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Still Don’t Believe Your Reality Is Completely Staged?

Your reality is theater created by writers, producers and played out by actual actors. In this video, Melissa Dykes of exposes how our reality has been manipulated for a long time and how it is much more sophisticated today. Paid actors are employed as agitators, provocateurs, protesters and shills. They infect everything. Don’t believe it? Watch the video.



Melissa Dykes
Melissa Dykes is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

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