Sharyl Attkisson, an intrepid and forthright journalist, formerly with CBS TV News, has been persistent in her media exposures regarding vaccine-caused health problems, especially the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), ever since she did an in-depth report for CBS, which the media bosses refused to broadcast. That led to Sharyl’s independent journalism programs, a blessing in disguise. Read More…
Catherine Frompovich
Sexual Assaults UN-style Go Unresolved—How Come?
It seems no governance-type agency at any level is exempt from preaching one thing, while practicing a totally different course of counteractions—even the United Nations. How sad. I’ve always held the idea about the UN, ever since I can remember that the U.S. should get out of the U.N. and the U.N. should get out of Read More…
Does This Apparently Explain CDC’s Modus Operandi?
Nothing I would write or say could explain more thoroughly the reasons and actions the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) take regarding pharmaceuticals, vaccines and medical technologies than the fact that the CDC is listed as a “business” on the U.S. stock exchange; see the Dunn & Bradstreet report below. Source Read More…
Rhode Island’s “Surprising” Geoengineering Act Of 2017
After reading what the State of Rhode Island is doing about handling and/or dealing with “geoengineering,” everyone may want to move there, I would imagine. However, the other recourse is for everyone to have the same type of bill/legislation introduced in to their respective states by numerous members, preferably bi-partisan sponsorship, of their state legislature. Read More…
Forced Vaccination Violates Constitutional Rights, Sweden’s Parliament Declares
May 10, 2017 is a day that ought to live in infamy. Why? The Parliament of progressive Sweden adopted a decision, which contained several motions, one being “it would violate our [Swedish Constitution] if it introduced compulsory vaccination, or mandatory vaccination.” Here is the original text in Swedish of what transpired. I accessed an Internet translation Read More…
The CDC’s Historical Vaccine Swamp
“Why is it so hard for mainstream media, independent journalists, and government officials on both sides of the aisle to grasp the dangers of micro small toxins? If they believe that the unseen greenhouse gas particulates and molecules can superheat the world and change climate, why is it so hard to believe that traces of Read More…