“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn’t be, and what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?”
-Alice, Through the Looking Glass
Click here for part one of this series and click here to watch episode 1-3 of the ‘Hidden Hand Behind UFOs’.
At this point in the story, a policy of contradictory messaging which remains consistent over the ensuing 70 years takes over all public relations and government narratives on UFOs.
While Project Grudge, and Project Sign officially denied the existence of alien encounters, even threatening a $10,000 fine on military personnel reporting their sightings to the press… another simultaneous policy promoting ET narratives began to occur.
In an April 1952 edition of Henry Luce’s Life Magazine titled ‘Have We Visitors from Space’? an official message from the highest offices of the US Air Force was delivered to a credulous American audience saying:
1. Disks, cylinders and similar objects of geometrical form, luminous quality and solid nature for several years have been, and may be now, actually present in the atmosphere of the earth.
2. Globes of green fire also, of a brightness more intense than the full moon’s, have frequently passed through the skies.
3. These objects cannot be explained by present science as natural phenomena — but solely as artificial devices, created and operated by a high intelligence.
4. Finally, no power plant known or projected on earth could account for the performance of these devices.”
One must wonder how the Air Force’s policy of publicizing “artificial devices, operated by a high intelligence… not made from this earth” existed on the one hand while fanatically suppressing all discussion of UFOs on the other hand? Could it be that these apparently contradictory policies were simply two sides of one psychological warfare experiment on the minds of Americans?
In 1952, CIA director Walter Bedell Smith wrote to the director of the Psychology Strategy Board of the CIA saying:
“I am today transmitting to the National Security Council a proposal in which it is concluded that the problems associated with unidentified flying objects appear to have implications for psychological warfare as well as for intelligence and operations. I suggest that we discuss at an early board meeting the possible offensive and defensive utilization of these phenomena for psychological warfare purposes.”
The population and un-vetted military officials were clearly seeing something in the skies of America and Britain, but instead of shutting down the conversation as had been done under Project Sign or Project Grudge, a new tool was created to nurture a new folklore made for the scientific age with profound geopolitical consequences. The value for psychological warfare was immense.
It was here that the CIA entered the scene with the launch of the ‘Robertson Panel’ in order to begin to influence the narrative on flying saucer phenomena.
The Robertson Panel was created under the chairmanship of a quantum mechanist named Howard P Robertson. During the war Robertson was technical consultant to the Secretary of War, the OSRD Liaison Officer in London, and the Chief of the Scientific Intelligence Advisory Section at Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. After the war, he became a classified CIA employee at the Weapons System Evaluation Group in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and scientific advisor in 1954 and 1955 to the NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR).

From the start, the Robertson Panel was overseen by an astrophysicist who had worked on the Manhattan Project named Joseph Allen Hynek who had also acted as scientific advisor on the earlier Projects Sign and Grudge. As outlined in Jacques Vallée’s writings, Hynek had become a devotee of Manly P. Hall and the occult at an early age, and even organized his own “invisible college” modeled on the Rosicrucian occult society of Cambridge that attempted to mystify and control science three centuries earlier. As we will come to see in part 3, Hynek and Vallée would go on to play a dominant role in the cultivation of the new UFO folklore during the next 40 years.
The Robertson Panel officially recommended that the Air Force begin to train all personnel to report on UFO sightings and also concluded that civilian UFO groups be monitored ‘Because of their potentially great influence on mass thinking if widespread sightings should occur. Their apparent irresponsibility and the possible use of such groups for subversive purposes should be kept in mind’.
In the final report written by panel member Fred C. Durant, Robertson noted that a discovery of extra-terrestrial artifacts “would be of immediate and great concern to not only the U.S. but all countries. (Nothing like a common threat to unite peoples!)”
Some of the most influential UFO research groups, which began to be influenced by the CIA in the coming years, included the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) and the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP).
This aspect of monitoring of civilian UFO groups is useful for the same reason that Gallup polling are useful for managing democratically organized systems under cybernetics management. Namely: 1) Social engineers can better receive feedback of the research being done by independent truth seekers who are looking at classified military programs, and 2) Those social engineers can in turn, influence those groups by inserting messages and information to misdirect them towards desired conclusions.
Before analyzing some specific case studies of how Anglo-American intelligence operations have manipulated UFO research groups, let’s look at a few concrete examples of CIA spooks inserted into one of these groups.
