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A Century of UFO Psyops Exposed Part 1: From War of the Worlds to Laurence Rockefeller’s Disclosure Project

“To exploit enemy superstitions, PSYOP personnel must be certain that:
a. The superstition or belief is real and powerful and b. They have the capability of manipulating it to achieve results favorable to the friendly forces.”

-Psyop Policy 36: the Use of Superstitions in Psychological Operations in Vietnam, May 10, 1967

Many people have found it more than a little strange that all of the major governmental, intelligence, and space agencies stretching from the Congress, Pentagon, CIA, and NASA have begun to loudly discuss alien disclosure on a regular basis.

What had been relegated to the realm of fringe conspiracy theory, Hollywood films and backroom hotel convention halls for over seven decades has all of a sudden become mainstream news.

Over the past year, news cycles are filled with stories of American F16 fighter jets shooting down Unidentified Flying Objects over Lake Huron, UAP drones flying around cities across the Americas, and Congressional hearings on alien disclosure are given more prominence by CNN, BBC, and Fox News than the danger of World War 3 or the breakdown of our financial system.

Even in Mexico, congressmen are told of petrified 3 foot ancient aliens, looking suspiciously like Steven Spielberg’s ET having been now discovered in Peru.


Honest citizens yearning for truth in a world of lies would be forgiven for thinking that this coordinated messaging across trans-Atlantic media and government agencies was either designed to deflect our mind’s attention from other matters… or was part of a darker agenda.

Do you believe these claims or do you remain skeptical? How should you decide what to believe?

To begin to answer these questions, it will be useful to go back in time to the early days of WW2 and a radio broadcast of a story written by Herbert George Wells.

War of the Worlds and a War on Your Mind

It was the evening of October 30, 1938 and a new World War had just begun across the Atlantic ocean when American citizens listening to CBS radio heard the voice of Orson Wells narrate the story of Martians attacking American cities leaving thousands dead. Using the format of a live radio news broadcast, this adaption of The War of the Worlds induced frightened Americans to panic and race into the streets of New York that evening believing that the end of the world was nigh.



The War of the Worlds broadcast was organized by CBS and a new organization called the Princeton Radio Research Project funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The War of the Worlds was a story written four decades earlier and serves as one of the earliest examples of science fiction portraying a world overrun by an alien invasion from Mars and has been portrayed in numerous movies, books, and television shows over the last century.

H.G. Wells was no mere science fiction writer, but a leading grand strategist of the London Fabian Society which had been created by self-professed elitists in 1884 as a platform to advance a new global secular religion of collectivism under the scientific management of global governance.

Wells was also an early propagandist with British Intelligence’s Propaganda Bureau during World War I, and while he is most famous for his works of science fiction, his most important thoughts can be found in his many works of non-fiction. Especially his Open Conspiracy: Blueprint for a World Revolution (1928) and The New World Order (1940).


In his Open Conspiracy: Blueprint for a World Revolution (1928), Wells wrote of the new system of faith required to replace the obsolete age of Christianity which caused the minds of citizens to become too unruly and inclined to resist a new world order while also embracing their sense of nationalism, family, and of course sense of God. Wells wrote:

“The old faiths have become unconvincing, unsubstantial and insincere, and though there are clear intimations of a new faith in the world, it still awaits embodiment in formulae and organizations that will bring it into effective reaction upon human affairs as a whole.”

When it came to the ultimate purpose of this new age of world government, Wells was explicit that the abolishment of private property was an absolute pre-condition for the remolding of human nature into something more befitting a collective hive of obedient serfs. In his New World Order written in 1940, Wells said:

“Collectivisation means the handling of the common affairs of mankind by a common control responsible to the whole community. It means the suppression of go-as-you-please in social and economic affairs just as much as in international affairs. It means the frank abolition of profit-seeking and of every device by which human beings contrive to be parasitic on their fellow man. It is the practical realisation of the brotherhood of man through a common control”.

Wells’ “Common Control” was outlined in the form of a World Brain that would control all information and acceptable definitions and symbols used to direct the behavior of the masses of humanity in his imagined beehive.

The End of WW2 and the Rise of Cybernetics

By the end of World War 2, a new branch of science emerged out of the US Air Force sponsored by the Josiah Macy Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation. This new science was known as Cybernetics, and was founded by a protégé of Lord Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) named Norbert Wiener (1894-1964).

