Your reality is theater created by writers, producers and played out by actual actors. In this video, Melissa Dykes of exposes how our reality has been manipulated for a long time and how it is much more sophisticated today. Paid actors are employed as agitators, provocateurs, protesters and shills. They infect everything. Don’t believe Read More…
Melissa Dykes
Is Antarctica The Key To Controlling The Weather?
In this video, Melissa Dykes of explores the history of weather modification from Antarctica and reveals that current technology located on the mysterious continent appears to still be in operation. Related Reading: Geoengineering: The History And Coverup Of Stratospheric Experimentation
Chemtrails Finally Admitted: ‘We’re Living In A Test Already’
In this video, Melissa Dykes breaks down how it is now admitted that “climate scientists” are experimenting with geoengineering techniques like “stratospheric aerosol injection,” more commonly referred to as chemtrails by conspiracy theorists who are once again proven right. Melissa explains that it is perfectly legal for the government to treat the population like lab Read More…
Proof CNN Is A Military Psyop
Melissa Dykes uncovers the documented history of media cooperation with psychological operations personnel. CNN in particular has a questionable record – including Anderson Cooper who interned at the CIA – that should have everyone doubting its claim to be “the most trusted name in news.”
How Reality Is Being Manufactured
ATTENTION: Reality is being manufactured to manipulate your emotions and actions! In this video, Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media brilliantly breaks down how our reality is created in the Information Age using very interesting Google Trend charts. It used to be if you controlled the oil, you controlled the world. Now it’s if you control Read More…
The State Should Not Decide When We Live Or Die
What happens to your health freedom under State mandated healthcare? UK judge rules hospital can withdraw life support for baby against parents’ wishes after doctors say he has brain damage. Death panels are real.