Spooks for UFO Truth: National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP)
Founded in 1956, The National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) would be influenced by countless CIA spooks over the years which played a major role as both a passive and active controller of “feedback loops” to and from the UFO research community. Among those spooks of greatest interest in managing this influential organization, we find former CIA director Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter who sat on its board of Directors, CIA contractor Joseph Allen Hynek who served as NICAP consultant, and Psychological Warfare Specialist at the CIA’s Office for Policy Coordination, William Bryan III.
On August 7, 1966, the Sunday Star ran a special edition under the heading “Flying Saucers Again: Do You Believe in Them?” saying:
“Joseph Bryan III (Colonel, USAF, Retired), former Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force (1952-53) and former member of the staff of Gen. Lauris Norstad, then Supreme Allied Commander at NATO: ‘It is my opinion that the UFOs reported by competent observers are devices under intelligent control; that their speeds, maneuvers, and other technical evidence prove them superior to any aircraft or space devices now produced on earth; and that these UFOs are interplanetary devices systematically observing the earth, either manned or under remote control, or both’.”
Bryan was a proud Grandmaster of the Maryland Freemasonic lodge and involved in many of the dirty operations launched by Allen Dulles before and during John F. Kennedy’s Administration.
Over the course of its 25-year existence the NICAP played a major role in shaping misinformation campaigns around “government disclosure of UFO technology” adding to the mystique of this newly forming religion.
Disinformation 101: William Moore and Richard Doty
Nowhere were these techniques more clearly expressed than the case of UFO disinformation operatives William Moore and Richard Doty.
William Moore, was an author and UFO researcher who acted as head of special investigations for the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization (APRO) and a man who put the Roswell Incident on the map after having lain dormant for nearly 33 years with his publication of the best-selling book ‘The Roswell Incident’ in 1980.
The real story of Roswell involved the crash of an experimental aircraft being tested out near the Walker Air Force base (which also housed the most advanced fleet of B-29 bombers on the continent) and was featured in three days of news headlines, but soon disappeared from public consciousness.
William Moore’s book featured anonymous testimonials and secret reports given to him by shadowy insiders which increased his fame among the UFO research community. These insiders provided information to Moore which purported to shed light on the flying saucer which crashed near atomic weapons testing facilities in New Mexico on July 8, 1947 killing the alien pilots. The sensational story exploded into the public’s imagination which had been stirred by a renewed interest in the alien mythology with the release of Steven Spielberg’s 1978 Close Encounters of the Third Kind and George Lucas’ Star Wars films.
As a sidenote, an advisor to Spielberg during the filming of the movie was Project Bluebook and NICAP advisor Joseph Allen Hynek.
One year before writing the Roswell Incident, Moore had already become famous for his first book ‘The Philadelphia Experiment’, published in 1979, which popularized the tale of a supposed experiment with a Navy ship which was made to disappear using alien technology in 1943. Moore’s co-author on each of these two books was named Charles Berlitz.
Berlitz was himself an agent of US Army Intelligence and made his foray into the world of creative writing with his first book “The Bermuda Triangle” in early 1979. This was the first book on the topic which was to play a role in the shaping of a new mental “space” with which future social engineers would be able to craft new sacred stories of humanity’s deep history with ET-twists.
In September 1980, Bill Moore found himself working closely with another shadowy figure tied to military intelligence named Richard Doty — then an agent of Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). Their assignment involved using a well-meaning UFO researcher (founder and CEO of Thunder Scientific which worked directly with the Air Force and other departments) named Paul Bennewitz in order to influence the entire UFO community while taking the creation of the UFO myth to new heights. This work would occur at all costs… even if it meant destroying the mind of Bennewitz.
The Tragic Case of Paul Bennewitz
Paul Bennewitz had been an ingenious technological entrepreneur who lived and worked near the Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque New Mexico. In 1966 he founded Thunder Scientific becoming a contractor to the Air Force where he provided a wide array of electronic monitoring equipment.
Starting in 1979, Paul and many other citizens began noticing strange phenomenon in the night sky over the Manzano Test Range of the Kirtland Air Force base. Lights seemed to appear almost every evening and would fly towards Coyote Canyon — also a part of the Kirtland Air Force base area that included Sandia National laboratory and Phillips laboratory, both of which do ultra-top-secret research for all branches of the US military.

Paul Bennewitz wasn’t a typical civilian watching UFOs passively, but being equipped with his own radar detection devices, he began to use his equipment to capture signals from the military facilities in his neighborhood with a special focus on what he believed was a secret UFO base in the mountains of Northern New Mexico.