Norbert Wiener

In actual fact, the radar defense system which Norbert Wiener worked on was itself shaped by British Scientist Sir Henry Tizard, Chairman of the UK Defense Research Policy Committee, Foreign Secretary of British Royal Society (1940-45), and President of Magdalena Collage Oxford. In 1940, Tizard headed the scientific mission to Washington where he worked closely with British Ambassador to the USA, Lord Lothian.

Describing the mission, The Smithsonian Institute writes: “If there was a singular moment that defined the transfer of knowledge from abroad that enabled the Allied victory, it was a series of meetings in September and October 1940 that occurred at the Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC, between American military officials and a team of British scientists and technical leaders headed by Sir Henry Tizard, known as the Tizard Mission.

Under Tizard’s influence, jet propulsion systems and microwave radar were transferred to American scientists along with integrated management systems for scientific planning.

It took a year for this seed to mature into the joint US-British Manhattan Project that saw the largest array of scientific work ever organized around a centralized management system.

Due to the war and ongoing fear of espionage, secrecy was the norm and rarely did any one group of scientists have any idea what another group of scientists was doing. Yet out of this integrated system that sought the same atomic bomb that H.G. Wells wrote about in his 1914 World Set Free also saw the application of Tizard’s radar systems that for the first time could pick up flying objects far beyond the reach of human eyes.

Norbert Wiener’s new “science of control” emerged out of his efforts to use the information picked up on radar to shoot down enemy rockets and other aerial vehicles. The problem was simple as it required radar operators to 1) receive the information of incoming missiles or enemy aircraft and then 2) calculate where the enemy object would be as quickly as possible to then 3) program anti-aircraft artillery to shoot at the target. This three-fold process became known as ‘feedback loops’ to and from a central command.

While this systems management worked well in war, and had obvious benefits for the development of digital computers, Wiener and his patrons went much further and extended this mode of analysis onto all of humanity.

The logic was that humanity could also be treated as a computer system organized according to feedback loops, symbolic logic, and information interpreted by expert programmers.

By 1946 this new science of cybernetics was advanced enough to see its application across government, educational, and military departments in the form of ‘systems analysis’ and systems planning. Wherever this reform took place, agencies were re-organized, compartmentalized, and made to operate under the control of highly centralized nerve centers of executive committees that would have the sole right to “see” what the systems were doing under their influence.

The earliest of the organizations to emerge based on cybernetic principles was known as the RAND Corporation.

Military Intelligence, RAND and the New Folklore

RAND corporation was the first think tank established as an outgrowth of the US Army Air Force in late 1946 which saw the intersection of specialists from universities, intelligence, military, and the private sector. The idea behind RAND was to remove policy making from elected leaders using their individual judgement, and instead have “scientific” decision-making managed by expert technicians.

This meant using statistical probability theory to craft policy proposals dealing with every single facet of human life… from war, educational reform, space policy, and economic planning. Everything could now be modelled using binary computer models receiving information and generating scenarios that would 1) tell us the future trends of systems and 2) influence systems according to the desires of experts.

RAND would be given legitimacy by the roles played by two leading generals: Lauris Norstand (then Assistant Chief of Air Force Staff) and Major General Curtis Lemay.

Robert Stanton (1908-2006) would be RAND Corp’s first director, President of CBS, member of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), and manager of the War of the World’s psychological experiment of 1938 where he co-directed the Princeton Radio Research Project.

In this function, Stanton worked closely with another Rockefeller asset named Hadley Cantril (1906-1967) who co-directed the Princeton Radio Research Project.


One year after overseeing the War of the Worlds social engineering experiment with Stanton, Cantril was made the American agent for British Security Coordination (BSC) under MI6 operative William Stephenson (aka the Intrepid) where he oversaw the creation of Camp X in Canada and the early integration of American Intelligence operations with British Intelligence prior to the US engagement in WWII.

The BSC operated out of Rockefeller Plaza in Manhattan and served as the coordinating center of the largest British subversion of US intelligence to this day with Camp X serving to train Americans in the black arts of British psychological warfare, forgeries, mass manipulation, counter-intelligence, and assassinations.

During the 1940s-1950s, Hadley Cantril had also pioneered public opinion polling systems to assist in social manipulation and cybernetic systems control.

First in 1940, Cantril headed the Institute for International Social Research with Rockefeller Foundation funding.

That same year, Cantril co-founded the Office of Public Opinion Research at Princeton with a $90,000 grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.

