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Adam Green Interview – Religious Prophecies In Israel, Zionism vs Judaism & Abrahamic Religions

Joining me today is Adam Green, founder of KnowMoreNews.org, here to discuss numerous topics around not just Zionism, Judaism and the dishonest conflation therein, but a much deeper potential manipulation. Adam has researched these topics in depth for years, all of which are seen by many as highly contentious, despite most of what we discuss being backed by documented evidence. We dive into the origins of Zionism and what Adam’s research reveals about the deeper potential connections of all Abrahamic religions.


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(33) Adam Green – Know More News (@Know_More_News) / X
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What these red cows from Texas have to do with war and peace in the Middle East – CBS News
(20) ROD on X: “En Israël, l’autel dédié au sacrifice des génisses rousses a été construit. Cela s’inscrit dans les préparatifs de la construction du Troisième Temple à Jérusalem, la réalisation d’une prophétie juive qui permettrait à l’État hébreu de justifier la destruction la mosquée Al-Aqsa https://t.co/ZGfMmjltGe” / X
(20) Marwa Osman || مروة عثمان on X: “The Zionist occupation intends to “slaughter a red cow” on Eid al-Fitr, April 10, corresponding to April 2 in the Hebrew calendar. The cow to be slaughtered is one of five cows that have been genetically modified to be red. One of them will be slaughtered on April 10, which… https://t.co/rNQy0UccBx” / X
(20) Propaganda and co on X: “What to know about the Red Heifers & Al-Aqsa 🧵 https://t.co/lWw925bBpD” / X
(20) RJPhoenix #No2Sanctions #HoldtheLine 💜 on X: “@propandco @TLAVagabond” / X
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(26) Shadow of Ezra on X: “Daily Wire journalist Kassy Akiva announced on her X account that red heifers are now in Israel. In Numbers 19 of the Old Testament, an ‘unblemished’ and perfectly red ‘heifer’ is slaughtered and burned for purification. They claim the ritual is necessary for the coming of… https://t.co/5DbR8rekNU” / X
(27) Kassy Akiva on X: “Dispelling the falsehoods about the red heifers: 1. No, there are no plans to sacrifice them right now. They’re being bred to create a herd that can live in an educational visitor center in ancient Shiloh. 2. No, they’re not genetically modified. They’re Texas Red Angus. 3.… https://t.co/B9wgihZlcC” / X
(27) Middle East Observer on X: “The request was submitted around 10 days ago https://t.co/vMloMKLrff” / X
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(1) Adeel on X: “@propandco From the horses mouth itself. https://t.co/R28BY2ba1A” / X
(21) Quds News Network on X: “Israeli forces broke into Al Aqsa mosque following Eid prayer this morning. https://t.co/ah8iUwnApT” / X
(36) Terror Alarm on X: “🚨🇮🇱 Ex-Israeli PM Ehud Barak to LCI: “Netanyahu is influenced by his political partners to go into an escalation so he can hold onto power and accelerate the coming of the Jewish Messiah.” https://t.co/ikboXo4GOf” / X
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David Icke Interview – Zionist Infiltration Of Judaism, Weaponized Migration & Mainstream Alt Media
Against All Odds: Sabbatean Belief and the Sabbatean Movement | Gershom Scholem: An Intellectual Biography | Chicago Scholarship Online | Oxford Academic
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(19) Adam Green – Know More News on X: “Look at how well the ‘Jews rejecting Jesus’ worked to convince gentiles to follow their God/Messiah. Them ‘hating’ Jesus is one of the biggest motivators for Christians to love Jesus. Seems like a simple a psychological gambit to me. Pretend to hate/oppose something to trick… https://t.co/6T8C6Ey8ii” / X
(16) Candace Owens on X: “The entire narrative was made up of lies. No one shouted ‘Christ is King’ at a Jew and yet people began supposing that it could be antisemitic if someone had done that. They then desperately began trying to find tweets written by antisemites to justify the bizarre attack.…” / X


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Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