Bennewitz began reporting his observations to his contacts at the US Air Force, outlining his concerns, and rather than allay his fears by explaining that he was picking up classified government aircraft and to kindly ignore it, things turned very dark. It wasn’t long before he began to interface with Air Force intelligence via AFOSI special agent Richard Doty starting in October 1980.
Soon, William Moore joined Doty as an influencer of Bennewitz, and being a celebrity in the UFO truth movement, Moore quickly had Bennewitz’s trust as both he and Doty began to feed Bennewitz information that had been supposedly leaked from government insiders about the connection between US military technology and the extraterrestrial forces who allowed humans to reverse engineer the designs acquired at Roswell.

These secret reports delivered to Bennewitz are what later became known as Project Aquarius and Majestic-12. Although later revealed to be forgeries, Majestic-12 was a cache of documents purporting to shed light on a secret government treaty with alien beings brokered in the wake of the Roswell crash landing.
Soon, none other than Joseph Allen Hynek of Project Bluebook fame entered the picture with a special new supercomputer capable of decoding alien signals as a special free gift for Paul Bennewitz… who by this time was becoming extremely paranoid believing that ETs were preparing an invasion of earth.
The new computers worked like a charm at decrypting the signals being emitted from the supposed UFOs and soon Bennewitz pieced together an elaborate conspiracy that read like something from a Hollywood film.
In short, Bennewitz discovered that two types of aliens had invaded the U.S after World War II: The peaceful “whites” and the evil “grays”. The grays, he believed were responsible for cattle mutilations and the abductions of humans that had been reported for years across the country, but had a treaty with the U.S. government that allowed them to build a secret underground base beneath Archuleta Peak on the Jicarillo Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico. The aliens, however, were about to break the treaty…
Little did Bennewitz know that the decryption software given to him by Hynek and the signals captured by his radar were all controlled by intelligence agents associated with the Kirtland Air Force base.
Since Bennewitz was an extremely influential voice among the UFO truth community, speaking frequently at conferences and publishing his many “findings”, his stories soon began streaming into the UFO disclosure movement becoming part of the new mythologies of this emerging CIA-managed folklore.
In a “confession” delivered to the Mutual UFO Network Convention in 1989, Moore admitted that he was assigned by AFOSI in order to spread disinformation into the UFO community with a special focus on using Paul Bennewitz as a conduit.
By 1984 Paul Bennewitz had been driven completely insane, having accused his wife of controlling the UFO plot to enslave humanity and was committed to an asylum.
For Richard Doty’s part, he admitted in a 2005 interview (MIN 19:15) to being a counter-intelligence operative when he said:
“I was trained by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency. During my DIA career, I investigated unidentified flying object sightings throughout the southwestern part of the United States. We did conduct counterintelligence operations against people that were close to obtaining the truth about classified programs. Some might call the operations disinformation…”
Paul Bennewitz’s story did not merely involve psychological manipulation of an individual or the simple spreading of disinformation into the UFO community, but even human experimentation, and drugging. What compelled Bennewitz to plunge into his UFO obsession were the hundreds of testimonials of UFO abductions across the USA which involved dozens of cases of human experimentation and drugging by malevolent aliens.
As revealed in the 2013 film Mirage Men (based on the Mark Pilkington book of the same name), there is much evidence that points to human experimentation conducted on Paul himself, who, for several years, found himself abducted from his home, and waking up in the forest with puncture wounds in his arms.
Were the hundreds of accounts of alien experimentation on humans the consequence of malevolent greys, as Moore and Doty had Paul believe, OR, can the hand of something more human be found here too?
MK Ultra and UFOs
Earlier in our story, we were introduced to Sir Henry Tizard – the man most responsible for re-organizing US military science systems in what became the Manhattan Project and also the same figure who initiated radar technology, Cybernetics science, and Flying Saucer research.
Author Naomi Klein stated in her book The Shock Doctrine that Tizard also played a leading role in the creation and funding of an operation that would come to be known as MK Ultra. Klein writes of a high-level meeting in Montreal, Canada overseen by Sir Tizard:
“One of the most controversial meetings he had to attend in his capacity as chair of the National Research Commission would only emerge many years later with the de-classification of CIA documents, namely a meeting on June 1st, 1951 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Montreal Canada, between Tizard, Omond Solandt (chairman of Defence Research and Development Canada) and representatives of the CIA to discuss ‘brainwashing’.”
