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COVID Numbers Are Wrong, The Mask Science Is VERY Clear & Whitney Webb On The Recent Salas Shooting

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/22/20).

As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.


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Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

13 Replies to “COVID Numbers Are Wrong, The Mask Science Is VERY Clear & Whitney Webb On The Recent Salas Shooting

  1. Three points:

    1. Perhaps Trump “wishes Ghislaine Maxwell well” because if he slams her — you know, says, “predators like her will be dealt with to the fullest extent of law” — she may bury him.

    2. “They have an impact. They have an effect.”: Trump
    To be fair, Trump never said the ‘masks’ have a medical impact or medical effect. But we can infer the impact and effect he refers to is with the psyops.

    3. Not only does the President have the ‘right’ to correct Constitutional wrongs, he has a fundamental ‘duty’ to do so.

    THAT was a powerful closing tonight. Another great show!

  2. Hiya Ryan , A quick search of the term “Kroll” shows a Wikipedia entry for “Kroll Inc.”, which characterizes the company founded by Jules Kroll in 1972, and as stated by Whitney, as a “corporate investigations and risk consulting” company. It is interesting to note that Kroll also appears to have developed “Pharmacy Management Systems” software that is actively employed in potential government-insurance claims associated with large enterprise environments.
    Any chance that Kroll – now acquired by a company named, Duff & Phelps – is tied to the fabricated COVID crisis?

    If you’ve time to kick back and relax with an interesting perspective on the evolution of class, in the Anglo-American context, take a look at the titled, “35th Portier Lecture: “White Trash: The 400-Year History of Class in America””, posted by “Spring Hill College” to youtube. The video extends for 50 minutes which then delves (@ 34m:30s) into the emergence of eugenics as a mechanism for class hierarchy reinforcement and the euthanasia of the tortured/cultivated underclass. The presenter, Dr. Nancy Isenberg, an academic from Louisiana State University, wrote a book of the same title. She exhibits fascinating insights into the history of class dynamics in America that are typically absent from academic texts – even absent in the writings of both Howard Zinn and Carroll Quigley.

  3. I wonder if much of Epstein and Deutsche Bank related events is about disappearing those connected or with knowledge of 9/11 who for whatever reason have become a risk. It was Deutsche Bank that placed the PUTS on UA and AA before 9/11. Kroll was in charge of security of WTC and both WTC attacks (1993 and 2001) happened after Greenbergs AIG partnered with Kroll. Greenberg was also a board member of the NY Fed Reserve (the most important Fed Bank) which at the time was printing up money for Safra and Browder to use in Russia via the Money Plane. That money eventually came back to NY to buy up Trumps property

    Larger network

    Kroll, Apollo/Leon Black, Deutchebank, AIG/Fed NY, Khashoggis (Adnon/Jamal) ,Erik Prince, Zamel, Bill Barr, Rudy Giuliani , George Mitchel, Tower Financial, Wexner, Lauder, Leese, Jared Kushner, Trumps/ Jr, Israel, clintons, Maxwells Robert, Ghislane, Isabel, Christine) insider trading by Deutsche bank on 9/11, lynn Forester de Rothschild, Safra, Bill Browder, George Nader, Lebanon Hostages, Lauders, Barrick Gold, MBS, Chiliad, Commtouch, CIM Group, Cohen, Manafort/Stone Blackstone, Larry Summers, Trilateral Commission, Brookfield/Bronfman, Tom Bolan, Roy Cohn, BayRock/Felix Sater-Arif-Sapir, Buzzy Kongrad, Jerome Hauer, Psy Group, Carbyne, Wikistrat, , Milikin, Larry Fink/ BlackRock, Azar/Kadlec/Redfield, Lazar/Putin/Abramovitch/Leviev, Leiber/ Langer (Harvard/MIT) , Wilbur Ross, Icahn/Blackstone, Singer, Alderson, Dershowitz, Murdoch, Mueller, Freeh, Cyrus Vance Jr, Zuckerman, Black Cube/Weinstein, Unit 8200, Unit 81, SUNC, China, Russia, israel, UK, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Turkey, Adallom (acquired by Microsoft), Amdocs, Canny AI, Commtouch/cyren, Comverse Technology (Verint), Cellebrite, Cybereason, Claridge Israel
    Cyber NYC (Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP) , Team 8, and SOSA)
    Diagnostics Robotics, Empire State Development (ESD), JVP (COO and general partner worked for Claridge Israel), Telrad (nortel 20% in 1996), Illussive Networks , Team 8,
    NSO (pegasus), Peter Theil, Eric Schmidt, Gates, Soros, CEPI, WEF, GAVI, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, Verizon, ATT, MIC, MSM, Medical Industrial Complex, Pharma Industrial Complex , Tech Industrial Complex, various ARPA”s (Defense, Biological, Intelligence, Security), NSAIC, Chabad, etc

