Even in the midst of growing awareness around Yemen being the largest humanitarian disaster in the world, and the direct and willing participation in the perpetuation and obfuscation of that crisis by the US government, we have not only seen the bombing of innocent civilians continue, but actually intensify.
We recently discussed the death of 40 children in a school bus, carried out using a US made, funded and provided MK-82 bomb, and with the guidance of US intelligence, that was deemed a “legitimate military operation” by the Saudi government, and defended as such by the US government. This story, and the fact that it was a Lockheed Martin bomb, was broke by Hussain Albukhaiti:
?s by @karemo_5
The school bus children n #Saada hospital many of them in intensive care due 2 #Saudi #UAE direct strike hit on the bus n Dhahiaan market using #US #USA made laser guided bomb type MK82 (1st pic??)
51dead inc 40children
Can @nikkihaley @statedeptspox see this! pic.twitter.com/cI2xO5yQvR— Hussain Albukhaiti (@HussainBukhaiti) August 11, 2018
Despite the disingenuous single day coverage of this event by a corporate media, after being forced to do so by the tireless and relentless efforts of the independent media pushing this into the mainstream discussion, it was just as quickly forgotten, or rather continued to be ignored, even when just weeks later a US-backed Saudi offensive in Hodeida was indiscriminately killing civilians.
Hussain Albukhaiti reached out today via direct message informing me, and others in the independent media, that yet another cowardly attack was carried out taking the lives of 22 children:
22 children and 5 women were killed by #Saudi #UAE strikes on a bus / car carrying IDPs in Directorate of Durahmi south #Hodeidah #Hodeida city west #Yemen
These displaced civilians were fleeing Durahmi cos of coalition constant sea, air and land bombardment— Hussain Albukhaiti (@HussainBukhaiti) August 23, 2018
According to Hussain, who is one of the few journalists actually on the ground in Yemen, this was a bus full of displaced civilians simply trying to flee the near constant bombing, a “sea, air and land bombardment” carried out by the US-backed Saudi coalition.
Casualties reached 31 inc 22kids
1st #Saudi #UAE strike targetd Alkoo’a village
another strike targetd a bus carrying womn&children frm homes been hit before
They were trying to flee tge area
Every one on bus were killed wich is 26 civilians
All from Aldahfash family— Hussain Albukhaiti (@HussainBukhaiti) August 23, 2018
This will no doubt be resoundingly absent from mainstream coverage today, unless we once again force them to acknowledge the truth nature of the situation, the true nature of US intervention, and the lethal toll it takes on the population it so deceitfully claims to be fighting to protect.
We will be sure to update the story as we hear more, but the important thing to understand is that is a daily occurrence for the civilian population of Yemen, in what amounts to simply the next country, in a long line of countries, to be “liberated” by the US government.
The American Satellite Target Acquisition Experts are selecting Large gatherings of Houthi Civilians; preferably Children, for the Saudi “Coalition”Air Force to drop US and UK Incendiary Bombs and Missiles on. A Funeral Home full of Shredded Mourners, or a School Bus full of Blackened, Charred Small Bodies, will demoralise Houthi Troops fighting Merceneries dying for the Saudis. In Theory.