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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/16/21).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
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Could they be using PCR tests to see how many people have something they’ve distributed? E.g., chem trails … how much has been absorbed and where
I really thought it interesting that Dr. Cowan mentioned the PCR test was able to detect a bio-weapon. There can be so many caveats to this claim. As I believe the vaxx is the bio-weapon, it’s interesting that they are using the PCR to test for corona. It would be a good research project to look more deeply into what the real purpose of the PCR test was. We see over and over again, the same video clip of Kerry Mullis, but it would be even more revealing if we could find what the test was really designed for.
It’s obvious that the human species has been a test animal for these scientists in so many ways. I find it awful that they even do trials on humans for various toxic potions they make in their laboratories, and that many of these people are part of a study group of some company that sends out invites for a small compensation for folks to come in and “try” out their new concoctions. I’ve had friends that did that cause they needed a few extra dollars so they took the risk.
It also appears that these folks sign a waiver and in many cases are not compensated for the adverse affects as these concoction makers are not liable. This is another point folks miss, since this is experimental, and since you agree to be experimented on, you have no recourse.
It would be interesting to find out what they really do see in these tests, since we know they are not seeing a specific virus that has been isolated. What are they categorizing? The metals from the spraying of chemicals in the atmosphere, may well be a possibility. It really is something to research and think about.
It seems to me the PCR test (besides fraudulently identifying infections) is a legal way for governments to collect DNA samples from as many people as possible (and, importantly, use them however they want); whereas, that would otherwise be illegal.
Garbage take by Atlantic, look forward to seeing the breakdown: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/12/covid-cases-omicron-highly-contagious/621038/
Garbage take by Atlantic, look forward to seeing the breakdown: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/12/covid-cases-omicron-highly-contagious/621038/
Great show as always! The needle free powder injection gadget reminded me the concept of the “dart gun” displayed by the CIA during the Church Committee investigations in 1975. Nicknamed the “heart attack gun” The dart gun was designed to quietly fire a small but lethal projectile containing a chemical or biological agent that could “enter the target without perception” according to William Colby. Mr Colby also mentioned similar gadgets made to look as regular items such as pens. Ft Detrick Md as well as Poisoner in Chief Mr Sidney Gottlieb are also mention in the video link below.
Ryan, people are showing up in the hospital with what doctors allege to be Covid. Why are so many people showing up in the hospital, is it only because of the vaccine or because of all the people who couldn’t get cancer treatment/ dialysis/etc. in 2020 and early 2021 who are now just unable to go on because they have taken the jab which worsened their chronic condition. Also what is going in Michigan, the reports say the majority is unvaccinated people getting sick, but there are no numbers behind this. I also know that Michigan uses the wicked ventilators on patients, which is really hurting these people.
So concerning the omicron death.
The fact some guy named john said that randomly n they ran with it world wide would be 2 likely options.
Imo the less likely, some random goofball made it up n called in.
#2 the most likely scenario.
Its a fully vaxxed n prolly boosted person n before reporting it publically but not shoving it down our throats, they wanna get this bs out first so when we’re showing the 🤡 the clips n links, theyll laugh n not look.
Boris announced the alleged 1st Omicron death while on a visit to Paddington hospital in London on Monday 13 December.
John called into the LBC Nick Ferarri radio show yesterday, Thursday 16 December claiming his set father died on Monday 13th and was not jabbed because he believed “conspiracy theories”.
John said the doctors in the hospital told his sister when his set father died that it was from Omicron.
It takes 4 days to sequence a PCR test …
Listen again here – starts at 2:40
Yet the millions of “conspiracy theorists” around the world asserting their rights by living as normally as possible and/or protesting haven’t been dropping dead since last year. Shouldn’t millions living in densly-populated, low-income communities, especially in developed countries have died by last year already?
Theres a BIG rifference between what kim did n what you do as far as “being objective”
Youll hear something n if important and it was last minute, youll watch what they have to say, comment on it, THEN look into it further and go deeper within a day or 2 along with saying youre looking deeper and update.