    All of it directed by the Global Elites Trillionaires Club.

    Meal requirement at bars is to force people to spend more money and compensate bars for the loss of business. The big chains will get bailed out, the local pub is finished.

    After the 2000 election I wouldn’t trust Florida to count anything right. Blame the Chads.

    If anyone tests positive and then dies , no matter how long they had recovered (assuming they were ever sick), they are a COVID death. Since we all die sooner or later, COVID-100% fatality rate. Wagghhh!

    Have to be careful not to confuse sensitivity (false negatives) and specificity (false positives).

    The state of CT just had a false positive announcements where over a batch of positives had 60% of positives that were false. FDA had given the Thermo Fisher system and every other system an “emergency use authorization.” That type of authorization is quicker and less rigorous than full FDA approval, and relies on manufacturers self validation, and is only used during public health emergencies. But rapid authorization sometimes leads to products that aren’t fully vetted.

    Also, since false negatives are believed to have more dire consequences, manufacturers tend to error on higher sensitivity at the expense of specificity

    Furthermore, assuming a prevalence of 10% and a specificity of 95%, 1/3 of all positives will be expected to be false positives. At 99% specificity , only 10% of positives would be false positives. The trouble is we don’t know the specificity of any test beyond what a manufacturers claims. If 90% specificity than 50% of all positives would be false positive (assuming a prevalence of 10%)

    If the prevalence dropped to 1%, a 95% specificity test would have 83% false positives. Yikes.

    While Fisher test is being outed as an outlier, they might be the norm and just unlucky enough to have been caught. Its not clear what test is being used as the gold standard to referee these results

    Anyways this is why they don’t recommend these tests on healthy people. False positives go way down when you test symptomatic people because the prevalence of COVID goes up among those with symptoms.

    Anyways, those who are anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers will be labelled mentally ill and rounded up by Barrs Precrime program for forced mental health treatment. Big Pharma wins again. Yay

    Frankly, from afar I would say 80% of the US looks to be mentally ill, or at least have suffered a massive IQ drop. Wait until the vaccinations. Going to need a new virus to explain the side effects, or maybe the vaccine delivers the new virus (or the antigens that a test will call a positive).

    As for those being given freedom from liability. Don’t worry. The new government wont be bound by them. I propose a reset to 1912 (legally speaking). These are hanging crimes. Crimes against humanity. Make sure we stockpile enough rope (used after a fair trial of course). Nuremberg II needs to happen. German laws didn’t protect the Nazis at Nuremberg (McCoy and Dulles did though and released most of them to assume important positions in German government, industry and intelligence, not to mention US intelligence and science. The Nazi supporters in US Industry/Banking got off scott free and hid their fascism behind the anti Communism rhetoric during the Cold War hysteria (another fraud). Thats how the US and newly created EU turned Fascist, indeed China and Russia gave up their Communism for Fascism because the elites could live so much better. They disguise it by calling it Democracy or Socialism but as Deng said, whats in a name. Who cares if its a white cat or a black cat so long as its a good cat? For the elites, the Economic Fascism which we have had for almost 40 years has been wonderful. A very good cat. Now its time to convert the rest of society to Fascism that will be modeled after Chinas authoritarian system.

