May 10, 2017 is a day that ought to live in infamy. Why? The Parliament of progressive Sweden adopted a decision, which contained several motions, one being “it would violate our [Swedish Constitution] if it introduced compulsory vaccination, or mandatory vaccination.”
Here is the original text in Swedish of what transpired.
I accessed an Internet translation of that text, which follows:
NHF Sweden sent a letter to the Committee and explained that it would violate our Constitution if it introduced compulsory vaccination, or mandatory vaccination as it was submitted in Arkelstens motion. Many others have also submitted correspondence and many have called up Parliament and politician. Parliamentary politicians has surely noticed that there’s a massive resistance to all forms of coercion with regard to vaccination.
Per Internet translation at Microsoft Translator
Furthermore, this must be noted by all countries forcing mandatory vaccinations of children and adults, especially the USA, where a police-state exists regarding fraudulent vaccine pseudoscience:
NHF Sweden also shows how frequent serious adverse reactions according to the rate at which FASS specifies in the package leaflet of the MMR vaccine, when you vaccinate an entire year group. In addition, one must take into account that each age group will receive the MMR vaccine twice, so the side effects are doubled. We must not forget that, in addition, apply similar adverse reaction lists for other vaccines. In the letter, we have even included an extensive list of the additives found in vaccines – substances which are not health food and certainly not belong in babies or children. We finished the opinion of politicians with a daunting list of studies that show that vaccination is a really bad idea.
Per Internet translation at Microsoft Translator
Personally, I cannot offer enough kudos, standing ovations, and applause to the Swedish Parliament for its members’ level-headedness in assessing vaccines as the bargain basement technology of the 20thcentury, and not mandating them. However, that seems to be the emerging meme, especially in foreign countries where Big Pharma and vaccine manufacturers are being sued left and right for vaccine damages.
When will the CDC/FDA and the U.S. Congress wake up to the fact they have been drinking Big Pharma’s ‘cool aid’ [campaign donations and agency subsidies], which, in effect, mandates fetuses, infants, toddler, teens, adults and senior citizens pay a horrible adverse health ‘price’ for their callousness in accepting fraudulent and “consensus science?”
Readers, please send this information to your local school districts, state legislators, and members of Congress asking for them to do the same as the Swedish Parliament did regarding vaccines.
Great. Good for Sweden.
Also. I added the Last American Vagabond to my news site. So hope it will (eventually) give you some traffic. We all need to work together against this cencorship.