Kim had the interview on hand, didnt watch it. Then went on national television basically adding doubt of could just be this WITHOUT even watching the interview and in 3 – 4 days still hasnt dug into the information provided through being cited even after doing a report on it.
Imo, this was some of her worst work.
When this guy said “twitter does that, wikipedia is generally accurate” to her challange, she even allowed that BLATENT lie.
@ 2:04:00
I think the Theranos* test/tech. was intended to be in-place (pharmacies, clinics,schools, etc.) before the “pandemic” was launched (in c. 2025); however, Theranos crashed-and-burned, the Epstein-fronted global blackmail saga was getting daylight, China was going full-on 5G (e.g., Wuhan: world’s first fully-5G city — EMR sickness blooming and military olympics host; double-good cover…) and making too many non-empire-aligned deals with Africa, Russia, etc., Trump was getting thornier/riskier and, most importantly, the global Repo Market* was about to implode (real big bailout needed real fast), so… “they” killed Mullis and launched early with the PCR (using the whooping cough episode as a guide).
All the f%ckups are due to dis-coordination because “they” had to launch before all ducks were in a row; and, when that’s not the case, they’re intentional tactics and strategies (pre-planned and on-the-fly/responsive).
@ 2:42:00+
The Hill Rising segment re: HCQ, Ivermectin
Why didn’t anyone point-out:
They actually KILLED people with excessive/inappropriate dosages of HCQ in an official “study” in order to show HCQ should not be allowed to be prescribed.
* https://wallstreetonparade.com/?s=repo+market+bailout
** Watch: “Theranos Scandal: The Real Story”
Read: https://thenakedhedgie.com/2021/10/02/the-theranos-scandal-the-real-story-1-3/
CORRECTION (footnotes):
“I think the Theranos* … most importantly, the global Repo Market** …”
* Watch: “Theranos Scandal: The Real Story”
Read: https://thenakedhedgie.com/2021/10/02/the-theranos-scandal-the-real-story-1-3/
** https://wallstreetonparade.com/?s=repo+market+bailout
(specifically: https://wallstreetonparade.com/2019/12/congress-held-a-hearing-on-the-feds-bailout-of-the-repo-market-heres-why-you-havent-heard-about-it/ )
Good Interview subjects: Pam and/or Russ Martens
How to rule the world
1. Banking (control money/debt, wealth & “power”, in ruler’s favor, against the ruled)
2. Religion (control “hearts & minds”, “good” and “evil”, in ruler’s favor, against the ruled)
3. Healthcare (control life/lives, well being, in ruler’s favor, against the ruled)
The frauds and tricks of all three — they’re all connected (by rules, in ruler’s favor, against the ruled) — are important to know, understand, expose, avoid, reject and dis-empower.
Seasonality and selective trends in viral acute respiratory tract infections☆
Patrick D. Shaw Stewart⁎
2016 Jan
Influenza A and B, and many unrelated viruses including rhinovirus, RSV, adenovirus, metapneumovirus and coronavirus share the same seasonality, since these viral acute respiratory tract infections (vARIs) are much more common in winter than summer. Unfortunately, early investigations that used recycled “pedigree” virus strains seem to have led microbiologists to dismiss the common folk belief that vARIs often follow chilling. Today, incontrovertible evidence shows that ambient temperature dips and host chilling increase the incidence and severity of vARIs. This review considers four possible mechanisms, M1 – 4, that can explain this link: (M1) increased crowding in winter may enhance viral transmission; (M2) lower temperatures may increase the stability of virions outside the body; (M3) chilling may increase host susceptibility; (M4) lower temperatures or host chilling may activate dormant virions. There is little evidence for M1 or M2, which are incompatible with tropical observations. Epidemiological anomalies such as the repeated simultaneous arrival of vARIs over wide geographical areas, the rapid cessation of influenza epidemics, and the low attack rate of influenza within families are compatible with M4, but not M3 (in its simple form). M4 seems to be the main driver of seasonality, but M3 may also play an important role. – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7116927/
Comparison of COVID-19 Severity Between Tropical and Non-Tropical Countries
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected the whole world. However, it is not clear whether the disease affects all countries equally. This paper analyzes the severity of COVID-19 in tropical and temperate countries by comparing the data of infections and deaths registered four months after the onset of the disease. Data were segregated, summarized, visualized, and interpreted. The severity of the disease was quantified in each country and recommendations were made for both categories of countries. The research found that the severity of the disease in terms of infection or death was six times more in countries located in the temperate region.