    This cat will control us with AI and robotic tech. Wont need police or judges when its rolled out. The Robo Cat will be Cop, Judge, Jury and Executioner. Wont even need a pension or salary, just maintenance and power

  4. Nice wrap-up Ryan and Whitney, although I’m not totally convinced there’s something more nefarious in the alleged Hollander murder – suicide given he worked for Kroll for only 2 years 20 years ago and no “apparent” additional intel/Russian ties since (his 7+ year obsession with ladies night discrimination was a bit odd too, lol). However, I totally agree that the mainstream media almost always ignores/covers-up any questionable connections having to do with the often intertwined deep states of the U.S. and Israel (throw in U.K. too). Your correct Ryan in that Epstein’s network extended beyond sexual blackmail and Whitney’s also spot on that there’s often a connection between Russian and Israeli organized crime. This is particularly true when it comes to Epstein’s money laundering operations and his most likely partner, Judeo – Russian Red Mafiya boss of bosses, Semion Mogilevich.

    Per Gordon Thomas’ “Robert Maxwell: Israel’s Superspy,” Maxwell was working with Mogilevich on various corrupt business transactions in Bulgaria in the late 80’s/early 90’s ($2 billion in primarily sales/kickbacks of state owned companies that included Bulgarian politicians and KGB). Maxwell’s primary role in the schemes was the “bagman,” the money launderer. Whitney’s provided various evidence that Epstein most likely met Ghislaine before her father’s death in November, 1991, so could Epstein have been helping Maxwell launder the Bulgarian funds in addition to the 460 million pounds Maxwell was looting and laundering from his UK companies pension funds during the same time? A Rolling Stone article last August stated that Epstein’s accountant testified in a victims civil hearing around 2006 that Epstein got his “start-up” money from Robert Maxwell (buried in 850 page “non-searchable” PDF file). Hoffenberg/Tower ponzi scheme (securities fraud) was another likely source of Epstein’s early wealth where he appears to have used mob assistance.

    Mogilevich is Jewish and had dual Israeli citizenship and on-off residency there from the early 90’s to at least the mid-90’s. A 60+ page FBI report on Mogilevich in 1996 and a 1998 investigative report by Robert Friedman entitled, “The Most Dangerous Mobster in the World,” provides a good summary on Mogilevich’s operations and capabilities for those not familiar with the don (note: other significant crimes since). Basically, if one believes Epstein was connected to Israeli Intel through Maxwell, then one should think Epstein was probably connected to Mogilevich through Maxwell. Following are few other pertinent facts regarding a likely Mogilevich and Epstein association:

    ** Many of Mogilevich’s criminal businesses included ones that Epstein was involved in, such as, money laundering, human trafficking, prostitution, extortion/blackmail, securities fraud, stolen art and gems (drugs & passport fraud?). Epstein trafficked Russian and Eastern European wormen, was Mogilevich possibly the source, and did he have a cut of Epstein’s operation?

    ** Per Gordon Thomas in “Superspy,” Mogilevich sold Osama Bin Laden PROMIS software for $3 million which allowed OBL to track U.S. and other enemies pursuit of him to avoid capture/assassination.

    ** Mogilevich is associated with the Genovese LCN Family, who were suspected in the murder of Les Wexner’s attorney, Robert Sharpiro. Genovese LCN also assisted Mogilevich in his YBM Magnex boiler room securiites fraud that landed Mogilevich on FBI’s Top 10 Most Wanted List.

    ** Close Mogilevich associate Monya Elson (also from Kiev) was based in Brighton Beach, NY (since late 70’s), which borders Coney Island where Epstein grew up. Per Robert Friedman, Brighton Beach is “ground zero” for the Judeo Red Mafiya.

