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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/5/22).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
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I dont think ive seen this one before.
The head of the world health organization wont take the covid jab. Because hes protesting everyone in africa hasnt been jabbed yet. Not a joke
It is fake, altered. He got his first shot (or whatever it was) on May 12th I believe. In that interview, the true version, he says that. He “protested” until then. They cut that part out. More partisan manipulation. I will go over this today.
Something screwy is going on with the mp3 downloads. I do tnknow what end it is on but this has only happened to me with your show. The last three shows, predownload, have one time length, after I download them they are twice as long and repeating segments throughout.
For instance I am 58 minutes into this episode and have heard you talk about Instagram twice followed by the “planning to figure out how to scare you”
This has happened before. The March 20th episode and the contractors in Ukraine episode. I haven’t listened to the episode just previous to this one, but the one before that, this happens there too.
Its tricky because you repeat a lot of things, which is good, but then the way the mp3 gets jumbled its not always apparent.
I dont know if it is my aggregator doing it or it is happening on your end but it is weird. This episode here measures at five and a half hours after download, half that before.
For instance if your show had ten segments and it would normally run 1 through 10, what seems to be happening here is 12132345465768798910 or something like that.
Is this happening to anyone else because if it isn’t I’m getting a new podcast app.
To flesh out Mike Yeadon’s new perspective on Covid/Virus’s below are the links to the challenge set by Thomas Cowan MD, Mark Bailey, MD, Samantha Bailey, MD etc.
The challenge is;
“We have decided to meet the virologists halfway. In the first instance we propose that the methods currently in use (experiments for Viral Theory) are put to the test”.
You can of course get the full statement from the links below.
There are of course those who are challenging the whole premise of the ‘Challenge’ its self.
One example is Steve Kirsch.
We of course have to use discernment and come to our our conclusions. It will be interesting to see where this goes (if anywhere).
Wow, Kirsch, defending the temple. This over composed response can be boiled down to one sentence, “Virologists I’ve talked to all tell me that Koch’s postulates are outdated”
He resorts to hyperbole, ad homs, and over composition to hide that his entire regiment comes down to, “people heavily invested have told me.”
Dude, what the hell is “outdated” by Koch’s? It is a damn good standard. The problem was the virus theory couldn’t be proven that way so they moved on to other things to keep this boogeyman alive.
Uh uh wanna bet? Wanna bet? I bet you a million dollars!
Science. Sheesh.
Here is excellent look at the issue of infighting of virus/no virus… it’s very worth the long read but you can scroll down. It’s telling that Bailey et al refuse to any debate…. just making statements and throwing down a gauntlet does not make your opinion superior. Bailey, Cowan et al need to stand up and have an open discussion. However, this may not be the time seeing as we have a much more serious fight for freedom on our hands.
For the record they have, read Kirsch’s article from above for the typical response, “this is so silly and so stupid, we won’t participate.”
Seeing some sort of database error when I try to open this article from the direct link:
but if I click on the comments link the page loads fine (it adds “#comments” to the end of the URL):
It was working fine yesterday.