forth their passports. 2019 “covid flu” brought real ID/ ID2020″ / X
(17) The Last American Vagabond on X: “Already setting the table for the 2020 psyop. This will likely lead to calls for some type of “contact”network (for voting facilitation surely) that can be “traced” (for verification of course) to ensure the election goes as planned #PredictiveProgramming #ProblemReactionSolution” / X
How Digital Identity Can Help Pave The Way For E-Voting
Shadow Bank BlackRock Pushes For Total Digital Control Via CBDC’s
BlackRock finances IDNow digital identity provider – Edge Middle East
Digital ID investments are active; Blackrock boosts allocation in OneSpan | Biometric Update
(16) RichPeopleWeekly on X: “@TLAVagabond A little additional context you might enjoy regarding your recent show highlighting Blackrock and Fink @Tinkeringhalo2 @MMadvillain420” / X
The COVID Coup: The BlackRock Takeover Of American Interests
BlackRock Inc. ownership in MRNA / Moderna, Inc. – 13F, 13D, 13G Filings –

Late Additions:

(19) Censored Men on X: “I take it all these accounts will be suspended as well, @elonmusk? Since they actually called for violence, and not just violence, but a genocide? And will X suspend all those not featured in this collage for calling for violence against the Palestinians? Since every single” / X
(50) Slow News Day on X: “Live now on @TheRokfin with Your @AMwakeup! It’s @TLAVagabond Tuesday, @_RantCast & I have a ton to discuss, & we kinda need to take a victory lap! Come through! @rumblevideo is currently broken for us but maybe they’ll sort it out” / X
(20) bippityboppityboop on X: “@TLAVagabond you may have covered this already, but would be interested in your break down of the clear problem, reaction, solution going on to push people into accepting mandatory digital ID” / X
How Larry Fink’s BlackRock Is Helping the Fed With Bond-Buying – Bloomberg

TLAV Music:

Money Game Video:

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Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

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