Conspiracy cyberwarfare Derrick Broze Government Interviews Podcast Police State Politics Propaganda Psychological Operations Ryan Cristian Social Engineering Technology Top News World

Derrick Broze Interview – Power Grid Failures, Cyber Attacks & Food Shortages, Oh My!

Joining me today is Derrick Broze, here to discuss his recent article about the impending doom that is the coming “Cyber Pandemic”, or so our government is incessantly telling us, and how that claim seems to work perfectly to justify the current push for The Great Reset. Derrick goes over how there are many perspectives Read More…

Puerto Rico
Top News Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Government Health Human Rights World

What Life Is Like For A Million People In Puerto Rico Who STILL Don’t Have Power

If you ever wondered what it would look like if the grid collapsed here on the mainland, the island of Puerto Rico is a tragic, real-life case study. These stories show us what life is like for more than a million people who STILL don’t have power and running water nearly 3 months after Hurricanes Read More…

Propaganda Censorship Conspiracy Featured Government Politics Top News

After the WaPo’s Latest Shot, It’s Time to Call ‘Fake News’ By Its Real Name ‘Weaponized Journalism’

Defying any sense of journalistic integrity and loyalty to the truth, the Washington Post did it again — publishing Fake News for clicks — which had the desired effect of worldwide outrage to suit a tightly-defined political agenda. This latest astounding deviation from the facts, however, makes indisputably clear the weaponization of news. Journalists and media outlets make mistakes Read More…

Conspiracy Censorship Expand Your Mind... Featured Government Politics Propaganda Ryan Cristian Top News

WaPo And Journalistic Fraud: Ben Swann Once Again Destroys The Mainstream Narrative

As any journalist should know, their first allegiance is always to the truth and the citizens who deserve that truth. Whether the media in this country has always been just another arm of the government, or if that allegiance was shifted during the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird in the 60’s, one thing is now becoming abundantly clear: The Read More…

Washington Post
Top News Article Revival Featured Politics Propaganda Psychological Operations

Washington Post Forced To Retract Fake Story That Russia Hacked US Power Grid

Here we go again with more Russia hysteria, courtesy of the Washington Post. Any time a story comes out of Washington Post, readers should realize three things. First, WaPo is a regular attendee at the secretive elite Bilderberg annual conference, has been for decades. Two, so is WaPo’s relatively new owner, Amazon mogul Jeff Bezos. Read More…

Censorship Conspiracy cyberwarfare Politics Top News

Snopes Conveniently Silent on WaPost’s Dangerous Fake Story About Russia Hacking US Power Grid

Snopes, one of the new arbiters of Fake News for Facebook, has been utterly remiss in its fact-checking duties by failing to report the false allegation the Russians hacked into Vermont’s power grid — perhaps because the original claim appeared in the Washington Post.  But for whatever reason, Snopes — whose CEO David Mikkelson stands accused by ex-wife Read More…