In the most inhumane way imaginable, Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank village of Beit Ummar shot dead an innocent 11 year old child, then attacked the same village during the day of the funeral, killing a young man. Just another day living under brutal military occupation, but one that you would never know about if you only followed Western mainstream media.
On Wednesday, an 11-year-old Palestinian boy named Mohammed Al-Alami was shot and critically wounded by Israeli occupation forces whilst sitting in the back seat of his parent’s car. The shooting, using live ammunition, occurred at the entrance to Beit Ummar village, close to the main city of al-Khalil (Hebron, in Hebrew) in the West Bank. Mohammed was quickly rushed to the hospital and was later declared dead, with a bullet injury inflicted to his chest. As usual, there has been no accountability for the soldier who shot little Mohammed, nor will there be.
The Israeli army killed Mohammad Allami 13 years old from beit Omar city in Hebron. He was in his fathers car.
— Issa Amro عيسى عمرو 🇵🇸 (@Issaamro) July 28, 2021
The following day, as Muslims are required to have a quick burial, the funeral for Mohammed took place. One of the young men from the village, Shuakat Khaled Awad, who was pictured at Mohammed’s funeral just hours before, was also shot and killed. The 20-year-old’s murder came as Israeli occupation forces stormed the village provocatively coinciding with the funeral. Young men quickly ran to confront the Israeli military with stones and were shot at with live ammunition, causing at least 10 injuries, one of which was serious.
Also, that same day, Israeli occupation forces were caught on security cameras raiding the Ramallah office of ‘Defense of Children Palestine’, illegally stealing documents.
Video surveillance footage from inside the DCIP office shows Israeli forces breaking down the door at 5:15 a.m. The Israeli soldiers moved through the office confiscating computers, laptops, and files, and then cut the closed-circuit television camera feed at 5:27 a.m.
— Defense for Children (@DCIPalestine) July 29, 2021
Brad Parker, a senior adviser for the NGO, said on Twitter:
“Israeli forces raided our @DCIPalestine main office in Ramallah today around 5 a.m., confiscating computers, laptops, and files concerning our Palestinian child detainee clients in the Israeli military courts. We were not informed of the reason for the raid.”
Breaking: Israeli forces raided our @DCIPalestine main office in Ramallah today around 5 a.m., confiscating computers, laptops, and files concerning our Palestinian child detainee clients in the Israeli military courts. We were not informed of the reason for the raid.
— Brad Parker (@baparkr) July 29, 2021
The day prior to this, Israeli forces shot dead an unarmed 41-year-old man, Shadi Salim, in the village of Beita, near Nablus. That makes it three innocent civilians killed in three days and there has been no critical coverage of these events in Western media outlets.
If Israelis are killed by Palestinians, whether they be soldiers or civilians, the Western corporate press is sure to cover it. In fact, most people working in Western press who have covered Israel-Palestine certainly know the names of all the Israeli soldiers taken captive by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. But other than on the rare occasions, like was the case immediately after the 11-day military assault on Gaza in May, we almost never hear the names of Palestinian children killed. Most all Western journalists working for Mainstream media organisations, even the ones based in Jerusalem, likely cannot name a single Palestinian child killed in the past months – but they can name kidnapped soldiers.
The fact of the matter is, in the Western mainstream media today, the large majority of journalists sent to cover Palestine-Israel are based in West Jerusalem. This half of Jerusalem is set up like a Western city, completely disconnected from reality, and the journalists sent there are rarely ever experts with any knowledge of the Arabic language. They are sent there to do the job of the establishment, stay in cushy apartments, and get their talking points from Israeli fixers, colleagues at their networks, and/or the internet.
When these journalists do enter the occupied territories, they have no grasp of what is actually going on around them and of course cannot communicate with most of the people living in the communities they visit. So it is no surprise that they so easily carry such biased takes and an amateurish level of knowledge on the very topics they cover. What is unforgivable, however, is that they act as the purveyors of truth on the conflict to the rest of the Western world, and despite having not the slightest clue what they are talking about, presenting themselves as authorities on the topic.
The distortion of facts on the ground in occupied Palestine is beyond disgusting and is an impediment to the works of real experts, analysts, historians and journalists who specialize in the field. It is often these wealthy pseudo-intellectual journalists who are perpetuating the narrative of Orientalism as it pertains to Palestine. However, they often believe that what they are doing is correct, when it is some of the most racist white-washing of an oppressive regime that is going on today.
Thanks for this, a true journalist doing true journalism, sadly becoming very rare
Robert Inlakesh,
God bless you for making your coverage of developments across the Middle East available to TLAV. I usually do not see this elsewhere, except for intermittent crisis. We also only intermittently hear of the developments (u.s. coups) in African countries. does present news, history, and the u.s. interference in African states – especially with Ann Garrison. I don’t keep up.
Vanessa Beely and Richi Medhurst cover Syria. I don’t keep up.
Latin American Countries are covered by independent outlets, depending on crisis or election. There are always crisis and elections. The u.s. is focused on attacking Cuba, once again. (u.s. “sanctions” are Terrorism, not against one city or province, but the whole country. And we are “terrorizing” many countries.
Why are those countries not sanctioning the u.s. ?!
I’m not sure when I became aware of the u.s. supported war on Palestine. But The Religious Society of Friends Meeting I attended in the 1990’s was focused on Palestine and Central America. Good people were trying to do so much, I believed those situations would get better.
Instead, much has gotten worse. AND we now have a Nato base off Virginia. (Corbett Report) For the first time, a foreign military base is occupying the people of the u.s.
Oops! I did just say the u.s. deserves to be sanctioned (& held accountable). However, I did NOT mean by Nato!! That’s still the u.s.
From the two atrocities your article covered I continued reading @rvilkomerson on twitter. &@DrHananAshrawi: “This is not war; it is cold blooded murder.” I followed up at with B’Tselem articles. Anguished Interviews with families.
Another victim in same time period, a different IDF murder, 41-year-old Shadi Lutfi Salim, a plumber. He was murdered in cold blood at work – for carrying an “iron bar”. (He was carrying his wrench toward a main faucet. There were witnesses.)
Another Israeli Military Cover Up: “The Negligent Killing of Six Gazans During Recent Conflict” (including babies). The IDF claimed it was just a mistake. The ordeal of the victims is covered in detail, person to person. Searching while bombing still going on for family members – finding body parts.
At my age, I have been to many funerals, but to date, no funeral has been attacked by an occupying army. Something to think about.
I went to and read about the Israeli State’s propaganda war against Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. WOW, Big Deal. If I can find their ice cream I’ll buy it! And email them.
More Settler atrocities on +972. Not long ago, Max on did a very deep dive on these settlers.