This Ritz-Carlton meeting would lay the seeds for MK Ultra, which was a CIA program that was not only designed to deal with brainwashing, but innovated new uses for LSD, psilocybin, and DMT with the intention of breaking down a human mind into a blank slate in order to then reconstruct those broken minds from scratch.
MK Ultra first came to public light during the 1975 Church Committee hearings which demonstrated that the CIA, in conjunction with other Five Eyes Intelligence Agencies and the Pentagon, had been experimenting on literally hundreds of thousands — if not millions — of human beings starting at least as early as 1951, but undoubtedly much earlier.
In 2007 the Church Committee’s file on the abuses of the CIA, dubbed ‘the Family Jewels’, was finally declassified which read:
“The Central Intelligence Agency violated its charter for 25 years until revelations of illegal wiretapping, domestic surveillance, assassination plots, and human experimentation led to official investigations and reforms in the 1970s.”
As Klein’s book eloquently showcases, the intention behind the MK Ultra experiments was to use these discoveries on a broad scale in order to conduct “shock therapy” on entire nations in order to break a target people from their historic memories and traditions with the purpose of reconstructing them under a post-nation state, and post-truth, neo-liberal world order.
Shock Therapy Goes Global
The organization which carried out the planning and execution of this new form of warfare was launched by CIA’s Frank Wisner and Allen Dulles in the form of the Political Psychological Warfare Unit of the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) created in 1948 which soon became known as the ‘covert operations wing’ of the CIA.
The Political Psychology Warfare Unit worked in tandem with the Psychology Strategy Board (PSB), signed into existence by Truman in 1951, in order to promote “the American Way of Life” around the world while countering “doctrines hostile to American objectives”. This new organization would go far beyond the limits of typical geopolitics by embracing “all fields of intellectual interests, from anthropology and artistic creations to sociology and scientific methodology”.
The newly formed CIA had wasted no time working with the Five Eyes to overthrow governments that were not inclined to adapt to the type of world empire desired by the oligarchy. And a string of popular governments from Greece, to Egypt, Iran, Korea, Vietnam, and the Dominican Republic were soon targeted for regime change under the rubric of the Dulles machine.
Recently declassified CIA reports have demonstrated that among the various scenarios for the CIA run coup in Guatemala, was the possible use of a “big human interest story… like flying saucers” to distract Guatemalans from the US military’s overthrow of their government.
In 1954 while the CIA was engineering the banana coup, Guatemala’s government announced it had learned of the plot. Coup headquarters in FL sent a telegram to CIA’s station in Guatemala w/ advice on suppressing the info; one strategy was to seed flying saucer stories in the press pic.twitter.com/PcQtudEkNk
— 12 Ball (@BoltzmannBooty) July 26, 2023
One advertising executive who joined the psychological warfare department of US intelligence during these early days of the UFO movement was a man named Edward Lansdale.
Lansdale’s Vampires and the Voice of God
“Lansdale was one of the greatest spies in history. His accomplishments were the stuff of legends.”
– William Colby, former director of CIA.
Edward Lansdale had worked for the OSS in the Philippines during WWII and returned to the post under the banner of the CIA in the early 1950s with the mission of subverting the communist guerrillas from toppling a pro-American government of Elpidio Quirino.
Lansdale turned the Filipino Civil Affairs Office into a base for psychological warfare operations and got straight to work profiling the Filipino cultural dynamics in order to find folk-tales that could be used against the guerrillas.
Soon the dead bodies of dozens of Filipino Huk guerrillas and civilians were found hanging from trees across the jungle, drained of blood with tooth marks punctured into their necks. Upon finding their dead comrades, the insurgents scattered in fear believing that the folk-tale of Filipino vampires known as the aswangs were real.
The hundreds of cases of cattle mutilation across America’s Midwest, which began in 1973 featuring murdered cows dissected and drained of blood, might be better understood as an American variant of the Lansdale psychological warfare operation in the Philippines.
Lansdale’s talents were again put to work as an advisor to the French military in Vietnam fighting to keep hold of their colony. Lansdale equipped planes with speakers to fly across the jungles on cloudy days projecting an audio recording known as “The Wailing Soul” featuring conversations between a little girl and the wandering soul of her dead father who had been killed while fighting Americans. Vietnamese funeral music completed the effect.
