By now, every possible angle of the Las Vegas shooting has been expounded upon by anyone with a website or a YouTube channel. Without a doubt, something doesn’t add up, but, we’ve gone through this before, many times now, and it never adds up. And it won’t ever add up, because the self-proclaimed authorities will never Read More…
Tag: Reality
The Great Illusion
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein Life is the greatest gift in the known universe. It is incredibly precious, vastly diverse in its scope, and without judgement or prejudice, it just happens. One need not possess any specific talent, live any particular lifestyle, or be any Read More…
China Warns Trump: “We Will Prevent A North Korea Regime Change”
In a troubling repudiation of President Donald Trump’s demands that Beijing do more to rein in its bellicose neighbor, Beijing, through the state-owned media, cautioned the US president on Friday that it would intervene (militarily) on North Korea’s behalf if the US and South Korea launch a preemptive strike to “overthrow the North Korean regime,” Read More…
Still Don’t Believe Your Reality Is Completely Staged?
Your reality is theater created by writers, producers and played out by actual actors. In this video, Melissa Dykes of exposes how our reality has been manipulated for a long time and how it is much more sophisticated today. Paid actors are employed as agitators, provocateurs, protesters and shills. They infect everything. Don’t believe Read More…
What Does The 21st Century Activist Embody?
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller Reality in the 21st century is not what it was fifty years ago, let alone a hundred plus years back. Times have changed and technologies like the Internet have Read More…
Engineered Chaos And Fear: The New Norm In America As Many Assume The “Reality” Of Staged Events
There is a new norm in America that is one of chaos, race wars and mass shootings that are supposedly all “real” … unless of course you can provide a mountain of evidence to debunk the official mainstream media narrative, police announcements or whatever Intelligence “sources” are “saying.” This new norm is even being contributed Read More…