In April of this year, an analysis published by the London-based IHS Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Center, a leading security analysis agency, found that 43 percent of ISIS’ battles between April 1, 2016, and March 31, 2017, were fought against the Syrian military and its allies. Comparatively, the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) reportedly accounted for Read More…
First Russia, Now Iran: Cyberespionage Accusations Fit A Changing Agenda
No concrete evidence was used to attribute the hack to Russia in June, just as no concrete evidence has been made available to attribute the hack to Iran now. However, the assignment of blame to these nation states coincided with other geopolitical issues pitting Russia and Iran against U.K. or U.S. interests. On October 13, Read More…
Iran Doesn’t Have A Nuclear Weapons Program. Why Does MSM Keep Saying It Does?
When it comes to Iran, do basic facts matter? Evidently not, since dozens and dozens of journalists keep casually reporting that Iran has a “nuclear weapons program” when it does not—a problem FAIR has reported on over the years (e.g., 9/9/15). Let’s take a look at some of the outlets spreading this falsehood in just the Read More…
Eager To Kill Iran Deal, Trump Finds Allies In Iraq WMD Peddling Neocons
In the “fog of diplomacy” in 2003, a mirage of WMDs was conjured up to sweep the Bush administration, its media echo chamber, and the U.S. into the disastrous fog of the Iraq War. Now the same neocon cabal has set its sights on Iran, beginning with the nuclear deal now in Trump’s crosshairs. With Read More…
Iran Threatens To Quit Nuclear Deal Within Hours If New US Sanctions Imposed
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned this week that Tehran may abandon the 2015 nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), within hours if the U.S. continues imposing new sanctions. In a speech to parliament on Tuesday, Rouhani said Donald Trump was “not a good partner.”’ “Those who try to return to Read More…