Contrary to the insistence of the current administration, World War III is well underway despite the mainstream media’s refusal to recognize it as such. However, World War III is not to be thought of in the same manner that past wars have been perceived. It is currently a silent war; one with proxy armies and financial markets doing the heavy lifting instead of armed and direct conflict between leading nations. The ramifications are huge, with world financial markets and geopolitical dominance up for grabs, potentially leading to a systemic reset in the global structure.
If American citizens continue to sit back and allow business as usual, another major military operation, which will put the nation and its soldiers directly at risk, is all but inevitable. Knowledge is power, and understanding the inner-workings of this war, its true purpose and ultimate agenda, is of unparalleled importance to avoiding an escalation of war that no one on either side truly wants. The elites do not represent the people and it’s time the people take the upper hand by understanding their moves before they make them.
Thanks to Storm Clouds Gathering for presenting the video below which breaks down the history, alliances, and ideology driving both sides of the conflict along with the possible implications that will come of it. Take the time to learn. If this resonates with you… Spread it.