If you have read my last six articles, we started following the money drilling down on a 30,000,000 data-set of company registrations. This pointed us to the few families that run the world and clearly shone the light on their main holding companies which are financial and running as an economic super-entity. These financial holding Read More…
Paul Collin
Shine A Light on Them: The True Leaders of the “Free World”
In a previous article I talked about a redistribution of wealth; a one-time emergency measure when the economic system fails again because of poor management and or corrupt leadership. This is done by taking that ownership of the failed publicly-owned systemic risk companies and redistributing some of that wealth to the people, communities and new management Read More…
It’s Time for a Redistribution of Wealth; A One Time Emergency Transfer From the 1% to the People
The biggest financial companies such as Deutsche Bank are struggling or collapsing and have been since 2008. They have been subsidized by public money. They are now kiting items on their balance sheets to postpone the inevitable. The population of Greece voted 60% in favor last year, of the government not accepting a bailout package Read More…
Market Manipulation: Drilling Down On the Evidence
Ukraine and Syria have pipelines and crop fields, of which the group of 49 largest financial holding companies want control. The major shareholders instruct their chairmen to make more money. Since western society follow the instructions, they comply even if toppling a government costs lives. If the West had allowed or encouraged Russia to take Read More…
The Unacknowledged Political and Financial Influence Of The 49 Most Powerful Companies
Will we know who to guillotine when this stock and bond market bubble bomb goes off? The following is a recap from my recent post on an article by New Scientist about an intense in-depth study done by 3 PhD’s; Dr. Stefania Vitali, Dr. James B. Glattfelder, and Dr. Stefano Battiston all from the Swiss Read More…
Computational Trust: Email Leaks, Voter Fraud and Secure Encryption
$45 Trillion Dollar Market Bubble and When it Pops it is Going to Stick on You Like an Ugly Tattoo! As David Stockman, former director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Reagan, says in his new 2016 book called Trumped: “there is a $45 trillion dollar bubble.” When this pops who will you Read More…