Days after pushing the patience of the world with its missile attack on the al-Sha’aryat airbase, America’s proxy fighters committed yet another atrocity that is provoking international attention. While the justification provided for the United States missile attack was a highly questionable gas attack (which all the evidence points toward being the handiwork of Western-backed terrorists), the recent incident involves an attack on several buses leaving government-held towns of Kefraya and Foah.
The attack was a suicide bombing aimed at the buses carrying refugees set to be evacuated from both towns to more secure government-held areas. The transportation of these civilians is part of the recent “four cities” agreement between the Syrian government and Western-backed terrorist forces to evacuate civilians to Syrian-government territory or terrorist supporters to terrorist held territory. The other villages involved in the transfer were the terrorist-held Zabadani and Madaya. The plan was devised to minimize civilian casualties and to eliminate the necessity to reclaim territory isolated by opposing forces, a plan that was facilitated by Iran and Qatar.
Around 126 people were killed in the attacks, including at least 80 children, according to the pro-terrorist Syrian Observatory For Human Rights.
The BBC reports slightly different numbers, recounting the story as follows:
At least 68 children were among 126 people killed in Saturday’s bomb attack on buses carrying evacuees from besieged Syrian towns, activists say.
A vehicle filled with explosives hit the convoy near Aleppo.
The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said at least 109 evacuees from government-held towns were killed, along with aid workers and rebel soldiers.
Many more were injured in the attack, the group said.
The explosion shattered buses and set cars on fire, leaving a trail of bodies, as the convoy waited in rebel territory near Aleppo.
Interestingly enough, many mainstream media outlets are attempting to blame the bombing on the Syrian government, despite the fact that the attack was a suicide bombing, a hallmark of the Western-backed “opposition.” In addition, it has yet to be explained why the Syrian government would bomb its own “loyalists” which it negotiated to have evacuated or why the Syrian government would benefit from doing so.
Indeed, witness testimony definitively points to the bombs being a coordinated act by the terrorists. As Eva Bartlett writes,
Al Ikhbaria, Syrian TV, has multiple updates on the carnage wrought by the terrorist attack on these buses that carried civilians, including scenes of the injured civilians in hospital.
“A witness to the massacre told a Syrian journalist (shared by journalist Maytham al-Ashkar):
“”The ‘rebels’ brought a bus full of crisps. They tried to gather as many kids as possible around the vehicle. Then we heard a really loud explosion. A lot of children were killed, many were injured.”
Journalist Vanessa Beeley, reporting from inside Syria, stated that the terrorists responsible for the bombing was Ahrar al-Sham, an organization considered “moderate” by the United States.
Bartlett continues, pointing out that there is no “red line” regarding these atrocities,
A journalist with U-News who sent photos and videos of the massacre of civilians asked the anguished rhetorical question one asks in such repeated situations: “Where are the mainstream media? Why don’t they report the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attack on Foua and Kafraya?”
The answer is that the genuine torment these civilians have endured for years will never be fairly reported, it does not serve the agenda of demonizing the leader of Syria and the national army in order to win western public opinion for yet another ‘humanitarian’ intervention which destroys the Syrian nation and installs chaos in the place of the legitimate government.
None of the people terrorized by these mercenaries of the NATO/Zionist/Gulf/Turkish alliance over the years will be respected or recognized by the Western press, be they women and children victims of rocket attacks, sniping and mortar terrorism in and around Damascus; Syrian and allied journalists assassinated by the ‘moderates’; civilians of Aleppo for years bombed, sniped at and besieged by terrorist factions; or especially liberated civilians from eastern areas of Aleppo whose horrific testimonies directly negate the myth of ‘rebels’, ‘moderates’, or the falsity of Assad as the problem and the Syrian Arab Army as the ‘aggressor’.
As with civilian victims of suicide bombs in Beirut and Homs, Jableh and Tartous, (which I visited in July 2016) the civilians of Foua and Kafraya are rendered by the Western corporate media as either invisible or a sect not worthy of human consideration. Ironically, while Foua and Kafraya may contain a predominate number of Shia Muslims, residents of the villages have told me how they intermarried with their neighbouring Sunni Syrians, and shared the celebrations of other faiths’, as is common in secular Syria.
