The U.S. Department of Energy activated the Emergency Operations Center Tuesday due to a tunnel collapse at the Hanford nuclear site.
State Emergency Operations Ctr activated for Hanford Site emergency. Monitoring situation at this time.
— WA Emergency Mgmt (@waEMD) May 9, 2017
According to KING-TV, a “tunnel in a plutonium finishing plant collapsed in Hanford early Tuesday morning. The tunnel was full of highly contaminated materials such as hot radioactive trains that transport fuel rods.”
The dark area underneath the tall orange flag is the collapse site – a hole left by the tunnel collapse.
— Susannah Frame (@SFrameK5) May 9, 2017
As Breaking911 reports, some workers were being evacuated while others were advised to shelter-in-place. The Hanford Fire Department is on scene and updates will be posted as they are available. Workers in the vicinity are still being sheltered as a precaution.
Other first responders standing by at Hanford, waiting to hear if they can move in closer.
— Susannah Frame (@SFrameK5) May 9, 2017
From the U.S. Department of Energy:
“The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Richland Operations Office activated the Hanford Emergency Operations Center at 8:26 a.m., after an alert was declared at the 200 East Area. There are concerns about subsidence in the soil covering railroad tunnels near a former chemical processing facility. The tunnels contain contaminated materials.”
Actions taken to protect site employees include:
- Facility personnel have been evacuated
- As a precaution, workers in potentially affected areas of the Hanford Site have gone indoors
- Access to the 200 East Area of the Hanford Site, which is located in the center of the Hanford Site, has been restricted to protect employees
More details to follow…