When the USA replaced France in subduing Vietnam, Lansdale set up the Army’s 6th Psychological Warfare Operations Battalion, continuing to use his illusionist tricks and exploitation of Vietnamese folklore for US geopolitical effects.
Castro Delendo Est
In 1961, Lansdale was again put to work by Allen Dulles in crafting scenarios that could be used to topple the new regime of Fidel Castro. Among the top of his offerings included a project dubbed ‘Elimination by Illumination’ which called for the projection of high intensity lights across the skies of Cuba conveying the second coming of Jesus Christ. With the superstitious Cubans sufficiently polarized, a message from Christ would be broadcast demanding Castro’s overthrow.
The parallels to modern sightings of Christ appearing in the skies of Brazil or “cities from other dimensions appearing in the skies above China, not to mention thousands of other mysterious light shows around the world using advanced holographic technologies should not be treated as disconnected from the psywar scenario promoted by Lansdale over 60 years ago.
During the planning stages of Castro’s murder, Richard Bissell, acting as Director of Plans of the OPC which oversaw a program dubbed ‘Executive Action’ (ie: the murder of troublesome heads of state), had organized teams of sharp shooters to kill the new Cuban president. Although Bissell’s scheme did not find approval with the US government, it echoed the same operation that was to murder President Kennedy a few years later.
This scheme which was to carry out the murder of Kennedy using three teams of sharp shooters was exposed in the 1973 film aptly titled ‘Executive Action’ which was banned from all US theaters in the days after its premiere and only made public again in 1989.
MK Ultra’s leading scientist, Sidney Gottlieb, was even commissioned by Dulles to generate a plan to spike Castro’s cigars with psychedelics in a bid to film him going insane on national live television. This too, did not find approval with the Kennedy administration.
General Lyman Lemnitzer (head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) was also involved in this scheme and shortly afterwards presented Operation Northwoods to Kennedy calling for an attack on an airplane purporting to carry on it American civilians and blaming the Cuban government as an impetus for an invasion of Cuba. After Kennedy read this report, he promptly fired Lemnitzer. In less than a month, Lemnitzer found himself hired as Supreme Allied Commander of NATO and there interfaced with unreconstructed WW2 fascists under the aegis of NATO’s Secret Armies dubbed Operation Gladio.
Richard Bissell’s involvement in this renegade intelligence operation to kill Castro is especially interesting considering he was simultaneously acting Director of the Office of Science and Technology for the CIA, where he oversaw the integration of the CIA, Air Force, and private contractors like Lockheed Martin into a single machinery, which was later dubbed ‘The Military Industrial Complex’ by Eisenhower in 1961.
Bissell had carried out this integration while acting as the founder and overseer of the Area 51 Air Force base in Nevada.
From its earliest days in 1955, experimental aircraft like the U2 rocket, early drones, and even flying saucer technology were tested in the Mojave Desert under the veil of cold war secrecy. Area 51 was one of dozens of military ‘above top secret’ facilities overseen by the CIA and Air Force throughout the USA, which included sites in Roswell New Mexico, Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton Ohio, Plant 42 in Palmdale, the Dulce air base in New Mexico (to name a few).
The severe veil of secrecy over Area 51 (which was only officially admitted to exist by the CIA in 2013) created a climate ripe for speculation and disinformation narratives.
President Kennedy Breaks the Rules
When President Kennedy discovered the scope of the CIA’s renegade operations to enmesh the USA into a war with Vietnam, Cuba, and the Soviet Union, he responded by carrying out a purge of the CIA’s top brass including CIA director Allen Dulles, CIA deputy director Charles Cabell of Project Bluebook fame, and CIA Director of Plans Richard Bissell in November 1961.
President Kennedy had also moved against the CIA’s program to enmesh the United States in Vietnam while turning the United States into an imperial tool of regime change. On October 11, 1963, Kennedy passed National Security Action Memorandum 263 to begin a phased withdrawal of US troops from the new war in Vietnam which Dulles’ CIA had prepared for years. It was during this time that the president stated that he would “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds”.
On September 20, 1963, President Kennedy delivered a groundbreaking speech to the United Nations calling for an end to the Cold War age of Mutually Assured Destruction by introducing a new paradigm of cooperation between Russians and Americans.
Kennedy understood that unless a positive mission based on creative discoveries and win-win cooperation could be accepted by the Russians, then it were only a matter of time before imperial thinking would lead the world towards thermonuclear war.
