As any journalist should know, their first allegiance is always to the truth and the citizens who deserve that truth. Whether the media in this country has always been just another arm of the government, or if that allegiance was shifted during the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird in the 60’s, one thing is now becoming abundantly clear: The corporate media has zero allegiance to the American people, and the truth they deserve.
The Washington Post has been exposed multiple times in recent months for not only failing to do the first and most important aspect of the job, which is fact-checking information, but essentially has committed journalistic fraud on multiple occasions with little to no remorse, reflection or correction of that mistake, if this was indeed a mistake. It becomes hard to see this as anything other than an intentional attempt to manipulate the public for the government agenda; exactly what the media is meant to keep in check. It even begins to appear as if they want the people to see through these weak-minded, sloppy mistakes which reveal their true fidelity.
The most damning action taken in this complete journalistic failure, is the absence of editorial note to indicate not only that the information within was factually incorrect, but that the articles themselves had been edited multiple times after their publication. It is common journalistic practice to append any article that is changed following its release or if new evidence presents itself that changes the know facts, but always with an editorial note. Yet, despite a few badly placed notes on their articles claiming the sources were false, but only after the entirely of their stories foundation disintegrated, the many edits and adjustments were never noted or explained. In other words, they were attempting to manipulate the story after its publication, so as to remain quasi-relevant, with no notation whatsoever. That is not journalism, that is propaganda.
“The following morning, nearly 11 hours after changing the headline and rewriting the article to indicate that the grid itself was never breached and the “hack” was only an isolated laptop with malware, the Post still had not appended any kind of editorial note to indicate that it had significantly changed the focus of the article.” Kalev Leetaru, Forbes Contributor
The reason this is so important, and clearly why they choose to take this fraudulent action, is that many who have already read the original article will still maintain that ‘Russia hacked the power grid,’ as they are simply unaware that changes have been made, and is exactly the design. In addition, many will still choose to only skim the title and miss the small note saying the entire article is false, which even as its written seems laughably absurd that it would remain even as a note states that is incorrect. Yet, amazingly, the incredibly misleading article remains, even with the same knowingly incorrect title: “Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility, showing risk to U.S. electrical grid security, officials say.” Ask yourself how this would happen if they truly wanted to inform the people.
One would think that once the source of the article was revealed to be false that the article would be removed and a huge editorial note would be placed where all can see stating as much; because the most important thing in a democracy is an informed electorate, and that is all that WaPo cares about right? Making sure the people are informed? Those who can still tell themselves that is true, will likely never stray from the coddling comfort of the mainstream narrative, but most are beginning to come to terms with this reality. The only worry, is that this is all part of the plan, but all we can do is combat the lies, and seek to fill that gaping void left by the utter failure of the current mouthpiece media.
Ben Swann once again shows these puppets what true journalism should look like by actually informing the American people:
This is a problem here in Canada as well. It’s well known that our MSM is biased towards the liberal (left) government, it would seem the left puts a lot more resources into manipulating media, and therefore makes them more effective at ruling (unfortunately). They always paint an article with specific wording in order to present the story with an unfair bias, or try to subdue the impact of an unpopular decision. It’s not the same as a fake source, but it’s still propaganda.
For example, the liberal government we have now in Canada has made similar political decisions that the former conservative government was demonized for in the media at the time, like pipeline approvals and military appropriations. Now that it’s the liberals doing the exact same things, we literally get ONE DAY of news covering the issue, and then complete blackout. And when they do have an article covering it, it says something like “Liberals forced to concede in pipeline approval” instead of “Conservatives in league with oil giant’s pipeline plans”, i’m making those up but it’s not far from the truth.
Not that i’m for either the “liberal” or “conservative” polarized brainwashing camps, but it’s worth noting that the Libs/Dems have a strategic control over MSM.