Welcome to Foreign Policy with Robert Inlakesh. In this show Robert dives into some of the most important foreign policy discussions of today while highlighting the most important information – primarily that which is missed, excluded or misrepresented by the MSM.
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It appears Israel is mirroring the U.S. when it was “founded” and they wiped out the original inhabitants. I remember as a child watching the westerns and those inhabitants were spoken of as the Palestinians today. Animals, savages, etc.. I’ve been reading something called the Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion. It’s definitely eye opening as to their plan which is absolute authoritarian control over the entire world. But of course those who benefit financially could care less what happens to others as long as they can enjoy the benefits. It’s disgusting and outright disturbing how easy people’s principles and integrity can bought off if they ever had any. Thanks for your excellent work Robert!!