Pointing out the hypocrisy of Western media reporting, Bartlett adds,
The Western corporate media’s reporting on massacres like the recent suicide bombings of several buses full of civilians in Syria deserves some scathing critique. Consider these lines from an article by Lizzie Dearden for the UK Independent:
“A car bomb has hit a convoy of buses carrying civilians evacuated from besieged towns in Syria, killing at least 24 people.The blast hit the Rashidin area on the outskirts of Aleppo, where dozens of buses carrying mostly Shia Muslim families from pro-government villages were waiting to enter the city.
Photos that were too graphic to publish showed a huge fire raging next to bodies scattered on the ground next to charred buses with blown-out windows, including those of children.”
If the area in question were a terrorist-occupied area, Dearden’s report would read something like this:“A regime-dropped barrel bomb has killed a convoy of buses carrying innocent civilians, mostly women and children, who were being evacuated from rebel areas of Syria. The deadly 8.0 magntitude Hiroshima barrel bomb hit Sunni Muslim families from freedom-loving rebel areas…” etc. etc.
Do note in the reporting of ‘journalists’ like Dearden and other presstitutes, the downplaying of actual documented Syrian civilian deaths at the hands of terrorists dubbed ‘rebels’. Do note the sectarian language (rejected by most Syrians). Do note the implication that acts of terrorism on Syrians in government secured areas of the country must be considered as not credible (but physics-defying alleged school-bombings or alleged chemical weapons attacks should be believed). Also note the kind of reporting on this attack that was produced by CNN. While stating that “no group has claimed responsibility”, CNN felt the need to get a word from that paragon of immorality, Abdul Rahman of the utterly discredited ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights’:
“During a televised interview, Rami Abdul Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said a suicide bomber claimed he was carrying food items and blew himself up in a fuel station. Abdul Rahman said he doesn’t believe the Syrian regime is behind the attack. He said the regime kills scores of people daily using all types of weaponry and doesn’t need to kill its own sympathizers.”
Yes indeed, just in case you were distracted by the US-backed terrorist bombing of buses full of civilians, CNN used the pathetic quisling Rahman to remind you of the ‘evils of the regime’ and to admit that, despite the ‘evil’ of Assad, he has not yet found a need to kill his own sympathiziers.
Regarding the “photos that were too graphic to publish” by the Independent; please explain to the families of these mutilated Syrians why their graphic murders were too distasteful to Western sensitivities when graphic images of dead and injured children are splashed across Western media broadsheets when the alleged author of such attacks is the Syrian or Russian military.
Britain’s state-owned BBC, no stranger to the propagation war porn when it serves the NATO agenda, headlined rather blandly: “Syria war: Huge bomb kills dozens of evacuees in Syria.”
Had the bombing in question been attributed to the Syrian army, or Russians, you can bet the headline would have read something like:
“Murderous Regime Bombs Innocent Civilians in Rebel-held Area Just Days After Worst Chemical Attack in the History of the World”.
Of course, I do not believe for a moment that the allegations of the western-propagated Idlib chemical incident are true, but this is the sort of headline the Western corporate media runs, irrespective of actual evidence, of which they have none as regards the alleged chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun.
Please recall that just days after the US-led coalition murdered anywhere between 60 and 80 Syrian soldiers in Deir ez-Zor, Western governments, their jihadi proxies and the Western press deflected attention by attacking a UN humanitarian convoy and blaming Syria and/or Russia.
I highly encourage the readers to access Eva Bartlett’s article, “No ‘Red-Lines’ After US-Backed Terrorists Massacre Idlib’s Foua Civilians.”
It now remains to be seen whether or not the United States will use this recent attack by its own proxies as a justification for more escalation in the Syrian conflict or whether the Trump administration will simply ignore the deaths of these “beautiful babies.” Either way, the treachery and hypocrisy of the West will be on full display.