In 1941, George Gallup (a close friend of Nelson Rockefeller) and Cantril were employed by the Rockefeller Brothers fund to set up The American Social Survey, and in 1955, Cantril set up the Research Council Inc with Lloyd Free (Secretary for the Rockefeller Communications Group).

As was later revealed in the work of Frances Stonner Saunders in The Cultural Cold War, the Rockefeller Foundation (along with the Macy Foundation that did the most to advance Cybernetics into maturity) were fronts for CIA funding.

You might be asking:

“Why this focus on public opinion and surveys from the Rockefeller machine?”

The answer is simple.

Democracies are highly influenced by the opinions of the people, but how can that will be measured or even influenced in order to have outcomes desired by social engineers? How is polling used to encourage citizens to adapt to correct ‘popular opinions’?

As Cantril’s MI6 boss William Stephenson later stated:

“Great care was taken beforehand to make certain the poll results would turn out as desired. The questions were to steer opinion toward the support of Britain and the war… Public Opinion was manipulated through what seemed an objective poll.”[1]

Under Robert Stanton, RAND Corporation published a revealing report on April 14, 1950 titled “Exploitation of Superstitions for Purposes of Psychological Warfare” outlining the need to identify superstitions and folk lore in target populations around the world in order to manipulate the masses. The report’s author wrote:

“What types of superstitious appeal will be best adapted to the various audiences to be propagandized? A study of local superstitions as related in popular folk lore might be profitable in providing answers to these questions.. What superstitions are peculiar to Eastern Europeans, to Russians, to the various nationalities of the Soviet Union? What superstitions are prevalent amongst peasants, among combat troops or airmen, among civilians? What evidence is there that given members of the enemy elite are addicted to certain kinds of superstitions?”

The report astutely noted “it seems likely that superstitions flourish in an atmosphere of tension and insecurity”.

UFO Sightings Capture the Public Imagination

Germany’s Flying Saucer Program

Despite the fact that much information has been suppressed to this day, it is known that as early as 1937 German aerospace engineers working under the Nazi’s Peenemünde Army Research Center had developed a large department to explore new designs for aerial vehicles that would overcome certain limitations in conventional aviation and rocketry.

What came to be known as “flying discs” satisfied several engineering challenges by creating designs that would be very difficult to capture on radar, while also overcoming the drag caused by the motion of air sheets moving across the wings of planes.

In 1936, Professor Ludwig Prandtl at the Aerodynamic Research Facility of Gottingen proposed the first solution to a problem known as the ‘The Bounded Layer Effect’ which had been preventing the development of supersonic flight. Prandtl did this by introducing circular wings which provided a partial solution… but didn’t resolve the problem.

In 1939 Professor Prandtl’s designs were picked up by Dr Alexander Lippisch who designed a new form of suction technology which absorbed external air into the operation of the aircraft which also involved Prandtl’s circular wings.


This design was dubbed ‘J1253’ and was tested at the Gottingen wind tunnel in 1941.

Rocket scientists Rudolf Schriver and Otto Habermohl officially called these designs the ‘Flugschreibe’ or flying discs.

Soon, breakthroughs were made as Dr. Heinrich Miethe and the brilliant Italian engineer Guiseppe Bellonzo, both experts in fluid dynamics, began designing rotating circular aircraft that would allow for high degrees of maneuverability, speed, and the utilization of hypergolic fuels developed by Germany during the war — these were fuels made up of liquid, powder, dust, or gas substance that combust upon combination.

These early German flying saucer designs may have even provided the solution for overcoming the sound barrier without the typical sonic booms caused by conventional aircraft.

One prominent member of the Peenemünde team was the Austrian scientist Victor Schauberger.

Viktor Schauberger whose innovative designs for implosion, flying technology utilizing water currents, and electromagnetism to generate flying machines played an important role within Peenemünde,

Soon, Schauberger found himself, like so many other German scientists, absorbed into America’s secret post war science program through such operations as Project Paperclip.

By 1952, Schauberger had found himself involved with Canada’s Avro Arrow program which sought his designs for supersonic nuclear missile delivery aircraft.

As the story goes, when he discovered that his work would only be used for military purposes, Victor Schauberger, pushed back and, over the course of several months, his patents were essentially stolen, and he returned to Austria, only to die five days later.