    ** Mogilevich had a connection within the Israeli government where he was able to obtain fraudulent passports/visas for himself and his associates. Mossad whistleblower Victor Ostrovsky stated that Mossad has a “passport factory” and both Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell appeared to have fraudulent passports.

    ** Mogilevich attended a Russian – Ukranian organized crime meeting in Tel-Aviv in 1995 that was hosted by Donald Trump associate, Russian – Canadian, Boris Birshtein. Trump Soho partner Felix Sater also appears associated with Mogilevich as his father was an alleged Mogilevich organization captain who was a liaison with the Genovese family.

    I can easily provide another half-dozen Epstein – Mogilevich potential connections but this should give you and your reader the gist. BTW Ryan, is it okay to include reference links with my comments as you and your readers might find them useful?

  5. Can you post the link to the closing video of the doctor on the hospital steps speaking for the silenced physicians so I can watch it all please. May have missed it previously.

    1. Oh absolutely, I often decide on the spot which video to play at the end, and I forget that many may not know that this is a video I discussed being censored in the past. Yet lucky for us it is still on Bitchute. The funny thing is that they censored that video, gave me a strike for it, yet I play it regularly at the end of the show and nothing. Thank you for helping share.

  6. Hey, Ryan, can you send me a copy of that article about face mask inefficacy? I’d like to be able to quickly cite it without scrolling through your video, now that they’ve removed it from their website. Thanks

      1. Since the new levels of censoring began, as a part of the covid scam, I have also had difficulties with grabbing videos, I normally would be able to. I have noted that logging into Google/YouTube takes way longer than it used to. I was somehow blocked, in one of my operating systems, on one computer 😉 , from logging into YouTube. The login button just would not work lol Installed a new Linux OS and all is well there. This Daily Wrap-up was impossible for me to grab, till today.
        I am saying that “they” appear to me to be doing a lot more than ordinary censoring. I think “they” have crackers at work, finding any and all ways in, to shut down truth tellers. A hacker is a “want to be” cracker, BTW
        You are doing a great job Ryan. Here is a quote of something I came up with, from communications with Jack Blood. Jack would say on his talk shows how, “we don’t have to agree, since we do not belong to the same cult”. I applied this thinking to “Great minds think alike”; and so have changed it to:

        “Great minds do not have to think alike; the commonality is that great minds think.

  7. The dishes of bacteria may also be growing some molds/fungus, I would imagine.
    The material of the masks will likely end up in peoples lungs.
    Who really knows if even if the environment the masks are made in, or the materials used, are clean???
    If your local criminally brainwashed politicians, police, or corporations “mandate” masks; I suggest Halloween masks, window screen(home made), gangster/robber masks…….show “them” how stupid this is. Be sure to use your hand cleaner on your masks???

  8. @ 1:41 :
    “PCR tests could be false positives 20% to 40% of the time, outside of a lab”
    They are 100% false positives, and 100% false negatives. The little bit of RNA that “they”, went looking for, and “they” found; that “they” based/calibrated these “inaccurate” tests ON; IS NOT PROVEN TO ACTUALLY BE A PART OF A NEW VIRUS, or even proof of any virus. If they based the tests, on samples from non isolated not proven new virus(which they did), it does not matter how inaccurate the test is……it’s false! That “they” would even use this test, or tell people it is a test, for a new virus, tells me, “they” are deceivers….not that I needed any more clues, that this was all deception. Hearing “new virus”, on the MSM…..which I only heard by radio during a power disruption; I knew “they” were running another scam. I didn’t expect so large a scam, and so faked a scam, using another alleged new virus, to scare people into begging for “their” NWO. Not sure that this is their end game exactly, but it sure is moving things along 🙁

  9. Thanks for that, Whitney. Very interesting and as usual, great research! Excellent ‘cast, Ryan.

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