4.1. Conclusions
This paper quantified the severity of COVID-19 in tropical and temperate countries. The severity of the disease in terms of infection or death was six times more for countries located in the temperate region. Infections in tropical countries accounted for only 4% of global infections with even fewer deaths (2.5%). Moreover, the behavior of the disease varied over time, depending on whether a country lied in the tropical or temperate region. The disease presented multiple peak seasons of infection; thus, countries should not relax when they notice the first slowness in infections.
The research proposes amendments to the strategies used to combat the disease, depending on the risks associated with distance from the equator. This is for some countries to avoid unnecessarily undertaking extreme or light measures to fight the disease. – https://sites.kowsarpub.com/iji/articles/104142.html
Yet more evidence the Medical Establishment either doesn’t have a clue, or, it’s purpose and goals are anti-health.
I’ve lived North, South, East and West — NYC to San Francisco, Chicago to Mexico — and it’s been obvious to me “vARIs” occur when HUMIDITY is low for sustained periods (such as Winter in the North or Dry Winds, South) which leads to subtle dehydration of the Respiratory System which leads to bacteria growth which leads to the natural responses of cough (expel infection), mild fever (kill infection) and fatigue (rest/recover).
It probably doesn’t help that when temps. go down people bundle-up, stay inside and blow hot, dry, microbe-laden air all over the place (aka heaters).
Anyway, when Humidity drops drink more water and humidify the air — make it enjoyable: add lime, eucalyptus, etc. — and you will avoid all the bother.
The Brooklyn Nets removed Kyrie Irving(basketball player) from their roster before this season. Now half of their players(fully vaccinated(2 shots)) have Covid and they are bringing back the guy who isn’t going to take a vaccine to replace the people who got Covid and are vaccinated. I wish the best for Kyrie, and I know for a fact that they’ll probably test him 3 times a day with that garbage PCR test.
Podcast please, and thank you 😏
Thanks Ryan and very wise words at the end there… Putting aside the grave seriousness of everything and while I ordinarily try and provide anything you might find informative along with your videos, I couldn’t help but giggle at just how absurd and ridiculous things have become… found myself laughing at the way you discussed some of the things – including those pair of muppets on that news channel – you’d be a good stand up comedian once we’ve sorted all the nonsense out there in the world! Very entertaining as well as informative, thank you as ever! 🙂
And with drs coming out screaming bout the pcr illusion the appeals court ruled bidens mandate is back. Effective jan 2nd or 4th…..
Thanks Ryan, (@TLAVagabond I don’t know how you do it. All the references and the flow from one to the other to match your narrative, notwithstanding hiccups. You are an amazing journalist, even with all the ranting and calling out stories for being “the dumbest thing you ever heard” or “it makes my teeth hurt.”
You certainly are passionate about what you do. To be honest, while I make videos I could never pull it off live and have a flow, without a script.
So much that you shared with us earlier on, is coming to fruition. I also enjoy the interviews, you are getting better and better at that. It’s an interesting sychronicity, that when I read, see, or watch info that comes across my desk, I often refer back to one of your reports. This is not to brown nose you, I am being utterly sincere. I hope you get to read this.
I appreciate your work, I make sure I check in with you every day for the REAL NEWS!!
Peace & Blessings to you, your family, staff and loved ones. You are doing a great job!
With much appreciation, Nana Baakan
I would like to get in touch with the artist who painted this bandaid-riddled arm. I’m helping to plan an art show of “truther” artists next year.
Anyone know who the artist is?