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James Corbett Interview – Syria, Drones & The Ongoing WWIII

Joining me today is James Corbett, here to discuss the recent regime change in Syria and the many moving parts of this developing story. We discuss the history of the Syria war and the many players involved, including the West’s creation and development of the terrorist groups that currently control the destabilized nation. We also discuss the ongoing drone conversation and how this might play a part. 


Source Links:

James Corbett Interview – The War On All Palestinians (Not Just Hamas) & The False Flag Possibility
COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity – Watch Along and Q&A
James Corbett Archives – The Last American Vagabond
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Episode 469 – A Brief History of the War on Syria | The Corbett Report
The Fall of Syria: What You Need to Know | The Corbett Report
Syria’s Assad Resigns Amid Peace Efforts, Orders Peaceful Power Handover – Russian Foreign Ministry
New Tab
(3) Suppressed News. on X: “Israel occupied parts of Syria and now is in control of a water source. This Israeli is now warning Syrians and Jordanians to “behave well”. This is just sick.” / X
(23) Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده on X: “After the Israeli army seized 500 square kilometers of Syrian territory, dozens of settlers established a new outpost named “Mei Marom” opposite the Lebanese town of Maroun al-Ras. Images show settlers raising banners reading, “Lebanon is ours.”” / X
New Tab
(36) The Last American Vagabond on X: “It actually says “diversity-friendly jihadist”. No this is not parody. We now truly live in Idiocracy.” / X
As Israel Further Occupies Syria, Western-Backed ISIS Patch-Wearing Terrorists Begin Executions
Using Terrorist Forces Israel Moves To Take Syria & US/Israel Openly Admit They Support al-Qaeda
(39) The Last American Vagabond on X: “ISIS patches on full display on US/Israel/Turkey backed terrorist who are already killing religious minorities in Syria.” / X
Islamic State – Wikipedia
(20) Report Syrian on X: “As you can see, this is what is happening now in the coastal villages of Syria. This is what the ISIS groups of Al-Jolani are doing to innocent civilians, including rape, theft of homes, and terrorizing children, in addition to cursing, insults, and killing. The reason for this” / X
(19) Richard on X: “So here we have the so called “moderate rebels” in Syria showing their respect and tolerance towards minorities……” / X
(20) Seyed Mohammad Marandi on X: “Hezbollah defended the Christians of Syria and Iraq. The Netanyahu, Obama, Erdogan, and Al-Qaeda coalition… They did this.” / X
(20) Uncaptured News on X: “Syrian “Rebels” Hand Over Weapons to Israeli Occupation Israeli media publishes report documenting how militants in Syria collaborate with Israeli forces in the occupied Golan Heights. By @dancohen3000” / X
(20) Kevork Almassian🇸🇾🇦🇲 on X: “🚨🇸🇾 Abu Mohammad al-Jolani says he will consider granting Syrian citizenship to the foreign militants in HTS. Jolani says, “foreign fighters who fought with us deserve to be honoured.” Jolani refers to the countries that grant citizenship to those who lived there for several″ / X
New Tab
HTS Leader Julani Says Syria Won’t Be Used as a ‘Launchpad’ To Attack Israel – News From
Who is Really Behind ISIS? (transcript) | The Corbett Report
False Flags: A Secret History of Al Qaeda – Watch Along and Q&A
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(5) Assal Rad on X: “.@prem_thakker: How does more [🇮🇱] bombing in Syria contribute to stability or peace Patel: Israel has the right to defend itself Prem: You say these attacks are temporary, do you know Israel’s strategic objective? You say you’re not a Spox for them but the US is providing” / X
New Tab
The Drone Wars: You Are Not Prepared | The Corbett Report
Israel Connection To Drone Psyop & Netanyahu Government “Unanimously Approved” Plan To Settle Syria
Radiation spike in New York after flood of drone sightings as Americans warned ‘plan for the worst’
A Century of UFO Psyops Exposed Part 2: Dulles, the CIA, and Contradictory Messaging by Design
A Century of UFO Psyops Exposed Part 1: From War of the Worlds to Laurence Rockefeller’s Disclosure Project
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Are CIA-backed Syrian Rebels Really Fighting Pentagon-backed Syrian Rebels?
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(21) The Last American Vagabond on X: “How is it possible this can be in the leading Israeli paper & many in the West still can’t admit what’s happening? “‘No Civilians. Everyone’s a Terrorist’: IDF Soldiers Expose Arbitrary Killings & Rampant Lawlessness in Gaza’s Netzarim Corridor” #Genocide” / X
(9) Sarit Michaeli on X: “YNET’s military correspondent confirming that the Israeli army is on route to implementing the “Generals Plan” i.e. ethnic cleansing of northern Gaza. Clearly the international community’s wait and see approach has been an abject failure.” / X
(5) The Last American Vagabond on X: “What did we all tell you. #GazaGenocide #EthnicCleansing” / X
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Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

