Ed Opperman Interviews Det. Jim Rothstein on his Career Investigating Satanic Cults

An interview first aired in 2013, conducted by private investigator and independent media researcher/broadcaster, Ed Opperman of the Vegas-based Opperman Report, interviewed retired New York detective James Rothstein, who worked a career in Human Trafficking and Vice-related crimes, a field of investigation that quickly led him directly to the underbelly of the New York City cultist underground. Read More…

“Shut It Down!” At Least 36 Protests Scheduled Across America for Trump’s Inauguration As Mainstream Media Hypes “Anti-Inauguration”

Well, it’s that time again America! Time to inaugurate another face for the shadow government that runs our country. At least 36 organized Trump inauguration day protests have been scheduled in 18 states across the US on January 19, 20, and 21. In addition, 21 more protests have been scheduled in other countries around the Read More…

Top Casino Themed Films

Film directors win praise for successfully depicting a range of different genres and themes on the big screen and the rise in popularity of gaming at online casinos such as Spin Palace has led to many of them choosing to depict films and scenes centered on casinos and gambling. This sort of scenario offers the Read More…