The draft resolution was approved with 28 votes in favor, 14 against and five abstentions, and was presented by Venezuela and Palestine on behalf of the Movement of Non-aligned Countries. The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution condemning the imposition of sanctions by the United States and its allies against Venezuela and other member states on Saturday. Read More…
Venezuela Analysis
Venezuelan Government Claims New Coup, Maduro Assassination Plot Foiled
“The first goal is to capture [Maduro]. And have the world see it. […] Dead, so that the message is clear, this son of a bitch is done,” ex-airforce General Miguel Carmelo Sisco is seen telling other alleged conspirators in one of the videos. The Venezuelan government has reportedly dismantled a plan to stage a violent Read More…
Venezuelan Military Putsch Defeated As Leopoldo Lopez Takes Refuge In Spanish Embassy
Opposition protesters clashed with security forces while government supporters swiftly mobilized to defend the presidential palace. “Interim President” Juan Guaido and right-wing opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez spearheaded an unsuccessful coup attempt in Caracas on Tuesday. The thwarted uprising started in the early morning hours when renegade military and intelligence officers reportedly released Lopez from house arrest. Lopez then joined Read More…
From ‘Humanitarian Aid’ To A Nationwide Blackout: What Next For Trump’s Coup In Venezuela?
Washington is growing increasingly desperate as its coup efforts go further south in Venezuela, argues Jorge Martin. The failure of the February 23 “humanitarian aid” provocation on the Venezuelan border was a serious blow for Trump’s ongoing coup attempt. There were mutual recriminations between self-appointed Guaidó, Colombian President Duque and US Vice-President Pence. The US could not Read More…
4 Mistruths About Venezuela’s Humanitarian Aid Showdown
February 23 saw the latest attempt by the White House, its right-wing regional allies, and self-proclaimed “Interim President” Juan Guaido to oust the Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro, this time by trying to undermine Maduro’s authority and forcibly violate Venezuela’s borders under the pretext of bringing in “humanitarian aid.” Given that not a single truck, Read More…