8 Replies to “Adam Green Interview – Religious Prophecies In Israel, Zionism vs Judaism & Abrahamic Religions

  1. 0. You are a Jew if your mother is a Jew. It is a religion & race combined, unlike Christianity and Islam.
    1. You are not a Jew if you are not waiting for your Messiah.
    2. That Messiah came and Jews killed him, his name was Jesus. Christian and Muslim believe in him.
    3. Muslim believe Jesus, Moses, Mohammad they were all prophets of God.
    3. Funny fact: Jesus loving Christian countries (US & Europe) are helping Jews who killed Jesus to kill Muslims who love Jesus!
    4. Jews believe they can hasten coming of Messiah by fulfilling the prophecies which is a Joke, because then they wouldn’t be prophecies.
    5. Muslim also believe Jesus would come together with their Messiah, ie Mahdi. Shi’ites believe Mahdi is alive, but Sunnis don not.
    6. Only Shi’ite make Israel shit their pants due to their prophecies about Shi’ites ending them. Israel & US love Sunnis countries, at least their leaders as you can see by their cooperations. You can see it right now as UAE, Saudis, Jordan all helping Israel against Iran attack.
    7. Jews hate Persians and they celebrate killing of them every year, even now. It is called Purim. This is the case even though Persians saved them and let them go back to Israel and made their temple for them. Jews did this by infiltrating Esther into Xerxes’s Palace, as mentioned in Bible too.
    8. Muslim believe Dajjal would come before Jesus & Mahdi, in addition to whole list of events which would occur. Most probably Dajjal is the same as Antichrist.
    9. Media and Hollywood and games are programming the west into believing that Mahdi is the Antichrist by making a whole slew of films and talks with a lot of subliminal messages.
    10. Prophet Mohammad has mentioned that Dajjal has one eye. Many relate that to the one eye symbol which all celebrities and politician and cabal make or can be seen in the back of dollar or almost anywhere you look right now. Because of that some Muslim argue that may be Dajjal is not a person, but a system.
    11. Jews loved Egypt & their civilization when Moses came to them. They were marvelled by them. That is why many times Moses asks them to kill cows, and why when Moses went to the mountain they immediately made a cow from gold. That is why you see an Egyptian temple scale is made on the Jeffery Epstein’s Island.
    12. You don’t have to be Jew to be a zionist. There are Christian and Muslim zionist. Zionism is just an agenda using Jews to reach its goal.
    13. Anti-semitic is a misnomer. Semite doesn’t refer to Jews. Semite means people coming from Shem, one of Noah’s sons. Many many people are Semite! Definitely Arabs. On the side note, Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanians,
    Iraqis, Palestinians, etc are not Arabs! they only speak Arabic due to the invasion of Muslims. Obviously they were there before coming of Arab Muslims, and they were under the Persian Empires and others. For example the were talking Aramaic as it was the case in Syria. None of them are of Arab origin.
    14. Gog & Magog are probably something else other than nations. They are also mentioned in Quran as creatures trapped under ground by someone who some claim probably was Cyrus who was the king of the first and largest Empire the world has ever seen i.e. Persia. Honestly of if I was zionist I would had chosen someone other than the first empire of the world as my enemy.

  2. Great conversation, thank you Ryan and Adam…. Let me throw this into the mix…. were the “Gods” and “God” stories-myths(?) propagated by advanced alien contact long ago?

    Thanks again Ryan for ALL your great work… you were my go-to guy during the Great Pandemic Scam.

    1. I think the idea of Aliens goes back thousands and thousands of year and serves the same purpose that religions were created for. The Ancients used their connection to Aliens to deify themselves, the descendants of these Aliens became the religious elite. Think about it, if they could create a narrative today for the purpose of control, could they not have created a narrative in ancient times for the same purpose??

  3. Excellent that you had Adam on Ryan! His work has made me question the way I was brought up to believe in the King of the Jews

  4. Oh Ryan! I’m more impressed with your sharp mind with each posting. Such a broad range of subjects and guests. Keep rocking it, my Brother!!
    Sending love and mucho respect

  5. Ryan, there is one aspect that has not been explored; the Templar/Freemason/Illuminati connection. Amazing HOW these secret ‘societies’ can keep their manipulations out of the public eye, in today’s info-tech culture. I discovered many things while researching Summer Solstice Alignments. I’ve been interviewed a couple of times regrding, what I call, the False Illuminati line detailed in my Book; The Solstice Connection. I also made a few videos that link visual to the Book. This particular video relates directly to the present Genocide; The Solstice Connection-Part 7, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff50DDJqiA4&list=PLUK5o7QW8SryVcgnOaBZnlq5JmKXRbbnM&index=7 and a related interview, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAJA7UYvs-Y Just one further evidence of this is, the name George Bush was given, by Skull & Bones is: MAGOG, as you’ll see in the video, the Bush family home is located at the furthest Northern point where this alignment touches the United States: Kinnebunkport, Maine! You just can’t make this stuff up, YES it’s all about CONSPIRACY!!!

  6. Shtuyot. All these Goyim proclaiming what “Jews” want nd believe.” Your guest is WRONG about “consensus.”

  7. I would recommend listening to a podcast called “the lord of spirits”. We all have our favorite folks that have made an impact on our lives. Ultimately, as a very imperfect Christian, I would say that Jesus is the fulfillment of all prophecy. How it works out in history will be mysterious and unexpected. He is the uni-verse, the Great paradox, He calls us all to love God with our whole heart, mind and strength (how we feel, how we think, and what we do); and the way we work that out is in how we feel, think, and act towards all other people and the world around us. This is why we (everyone on earth) are called to repent, because we do not feel, think, and act thus). There will come a day, most of us will experience it after our physical bodies die, when we will be called to life and made to stand and give account for what we did in our body (may God be merciful) and once all that goes against love is finally dealt with, then there will be a new created order. That is all Christianity is. A call to repent, because the kingdom of heaven is triumphant and what we do in this life does matter, because we cannot love God if we do not love our neighbor.

    I would go further to say that God does not want us to fear and lick the dust, but it is right to tremble (to a certain extent). If there is a Being that can number the hairs of you head, calls the stars by name, measured the dust of the earth in the palm of His hand, and loves His creation enough to become part of it, with the purpose of being tortured to death, so that when He raised His physical body from death everything was saved from everlasting, bodiless, death…..that should cause us to shudder, a bit.

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