Shauberger’s grandson described the injustice that beset the great scientist saying:

“In the end, my grandfather signed a contract in which he transferred the rights to all his ideas, all his patents and thoughts, to an American consortium just so that he could fly back home again. And as you know five days later, after he was back home, he died.”

After many of Peenemünde’s scientists were absorbed into the Anglo-American secret science apparatus after WW2, their designs disappeared and cutting-edge innovations fell under a veil of secrecy…

Despite the secrecy, important evidence into the continuation of flying saucer designs after 1945 can be gleaned by such declassified programs as the ‘American Silver Bug Project’ and Avro Arrow’s Project 1794.

Images of some of the prototype saucers that survived the purges of 1945 can be viewed here.

Other advanced models of aircraft begun during the war include the Vought ‘Flying Flap Jack’ V173 fighter jet developed by Charles Zimmerman in 1942 with a flying disc design, and the Horton H IX turbojet fighter-bomber:


A declassified CIA report from May 1953 laid out the work on flying saucers begun by German aerospace engineers under Germany’s Ministry of Armaments chief Albert Speer. The CIA report noted that construction on flying saucers had continued after 1945 under Canada’s Avro Arrow and the Soviets (though didn’t make mention of the USA).

The Battlefield of the Mind

The fact was that those advanced technologies acquired as the spoils of war needed to be tested…

And testing meant that both civilians living near air bases and even many unvetted military officials would foreseeably notice strange flying craft in the skies.

So, if preventing sightings was impossible, then of course the next best question was: HOW to control the narrative explaining WHAT those witnesses would be seeing?

How could a story be spun that both satisfied the visual evidence of these unexplained aircraft while also incubating the seeds for a new set of sacred stories that could shape humanity’s deepest beliefs about existence in the coming post-national age of world government?

A clue to this answer could be gleaned by the words from CIA director Walter Beddell-Smith, who wrote to the director of the new Psychology Strategy Board of the CIA in 1952 saying:

“I am today transmitting to the National Security Council a proposal in which it is concluded that the problems associated with unidentified flying objects appear to have implications for psychological warfare as well as for intelligence and operations. I suggest that we discuss at an early board meeting the possible offensive and defensive utilization of these phenomena for psychological warfare purposes.”

Beddell-Smith’s words were echoed by the leaders of a new CIA-run UFO investigation commission dubbed ‘The Robertson Panel’ overseen by a Manhattan Project quantum physicist named Howard P. Robertson.

After WW2, Robertson had become a classified CIA employee in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and scientific advisor to NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, where he would have worked in close proximity to none other than Lord Louis Mountbatten.

Following the lead from Sir Tizard’s UFO working Group, the Robertson Panel officially recommended that the Air Force begin to train all personnel to report on UFO sightings.

It also recommended that civilian UFO groups be monitored, “Because of their potentially great influence on mass thinking if widespread sightings should occur. Their apparent irresponsibility and the possible use of such groups for subversive purposes should be kept in mind”.

Here one wonders if the later role of former CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoeter’s role as director of the largest Cold War Civilian UFO group — National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena — had more to do with CIA manipulation of the public and less to do with Hillenkoeter’s devotion to UFO disclosure.

In the Robertson Panel’s final report it was noted that a discovery of extra-terrestrial artifacts “would be of immediate and great concern to not only the U.S.A. but all countries… Nothing like a common threat to unite peoples!”

Radar Deception: CIA+ECM=UFOs

Radar deception techniques were developed in WWII and used to create noise in order disrupt the information received by enemy radar operators. This was known as electronic countermeasures [ECMs].

Another radar deception technology developed during the war was known as radar spoofing which involved creating false objects received by dupped radar operators in the form of ‘ghost aircraft’. The first director of the NSA which worked closely with British Intelligence as the American branch of the Five Eyes was General Robert Samford who described this capability to The New York Times in 1952 when he said: “We are learning more and more about radar… [which is] capable of playing tricks for which it was not designed.”

Dr. Leon Davidson, a leading chemical engineer who worked on the Manhattan Project became one of the most efficient UFO investigators during the Cold War. In 1959 he wrote an essay titled ‘CIA+ECM=UFOs: How to Cause a Radar Citing” where he stated:

“I contend that since 1951, the CIA has caused or sponsored saucer sightings for its own purposes. By shrewd psychological manipulation, a series of “normal” events has been served up so as to appear as quite convincing evidence of extraterrestrial UFOs.”

