With US officials issuing statements threatening to attack Syria if chemical weapons are used in the invasion of rebel-held Idlib Province, Russian officials are increasingly concerned that exactly such a pretext for war is to be staged. Russia issued a statement Saturday claiming that rebel groups, with the help of British special services, are preparing to Read More…
Donna Brazile’s article published in Politico is one of the most important things written in 2017 when it comes to political impact going forward. Many have pointed out that she’s a know liar (true), and have also questioned her motivations for writing this blockbuster article. While it’s important to acknowledge these things, they aren’t particularly relevant when Read More…
Evidence of the corruption of the company Emergent BioSolutions has emerged yet again as the firm, set to play a key role in the manufacture of four leading COVID-19 vaccine candidates, has been caught selling the US government a biodefense product it knew was non-functional. Internal documents and e-mails from the “life sciences” company Emergent Read More…
Sturgis, real or fakenews?
I was a Finance major in college (U of Houston, 1984); this is fascinating! Thank you for a great interview. I just ordered his book.
Thats so weird… “Quantative easing” being used in the run up to the great depression but it was only invented in 1995 by Werner, I thought the same when Mark Carney said “never been tried before” 😂
Check out the Fabian window at the LSE 😉
Sorry but, IMHO, this is another economist with no real understanding of the true nature or history of REAL money. Most schools of economic thought are foolish and flawed.
Centralized control is not a flaw, or issue. The issue is who is in control! The issue is in how money is defined, its nature and function and purpose. Fractional reserve lending is foolish. National debt is foolish. Private control is foolish. Real money is far far simpler that what Richard describes.
These are some terms and concepts that most people misunderstand, especially economists: paper, fiat, central controls, digital, made from thin air, gold standard.
What we all need is REAL money. Sovereign, organic, and just money. Not more convoluted systems.
I will see if I can hook you up with someone who actually understands the nature of money, and has an idea of a proper functioning monetary system. I would suggest Stephen Zarlenga, but he passed away a few years ago.
Sorry but if you are going to skip over this interpretation of history and wait for one that reinforces your opinions, what have you learned?
Further understanding of the forces behind Empire and Slavery and Destruction:
1. “This is Neoliberalism” (5-part documentary):
2. Damon Vrabel | “Debunking Money – How the World Really Works”
(6-part lecture):
3. “Princes of the Yen:
Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy” (documentary):
4. “The Spider’s Web – Britain’s Second Empire” (documentary):
5. The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
Audio: https://archive.org/details/JekyllIsland
Text: https://ia802609.us.archive.org/14/items/pdfy–Pori1NL6fKm2SnY/The%20Creature%20From%20Jekyll%20Island.pdf
A cynical (but not unreasonable) view on what the rulers/owners/bankers have in-mind re population:
The first thing the masses need to get a handle on is that elites throughout history have facilitated and encouraged population growth for labor, military and tax purposes — they have done this, and much more that’s good for them and bad for the masses and the planet, through funding & directing (i.e., owning) parsons, bishops, ministers & priests, etc. (i.e., religions), governments (e.g., venal leaders, judges, etc.), publishers/editors/authors, doctors, schools/universities*, professors/teachers/textbooks*, CEOs*, soldiers & police, social influencers (e.g., politicians, celebrities, etc.) and mainstream media (newspapers > radio > tv/movies > internet) — so that fortunes could be maintained, sustained, increased & made through the exploitation of Earth’s resources by exploiting The Masses (aka labor/consumer/soldier/guinea pig/commodity/resource/slave).
The second thing to grasp is that today’s world, including population growth*, health (bad) and wealth (of elites) is a result of Oil. EVERYTHING, including and especially Food Supplies that fuel & sustain the masses, is a result of Oil (e.g. petrochemical fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, machinery, refrigeration, packaging, processing, distribution, preservatives & other chemicals, irrigation/pumps, etc.)… Consider the Earth’s capacity to provide wholesome, organic, natural (i.e., healthy, non-disease causing) food without oil inputs and half a brain will let you see the planet is overpopulated; alas, the debate is clouded with ideological, religious and political perspectives and agendas so it remains a debate and conflict; lucky for elites; not so good for humanity at-large.
* https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/worldwide-population-throughout-human-history.html
The third thing to realize is: The future will not be Oil-based — from a elite/banker/investment-in-running-the-world point-of-view (50 years +/-), oil is running-out; investments, etc. are being directed elsewhere — and will therefore not support food/water supplies for the masses; the people who own the money supplies, productive land/water & means of production (the elites) know these things and are planning/acting accordingly: You can guess; my guess is: AI, IoT, nano-tech, RFID, digital $, driverless & drones, synthetic foods… All dependent on 5G that will cause a whole new paradigm of electro-magnetic microwave radiation disease that will be managed by MRNA vaccines; thus replacing the current, oil-based disease paradigm that is/has been managed with the long list of petro-chemical pharmaceuticals (and radiation, serguries/excisions and chemtherapies) we know today. Anyway…
Apply these thoughts to what might really be going-on re SARS CoV2 and the “great reset” and you might start to understand where we’re being headed, by whom and why. Population and ‘disability’ reduction of the vast numbers of workers (as opposed to owners) around the world seems a likely agenda. M RNA vaccines seem a likely method of Human Control. And “5G is the cornerstone to all this [great reset]”
–Dr. Michael Rectenwald
A mass-awakening to overcome this status quo and dreadful path we’re on is unlikely — it’s hard for any one at any time to learn or recognize and accept they’ve been duped, used, diminished and abused — but we can each try to learn (and teach our children) and reshape our own lives to go forward knowing we’re not going to help or let a future unfold that is against our will and well being.
