Nothing I would write or say could explain more thoroughly the reasons and actions the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) take regarding pharmaceuticals, vaccines and medical technologies than the fact that the CDC is listed as a “business” on the U.S. stock exchange; see the Dunn & Bradstreet report below.
The CDC’s Nasdaq listing as of January 5, 2018 was $46.64 showing a current yield of 7.1% and a Share Volume of 69,586. Interesting?
Since the CDC obviously is into business models, it looks like the CDC will be pushing “blockchain technology” as the next frontier in healthcare.
However, isn’t the CDC supposed to be a federal government agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, so why is it listed as a corporate-like business?
I could be mistaken, but I believe they may own some vaccine patents as well.
Center for Death Corporation