Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/6/19).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
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Your shows are awesome. You might want to back up your videos on bitchute. I don’t care for that site but people don’t have to sign up to watch your videos there. Also, you might want to put together an email list of supporters.
https://www.bitchute.com/channel/24yVcta8zEjY/ Been there for years! And you can subscribe to our email list on the home page.
It’s going exactly as the “crazy” conspiracy theorist David Icke said it would. It’s frightening to behold what is unfolding throughout our societies all around the world.
I’m in Australia and here sport, sports stars, and how they react or behave in these situations has a huge effect on how the rest of society will react. At the moment they are all being made to get flu vaccines if they want to be able to start to play in their particular sport.
Some of them tried to conscientiously object but they’ve been told that although the flu vaccine wont protect them against Covid-19 they still have to have it if they are to be allowed back onto the playing field.
It is obvious to someone like me that this is all being done to soften up the general population to accept being vaccinated with whatever gunk they cook up in Bill Gates labs for supposed protection against this so called “dangerous virus”.
I am really worried and feel very alone as people I talk to in a day to day setting or at work don’t seem to have any questions at all (at all) in their minds as to whether this is such a good idea. They seem to think that because the government has said something that that’s all they need to know and they have all the information they need to go back to watching reruns of their favorite ball sport and cute kitten video’s supplied to them on the FB news-streams.
I feel like I’m living in a world where the majority have become totally retarded.
P.s. I will spend much more time on this site as I’m weaning myself off of YouTube as much as possible.
I remember thinking, Ryan, when YouTube first started to offer the option of monetizing the video’s people uploaded to them, that it would not end well. I’ve always suspected tech companies were working to a hidden agenda and have not been surprised at the way it’s playing out.
However I have been stunned at how quick and nasty it’s all turned in such a short space of time. I’ve been equally stunned at the level of ready submission I see around me and in the work place when I do get casual employment from time to time.
The people seem to take it as wrote that if they want to keep their jobs they must be as mental slaves to the system that exists both in the work place and to the government propaganda. I feel like I’m in the film “They Live”.
THE PROBLEM OF TAKING VACCINES IS A NON PROBLEM, because the vaccines must be taken by law, in many nations is a rule of law from years
see. italy where baby must be vaccinated (with a vaccine for 10 illnesses which is full of mercury, heavy metals and many other really dangerous things).
and. after some years autism is exploded . . . .
so australian people don’t needs to follow sport champions, law will decide for them,
not only Italy but also in several states of Usa vaccines are a rule of law . . . .
problem is so great which a solution possible to change things is a revolution where all governments must be hanged in public streets in very large numbers, to give the next politics to make their real work, not to be sold to corporations and international criminals assassins as gates & melinda and the many ceos of big pharma and many other corporations