Eat well. Be right. Do good.
Images & music to visualize & contemplate the world:
Koyaanisqatsi (Life Out of Balance):
Powaqqatsi (Life in Transformation)
Naqoyqatsi (Life as War):
Good comment.
Felt that something was happening when an economist friend of mine was working on the Nefci’s formula for prediction of recessionary cycles. Worked for FRBNY. Bush Jr. stopped the reporting of the M3 money supply needed to plug into the formula. I always wondered who was still using the data sets for their own purposes.
I appreciate your reply — thank you.
I forgot to include ‘economists’ in my list of who elites have always been “…funding & directing (i.e., owning)…”. (re economists: central banks specifically)
Damon Vrabel did a good job breaking-down banking forces here:
(full lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_yh4-Zi92Q )
Also, Economist Michael Hudson explains a lot:
Renegade, Inc. Interview: Micheal Hudson, author, “‘J’ is for Junk Economics”:
Guns+Butter Interview* | America Host or Parsite?:
*Do a page-search (ctrl+f) for “Hudson” to find 25 other G+B interviews:
All the above plus more “Econ.Fin.Money” info I compiled here:
… Furthermore:
Arithmetic, Population and Energy
“…consequences of exponential growth on a finite planet…”:
Food Imperialism:
“The IMF and World Bank: Partners In Backwardness” | Guns+Butter Interviews Michael Hudson
I can see during that interview almost 20 years ago when Professor Werner asked that man from ECB he said “there is a consensus”
this looks very similar to the “scientific consensus” we see re COVID Plandemic and vaccines.
‘Fighting’ yesterday’s ‘battles’?
Usually the ‘economists’ who use ‘macroeconomic models’ ‘believe’ that the solution to the current macroeconomic problem is the implementation of the ‘correct’ type of demand side policies. That is, how to increase income/output {‘growth’}.
Increase M0, M2 or M3, cut r, or make it negative. Increase G and finance it by ‘borrowing’ from the central bank or by borrowing from the private sector. Or ensure that private credit is extended only for GDP transactions.
All that is lacking is a ‘sufficient’ increase in effective demand!
The neoclassical/Austrian economists, who believe that income/output is ‘supply determined’, will argue that all that is required to generate a large increase the growth of the underlying productive potential of an economy is for taxes to be cut and more ‘competition’, etc be introduced!
Aside from the negative externalities of ‘growth’, what they ignore is the ‘energy supply side’?
‘We’ have 16 years?
“Global peak oil production may have already happened in October of 2018 (Will covid-19 delay peak oil? Table 1). It is likely the decline rate will be 6%, increasing exponentially by +0.015% a year (see post “Giant oil field decline rates and peak oil”). So, after 16 years remaining oil production will be just 10% of what it was at the peak. “
‘We’ have ten years?
“ . . . our best estimate is that the net energy
33:33 per barrel available for the global
33:36 economy was about eight percent
33:38 and that in over the next few years it
33:42 will go down to zero percent
33:44 uh best estimate at the moment is that
33:46 actually the
33:47 per average barrel of sweet crude
33:51 uh we had the zero percent around 2022
33:56 but there are ways and means of
33:58 extending that so to be on the safe side
34:00 here on our diagram
34:02 we say that zero percent is definitely
34:05 around 2030 . . .
34:43 need net energy from oil and [if] it goes
34:46 down to zero
34:48 uh well we have collapsed not just
34:50 collapse of the oil industry
34:52 we have collapsed globally of the global
34:54 industrial civilization this is what we
34:56 are looking at at the moment . . . “
Or, have 5 years?
“The greatest threat to humanity on Earth is the escalating Arctic atmospheric methane buildup, caused by the destabilization of subsea methane hydrates. This subsea Arctic methane hydrate destabilization will go out of control in 2024 and lead to a catastrophic heatwave by 2026.”
Taking a Cobb Douglass production function: Q = AKa Lb Ec {a, b c are superscripts}. Where ‘E’ is energy input.
If ‘E’ is regarded as net energy input, then this will fall as ECoE’s increase?
If there is less energy input, then this will reduce the marginal productivity of labour {and capital}. This will lead to a fall in the demand for labour, a shift to the left of the maximum potential of the economy, and an increase in voluntary unemployment.
More dynamically, the growth of the potential income/output of an economy will be reduced?