Joining me once again today is Brook Jackson, the Pfizer/Ventavia whistleblower who revealed documented safety concerns at the end of 2020 that directly undermined the legitimacy of the trial’s data which is still used to this day to claim these injections are “safe & effective“. In two previous interviews with The Last American Vagabond, Brook exposed what she saw during Pfizer’s clinical trial conducted by Ventavia. Brook revealed how the corporate media and the pharmaceutical companies ignored the verifiable information she presented (links included in the above interviews) and actively took action to cover it up. Within our first interview, Brook publicly shared (for the first time) the evidence that proves the allegations. Since that time, not only has the information presented in our December 2021 interview been vindicated, but the world has become starkly aware of why it was so important, and why the controlled corporate media has only ever tried to hide it. Which is why both Pfizer and the US government have since so desperately tried to get this case dismissed, and in the process, have inadvertently admitted to the original discoveries exposed by Brook Jackson. This is the face of institutionalized corruption within the pharmaceutical industry.
Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)
- (40) Brook Jackson 💜 (@IamBrookJackson) / X
- CaseDocuments
- New Tab
- Brook Jackson Interview – Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes Cover Up Calling Vaccine Data Into Question
- Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial | The BMJ
- (100) Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trial Whistleblower’s Documents Released
- New Tab
- Brook Jackson Interview – Pfizer Reveals Concerns With ‘Data Integrity’ Vindicating Previous Claims
- Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning That ‘Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data’ May Impact Business | ZeroHedge
- (20) Kelly Brown on Twitter: “Pfizer added new and peculiar items deep in its business risk disclosures re: clinical trial data, today in its Q4 earnings. (1/3) “…risks associated with…further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection;”” / X
- Q4-2021-Earnings-Conference-Call-Prepared-Remarks-FINAL.pdf
- New Tab
- (36) Brook Jackson 💜 on Twitter: “🚨Pfizer Court Case Update: Judge Truncale just dismissed the case.” / X
- Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Whistleblower Case Dismissed by Judge | The Epoch Times
- Brook Jackson Pfizer Whistleblower Lawsuit Will PROCEED TO DISCOVERY on Motion to Dismiss! Viva Clip.mp4
- Microsoft Word – Pfizer Jackson Qui Tam MTD(190633992.2).docx
- Microsoft Word – Pfizer Jackson Qui Tam MTD(190633992.2).docx
- Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 9.22.00 AM.png (2552×1336)
- Sasha Latypova Interview – How Pfizer & The Department Of Defense Defrauded The Public
- The Latest on Brook Jackson’s Whistleblower Case Against Pfizer
- New Tab
- (35) Brook Jackson 💜 on Twitter: “🚨ATTN GOVT CONTRACTORS—Click here for blueprint on “How To Commit Fraud and Get Away With It”: @barnes_law @MendenhallFirm” / X
- gov.uscourts.txed.203248.96.0.pdf
- (44) Brook Jackson 💜 on Twitter: “This motion is likely to be denied and the decision to dismiss upheld, but the appeal was reinstated. See ya in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth circuit this fall. #neveragain #fortheinjured” / X
- 9df0bc_902f9c641cfa4ad29954292b09bf4c3d.pdf
- New Tab
- Office of Public Affairs | Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History | United States Department of Justice
- pfizer | Violation Tracker
- New Tab
- Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses: Cell Host & Microbe
- COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities | Journal of Medical Ethics
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You may be aware of this, but is an excellent summary educational series that delves into the fraud in the field of virology and will no doubt emerge to supersede the corrupt out of domain allopathic corporate health care systems’ fear-mongering narratives. Focus on “escape from labs’ will continue the fear-mongering until this is recognized, and could continue the funding for ‘counter-measures’ to ‘protect’ us from these fictitious dangers. Only the mRNA shots are the bioweapon (see Dr. David Martin’s work, etc.), or any real scientifically determined danger.