4 Replies to “James Corbett Interview – Syria, Drones & The Ongoing WWIII

  1. Elon Musk on the Joe Rogan show in a video on Youtube says he wants humanity to merge with AI! He said, “If you can’t beat it, join it.”
    In case you don’t know, he also said, “With Ai, we’re summoning the devil”! Do you really want to be in direct communications with “…it…”? No thanks!

  2. All that because Russian generals were told by Putin not to fight in Syria…

    One man’s decision has changed the region maybe forever. And it must be asked if he didn’t do it to save Israel from a sure defeat

    He spoke about the Syrian debacle for the first time since it happened:

    Nuclear doctrine, special op, Oreshnik missile: what Putin said at Direct Line Q&A session

    Putin addresses developments in Syria, possible deal in Ukraine–possible-deal-in-ukra

    Translation: After having capitulated in Syria, Putin is bending over further, calls for capitulation in Ukraine and pretends his betrayal in Syria is not a defeat…

    It’s one thing to be delusional but asking us to believe in this BS goes a long way.

    A more in-depth analysis of how Putin thinks (which excuses nothing):


    How do you say :”full of shit” in Russian?
    Putin has betrayed his army in Syria while also betraying Syria and the resistance. Saving his beloved zionists from a total defeat… Now they occupy and destroy Syria.
    Now Putin is going to bend further and betray Russia with a “deal” in Ukraine.
    The kind of deal Hezbollah, Lebanon and Syria just got I presume…

    If there is no opposition leader to take on the challenge in Russia, a military government will do.

    1. Putin is a “Royal Arch Freemason”. The members of this aristocracy are in every nation on earth. They obey the laws based on the “code of Hammurabi”, the greatest king of Babylon. The “code of Hammurabi” was discovered after the “great flood of waters” on a “black diorite stela” found in three pieces in Susa, Iran, by “Jacques de Morgan” in 1901-02. It was taken to the Louvre Museum in France. This “code” is the basis of “civilizations” laws. Those who obey these laws do not keep the commandments of Jesus the Christ as contained in his words in their correct form and meaning which are here for you to read, if you care to.

      “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other; and if any one would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; and if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to him who begs from you, and do not refuse him who would borrow from you.” (Matthew, chapter 5, verses 39 thru 42, RSV, 1952)

      The following are some of the laws of Hammurabi to which Jesus was specifically referring to which have been greatly expanded upon, line upon line and precept upon precept, over time by the members of the global aristocracy.

      “If a seignior has destroyed the eye of a member of the aristocracy, they shall destroy his eye.”
      “If he had broken another seignior’s bone, they shall break his bone.”
      “If a seignior’s ox was a gorer and his city council made it known to him that it was a gorer, but he did not pad its horns or tie up his ox, and that ox gored to death a member of the aristocracy, he shall give half a mina of silver.”

      Jesus also said as recorded in biblical testimonies, “You have heard that is was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you salute only your brethren, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew chapter 5, 43 thru 48, RSV, 1952)

      None of those in the aristocracy, nor those who “serve” them, do this! They obey the laws of Hammurabi to this very moment in history!

  3. The rebellion against God’s authority continues to accelerate. Leading the way are those who mistakenly or knowingly participate in the “Serpents Occult Religion” and celebrate the pagan festival “holidays”, particularly the observance of the “WInter Solstice”, the days of celebration from Dec. 21/22 that were changed by the Roman Catholic Church to Dec. 25th. Like I said, the deception is great!

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