May 10, 2017 is a day that ought to live in infamy. Why? The Parliament of progressive Sweden adopted a decision, which contained several motions, one being “it would violate our [Swedish Constitution] if it introduced compulsory vaccination, or mandatory vaccination.” Here is the original text in Swedish of what transpired. I accessed an Internet translation Read More…
Tag: violation
Judge Orders Google to Hand over Data on Anyone Who Searched for a Certain Name
Hennepin County, MN — A Minnesota judge recently signed a search warrant ordering Google, Inc. to hand over personal information on anyone who searched a specific name, a decision that could set an alarming precedent that would render the fourth amendment virtually ineffective with regard to online privacy. According to the application for the warrant, filed Read More…
Federal Judge Rules Hidden Microphones In Public Do Not Violate Constitution
A federal judge has ruled that law enforcement may continue to place recording devices in public places because it does not violate the constitutional guarantee against warrantless searches and privacy protections. On Friday July 22, U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton issued a 17-page ruling which found the practice of placing recording devices on the steps of Read More…
Infuriating Video Shows Cop Brutalize Innocent Woman, Violate Her Rights — To “Protect Her”
Rosenberg, TX — An infuriating video taken by a Texas woman shows a Rosenberg police officer attack her — for her own protection. The victim, Sydney Tawater was standing in her own doorway when Rosenberg police officer Adam Vasquez became angry that she was filming him. According to Tawater, officers were fine with her standing Read More…
Cheney, Rothschild, and Fox News’ Murdoch Begin Drilling for Oil in Syria — a Violation of Int’l Law
After concluding the flow testing phase, Afek Oil and Gas will now begin analyzing samples drawn from the Ness-2 drilling site, euphemistically dubbed “Deborah’s Well,” in the Israeli-occupied region of Syria known as the Golan Heights. New Jersey-based Genie Energy, Ltd., Afek’s parent company, claims a dubious cadre of investors combined with war profiteers, including Rupert Read More…