Originally posted April 2016, Updated to include “COVID-19” June 2020 “The further a society drifts from Truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” – George Orwell There are some who would have Americans believe that certain kinds of change are necessary to the modern survival of this country. In this time of Read More…
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Ten Myths About Marijuana That No One Should Believe – Part 1: Marijuana is more harmful than cigarettes, alcohol and prescription drugs
Originally Published on September 13, 2015 According to a recent report by the Drug Enforcement Administration, 80% of states have legalized some form of medical marijuana, and 23 have broadly legalized marijuana use for medical purposes. Four of those states, along with the District of Columbia, have also legalized marijuana for recreational use. This is Read More…
Ten Myths About Marijuana That No One Should Believe – Part 10: Opposition to marijuana legalization is driven entirely by cautious prudence
On an ominous June day in 1971, President Richard Nixon declared to the public that drug abuse was now “public enemy number one.” With this one statement he would irrevocably change the course of the nation by laying the foundation for a reign of unprecedented political misappropriation and corruption all in the name of the “War on Read More…
Ten Myths About Marijuana That No One Should Believe – Part 8: Marijuana Has Yet to be Subjected to Adequate Scientific Study
Of all the misinformation continuing to circulate around the issue of marijuana legalization, this myth is by far the most absurdly incorrect. The most unsettling aspect of these myths is not that they exist, rather that those still proclaiming them as truth are acutely aware of their falsity. This is also called blatantly lying. How Read More…
Ten Myths About Marijuana That No One Should Believe – Part 7: There are over 400 chemicals in marijuana
The perception of cannabis as an evil and utterly useless drug began, as most things do, because of money and a potential loss of profit. Since the moment hemp was seen as a threat to the wrong men’s pocket books, every American has had a fabricated perception of cannabis forced into their daily lives to Read More…
Ten Myths About Marijuana That No One Should Believe – Part 6: Marijuana causes memory loss and a general reduction in logic
From the original Jeff Spicoli to everyone’s favorite burger seeking duo Harold and Kumar, the idea of the lazy and forgetful marijuana smoker is a stereotype that has been embraced by cannabis culture and prohibitionists alike. One would be hard pressed to find a recreational cannabis smoker that hadn’t experienced some level of forgetfulness associated with marijuana. That Read More…