Dr. Davidson cited a March 1957 edition of ‘Aviation Research and Development’ which read:

“A new radar moving target simulator system — which generates a display of up to 6 individual targets on any standard radar indicator — has been developed … to train radar operators … and for in-flight testing of airborne early-warning personnel… Target positions, paths, and velocities can … simulate … realistic flight paths… Speeds up to 10,000 knots (about 11,500 mph) are easily generated… The target can be made to turn left or right… For each target there is … adjustment to provide a realistic scope presentation.”

In the 1960s, the CIA took radar deception to new levels under Project Palladium, redefining the art of projecting ‘phantom aircraft’ on radar.

Digital Radio Frequency Units are widely used by the US Navy and Air Force and were used to send false signals to Libya in the 1980s as part of a program to overthrow President Qaddafi, under the CIA’s VECTOR program. The plan was to send false signals to Libyan radar that would cause sufficient internal confusion within Libya’s military that a regime change could occur under the cover of chaos. When these plans were leaked to the press in 1986, the plan was discontinued.

But the strategy was picked up yet again when Tehran’s air defenses began picking up ghost aircraft on their radar in 2004 which was part of Dick Cheney efforts to conduct regime change on Iran.

There is ample reason to believe that this technology was used on Iran again in January 2020 when Iranian radar operators detected an incoming missile which their air defense shot down, only to realize in horror that what was destroyed was not a rocket but a civilian airplane.

The CIA Plays the UFO Game

While US government UFO investigations occurred in piecemeal form starting in 1947 under Project Sign (1947), followed by Project Grudge (1949), the most influential government sponsored UFO research project was created in 1949 with the UK’s Flying Saucer Working Party under the chairmanship of Sir Henry Tizard who we have already met.

Tizard’s Flying Saucer Working Party was carrying out the orders of Lord Louis Mountbatten, former Allied Commander of The Pacific Fleet during World War II, who noted the usefulness of a potential alien threat at uniting the world together. Speaking in 1950, Lord Mountbatten stated:

“The fact that they can hover and accelerate away from the earth’s gravity again and even revolve around a V-2 in America shows they are far ahead of us. If they really come over in a big way, that might settle the capitalist-communist war. If the human race wishes to survive, they must band together.”[2]

Mountbatten’s remarks had echoed those made earlier by British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden who stated in March 1947:

‘Sometimes I think the people of this distracted planet will never really get together until they find someone in [sic] Mars to get mad against.’


These ideas were outlined even earlier by H.G. Wells when he wrote in The War of the Worlds: “Did [Martians] grasp that we in our millions were organized, disciplined, working together? …It may be that in the larger design of the universe this invasion from Mars is not without its ultimate benefit for men… it has done much to promote the conception of the commonweal of mankind.”

This concept was again outlined by Wells’ fellow Fabian Socialist in America John Dewey who delivered a speech to an Imperial Japanese delegation in Washington in 1917 saying:

“The best way to unite all of the nations on this globe would be an attack from some other planet. In the face of such an alien enemy, people would respond with a sense of their unity and purpose”.

After Tizard’s report was published in 1950, Air Force General Charles Cabell launched an American version of this program under the name Project Bluebook which operated from 1952-1969 which would be headed by Captain Edward J. Ruppelt for its first three years.

From 1953 until being fired by John F. Kennedy in 1961, Cabell acted as Deputy Director of the CIA under Allen Dulles where the duo oversaw the cultivation of the new UFO myth under the fog of Cold War secrecy.

Dr. Leon Davidson recognized the nefarious role of Allen Dulles as the guiding hand behind the creation of the UFO mythos.

CIA Director Allen Dulles

Davidson understood that this Psyop served a two-fold purpose of confusing Russians about American technology, while also serving to engage in mass psychological warfare with the American people themselves. Writing in his 1962 Open Letter To Saucer Researchers, Davidson said:

“During 1950 Allen Dulles became actively involved with the CIA work on saucers, and saw the psychological impact which they had. He started a plan to build them up as a psychological warfare weapon. Ruppelt’s book clearly shows the steps the CIA took. Project Bluebook was warmed up in 1950-51, Ruppelt was selected by a screening process and groomed for the job of public relations cats-paw (without his knowledge), and a series of ‘incidents’ was planned and carried out involving regular military units, which led to cases considered as authentic evidence of saucers.”