Unfortunately, only four weeks after Kennedy’s offer for US-Russia space cooperation and three weeks after calling for ending the war in Vietnam, the president was murdered.
With Kennedy’s murder, followed by his brother’s murder only five years later, the deep state takeover of the USA proceeded much more aggressively.
The Rockefeller Project, Drugs and Alien Disclosure
The 1970s were a time of both truth and also darkness for the United States. It was during this time that the republic had been usurped by an organization led by David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and Zbigniew Brzezinski dubbed ‘The Trilateral Commission‘.
The outline for the Trilateral Commission’s mandate had already been set into motion by the earlier Rockefeller Commission Report of 1956 whose contents largely remain classified to this day. This report was organized by Nelson Rockefeller, was financed by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and featured four panels outlining America’s role in the emerging New World Order.
Despite the classified contents of the report, a sanitized version was made available for public consumption in 1961 under the title Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports where the authors wrote of “the opportunity before America in helping to shape a New World Order”.
This panel was managed not only by Nelson Rockefeller but also featured Time Magazine’s Henry Luce and founding members of the Trilateral Commission that was to form in 1973 such as David Rockefeller, and a younger analyst receiving his earliest assignments, Henry A. Kisinger.
Another leading member of this commission was Laurence Rockefeller, President of the Rockefeller Brothers’ Fund from 1940-1981 who directly oversaw the committee’s financing and also led the second panel (with Henry Kissinger, Luce, and his brother Nelson) on the topic of ‘International Security Objectives and Strategy.’
It is noteworthy that another member of this panel was Hadley Cantril, whom we met earlier as co-director of the Rockefeller Foundation-funded War of the Worlds Broadcast in 1938.
When the Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 under the influence of David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, a full overhaul of US foreign, domestic, and military policy was undertaken with the intention of bringing about a post-nation state world order.
In the manifesto for the Trilateral Commission titled Between Two Ages: America in the Technetronic Era, Zbigniew Brzezinski (National Security Director of the USA under Carter) stated:
“The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multi-national corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state”.
This view was echoed by the Trilateral Commission Task Force Report of 1977 dubbed Toward a Renovated International System which stated:
“The public and leaders of most countries live in a mental universe which no longer exists – a world of separate nations – and have great difficulties thinking in terms of global perspectives and interdependence … The liberal premise of a separation between the political and economic realm is obsolete.”
Laurence Rockefeller’s Disclosure Project
David Rockefeller’s other brother, Laurence Rockefeller, was known until 1992 as ‘America’s leading conservationist’ having founded the American Conservation Association in 1948 as a parallel branch to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature founded the same year by Sir Julian Huxley in Britain.
Earlier, Laurence had been the President of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (from 1940-1981) and sat on the board of the New York Stock Exchange.
During this time, Laurence would have overseen the financing the Princeton Radio Research Institute’s War of the Worlds Broadcast which was very much connected to the new role he was to play starting in 1992.
Tune in for part 3 of our series to see how Laurence Rockefeller created the Disclosure Initiative with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and why.
Matthew, you’ve done such a service to yourself and indeed us all with this work.
If part three reflects the first two, it might do well made into a PDF booklet as an invaluable resource to the broader community.
This angle is a very good entry point for a large demographic still lost in the matrix. Not only is it a very strong “red pill”, but you’ve brought your own virgin client base. They will of course, in time, move on to harder drugs such as Corbett and Webb ;D . Absolutely outstanding work, you have my gratitude!
I read the first one and got up to the JFK assassination claims but there’s huge swaths of this that really need citation in order to be taken seriously. For example:
“The real story of Roswell involved the crash of an experimental aircraft being tested out near the Walker Air Force base (which also housed the most advanced fleet of B-29 bombers on the continent) and was featured in three days of news headlines, but soon disappeared from public consciousness.”
Citation to the claimed news story please? Surely if you know this so specifically you could’ve told us exactly which articles these are to back up your claim and it’s kinda embarrasssing that it’s not. Stuff like that is found throughout the articles and though there’s ample citation to back up that, yes, in general, the CIA has used UFO ideas to manipulate people, there’s a whole lot of specific things claimed in these articles that readers are expected to just take on faith I guess? because you don’t back them up. Unless I’m really, really missing something here.
The fact that some of the citations are just to twitter posts and movies also made me just stop reading. I don[‘t even doubt that you’re correct, I was just surprised at how broad and specific the claims were yet how sparse the source material seemed to be for many of them.