The Daily Wrap Up
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Manufactured Shortages, Mask Mandate Ruled Illegal, Gonzalo Lira & Only Propaganda When They Lie

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/18/22).

As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.


Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

Ukraine Says
What “Chemical Attack”?
Ukraine The New Israel
Gonzalo Lira
Manufactured Shortages
Money Game Video

Important TLAV Mask Coverage

Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated:

Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

10 Replies to “Manufactured Shortages, Mask Mandate Ruled Illegal, Gonzalo Lira & Only Propaganda When They Lie

  1. To be clear Ryan, that Mika clip IS the same clip from 2017. She’s talking in reference to Trump not Musk of course.

  2. God bless you Ryan. I haven’t watched the whole show yet but I’ve been feeling sick over what might’ve happened to the Coach. Thank you so much for covering this 🙏

  3. LOL I was going to send a link to Gonzalo Lira’s videos, yesterday, but figured I already sent enough links to keep you dancing 😉
    I do not say it often enough Ryan; you do great work. Like any good human you make mistakes, but you learn from them.
    No one gets everything correct.

  4. It’s funny how so many criminals in the public eye could have a side careers as Mystic Megs. Problem, reaction, solution.

  5. I encourage people to make their own fertiliser with non edible parts of food. Get bugs to eat through that stuff. Look up ‘Victory Gardens’ too. Plant fruit bearing trees in public because there’s going to be a lot of people with messed up bodies and alot of people who might give up due to the intentional financial squeeze. Not everyone can go around helping everyone all the time so do your bit (protect the good deed you did) and leave the rest to God. It would be useful to have street/neighbourhood/town meetings (formal or informal) so those who need help with something and those who can provide help with it can come together. Human interaction and self-sufficiency will starve the criminals of the the dependency and therefore control that they rely upon. Let the tyrants topple from their pedestals.

  6. Don’t feel like you need to keep them under 2 hours for me man, nothing like a new episode popping and seeing its almost four hours. I love that.

    If you’re doing it for your back or sanity, I get it, but don’t do it for us.

  7. Ryan

    You more than anybody must realize that the Ukraine scam is a seamless continuation of the aggressive attack against what remains of the former sovereign western democracies that became overt with the COVID scam.

    The “sanctions” were always directed at us (in the west, including the US). Every conceivable outcome materializing right before our eyes is perfectly consistent with all of the publicly stated goals of the great reset.

    A few weeks before Russia cued its move on Ukraine, Germany hires a non-german citizen to a cabinet level position as Special Climate Envoy. Former head of Greenpeace no less. Now of course Nordstream is dead and they are systematically deconstructing every carbon producing element of western society Ryan.

    Oil and related products-production and consumption. Transportation. Agriculture. End of globalized currency to make way for CBDC. And guess what else? Human beings. Useless Co2 producing eaters.

    How could it be more perfect? So many people will dying under so many circumstances there will be no way to point it back to the injections!

    There is a very good chance that this was all worked out with Russia and China in advance. Russian elites will benefit and be rewarded with a stronger currency leading up to CBDC and a better seat at the new table.

    Its all out there now and only the insane can continue to deny it and of course they will, even as they are crippled and those around them killed by injection.

    Sound crazy? Not at all for those keeping their eyes on the ball.

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