CIA Deputy Director Charles Cabell’s job was made easier due to the dramatic explosion of UFO sightings across the USA in 1952 where 889 sightings were recorded between June to October of that year alone. This was 149 more reports than the Air Force received in total since 1947 when the first popular sightings began to be recorded.

Davidson went on to note that Dulles had been working closely with his friend Carl Jung (an occultist who worked as an OSS agent during the war and a personal guru to Dulles) on this vast psychological operations campaign which strove to revise humanity’s entire identity by re-writing history and religions with Aliens replacing the role which God once played. Davidson wrote:

“It became clear [to me], early in the 1950’s, that the CIA, specifically Allen Dulles, had used legitimate ‘flying saucers’ events […] as a tool in the Cold War. Dulles wanted Russia to waste effort on defences against objects having the extreme capabilities implied by the public saucer stories. […] Dulles also adopted a concept from his old friend Carl Jung, and co-opted the myth that benign aliens have visited Earth for millennia. He used magicians’ illusions, tricks, and showmanship to blend in sightings, landings, and contacts, with the legitimate military test sightings. The public perception grew (from comic book to TV show) that space travel was a real possibility, easing Congressional appropriations for the ‘moon race’ with Russia. Later, Dulles found the saucer believers and their clubs an ideal propaganda vehicle.”

Deputy Director of the CIA, Gen. Charles Cabell

Besides the Tizard report, the singular event which gave the real impetus for the Air Force’s UFO research project could probably be ascribed to the July 1952 Washington DC overflights of two mysterious objects that sounded the alarm bells of a major security breach.

Had the Soviets launched an attack?

Were these objects American classified flying machines or were they something else?

The parallels to the 1951 Hollywood blockbuster hit ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ which saw Martians landing in Washington DC were hard to ignore.

We will examine this question in the next installment of this series (Contrary Messaging By Design)

Read Part 2 HERE

[1] When David Ogilvy, a close associate of Cantril, read a draft copy of The Quiet Canadian (the biography of William Stephenson written by H. Montgomery Hyde in 1963), he wrote to the author saying: “I beg you to remove all references to Hadley Cantril and Dr. Gallup… Dr. Gallup was and still is, a great friend of England. What you have written would cause him anguish – and damage. One does not want to damage one’s friends… In subsequent years Hadley Cantril has done a vast amount of secret polling for the United States Government. What you have written would compromise him – and SIS [MI6] does not make a practice of compromising its friends.”

Matthew Ehret
Matthew Ehret
Matthew is the co-founder of the Rising Tide Foundation. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow at the American University of Moscow, and host of The Great Game on Rogue News. He has authored the the four volume Clash of the Two Americas and in 2022 he co-authored Breaking Free of Anti-China Psyops: How the Cold War is Being Revived and What You Can Do About It.

5 Replies to “A Century of UFO Psyops Exposed Part 1: From War of the Worlds to Laurence Rockefeller’s Disclosure Project

  1. Fantastic article with serious historical insight into the psyop campaign. Explains many levels of the illusion.
    This idea of unity through a common enemy is certainly manifesting though a growing resentment of Zionism. All the obfuscation does seem to be part of a very old exercise in social engineering (Issac, Abraham, Jacob)/ a masonic construction?
    I think we’d do well looking toward the creators and supporters of Zionism to understand the true cunning of these architects at play…. long term thinkers (inter-generational).
    Have we all seen Dave Chappelle’s “Space Jews” skit?

    1. Those involved in manifesting resentment of Zionism? This website is directly involved in doing this and your comments are as well! What is written in biblical testimonies, especially in the New Testament, was edited by humanists claiming to be Christian’s centuries ago. Christ warned of this happening! As far as Freemasonry goes, their involvement goes all the way back to ancient Babylon and the building of the tower with its top in the heavens! Those who long ago claimed to be the “sons of Abraham” (Abram before his name was changed by God) were confronted by Jesus because they did not keep the commandments of his Father. Nothing has changed as the modern day “sons of Abraham” (Abram) do not keep them, nor do they keep the commandments Jesus gave. They “go their own way” and do their own will, which is the will of “their father, the devil” as Jesus said.

  2. With the incredible advances in a range of technologies since the start of the 4th industrial revolution the ability to deceive humanity is at a level that has never existed! With this in mind the following is of extreme importance! “The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved. Therefor God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

    1. Yes my friend, most people can’t discern the spiritual side of this evil agenda, not even the author of this excellent article.

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