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Denis Rancourt Interview – The COVID-19 Illusion: Biological Stress-Induced Bacterial Pneumonia

Joining me today once again is Denis Rancourt PhD, here to discuss his newest study breaking down the illusion that is COVID-19. We review his previous work on the topic highlighting how it is a clear mathematical possibility for a government to use preexisting illness numbers and conflate them with a current focus, combining that with false positives from PCR tests and deadly treatments (pre-COVID injection), all to create an illusion of a “novel” illness — whether a virus was ever there to begin with, or exists at all. We also discuss the (very well known) deleterious effects of lockdowns, masks, and of course the very deadly modRNA injections, and how all of these only added to this illusion when their effects were also conflated with the ever-shifting claims of the alleged “COVID-19” symptoms. We then discuss Denis’ recent research around the idea of what’s called “biological stress-induced transmission-less bacterial pneumonia” and the profound impact this has on the entire conversation, and to a degree, even bridges the gap between those who believe in terrain theory and those who believe in germ theory. 


Source Links:

(18) Denis Rancourt on X: “What the declared pandemic was and was not Abstract: The declared COVID-19 pandemic was not what we are generally told by all sides. The immunology, clinical and virology narratives are largely disconnected from objective reality ascertained from mortality statistics and” / X
410 – Gone
Wayback Machine
(100) Opinion: What the declared pandemic was and was not
What the declared pandemic was and was not
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(32) Denis Rancourt (@denisrancourt) / X
Home – Denis Rancourt
Denis Rancourt | Dissident Voice
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Denis Rancourt Interview – Experts Banned From Research Publication For Challenging COVID Narrative
Stephanie Seneff/Denis Rancourt Roundtable – Glyphosate, mRNA & Spike Proteins Destroying Your Body
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Denis Rancourt Interview – How A Deep Dive Analysis Of COVID Data Reveals A Pandemic Did Not Occur
Denis Rancourt Interview – Data Proves COVID-19 Is Actually An Illusion
(PDF) Nature of the COVID-era public health disaster in the USA, from all-cause mortality and socio-geo-economic and climatic data
New Tab
Do Masks Cause Bacterial Pneumonia? – The Last American Vagabond
Masks Lead To Bacterial Pneumonia, Oral Thrush, Systemic Inflammation & May Be The Cause Of “Long-Haul” COVID
Chinese CDC Says “Didn’t Isolate” COVID-19, GameStop Fiasco, Revisiting Masks & Bacterial Pneumonia
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(26) Denis Rancourt on X: “BREAKING: Mortality is larger in the vaccinated in the long term, national vaccination-status-resolved data, Brazil Small short-term gain (8%), long term death (200%) << In the medium-term post-COVID period, the risk of death was reduced by 8% for those…” / X
Frontiers | Evaluation of post-COVID mortality risk in cases classified as severe acute respiratory syndrome in Brazil: a longitudinal study for medium and long term
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs – ScienceDirect
Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults – ScienceDirect
Age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly population – ScienceDirect
(PDF) COVID-Period Mass Vaccination Campaign and Public Health Disaster in the USA From age/state-resolved all-cause mortality by time, age-resolved vaccine delivery by time, and socio-geo-economic data
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2 | Circulation Research
Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview – Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines
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COVID-19 Alberta statistics |
(1) The Last American Vagabond on X: “Alberta caught deleting data that exposed the reason behind ignoring all deaths and hospitalizations within the first 14 days following COVID injection. It revealed that almost 80% of both happened in that period. (Over 1 million views on this video)” / X
New Tab
(100) Medical Hypothesis: Respiratory epidemics and pandemics without viral transmission
Did the C19 vaccine kill 17 million? Yes, but how? Not what you think!
Stress in Health and Disease | ScienceDirect
Forty years of stress research: principal remaining problems and misconceptions – PMC
“Stress” is 80 Years Old: From Hans Selye Original Paper in 1936 to Recent Advances in GI Ulceration | Bentham Science
New Tab
(31) Denis Rancourt on X: “It is incorrect and useless to deny “germ theory”. Please stop that. There would not be a “terrain” to talk about, if there were no “germs”. And, yes, the terrain (body) plays a dominant role with viral respiratory diseases. Now stop.” / X
2024-10-29 Germ theory critical excess My present discomfort with absolute denial of “germ theory” – Denis Rancourt
Dr. Andrew Kaufman Interview – The COVID-19 Theory That You Are Not Allowed To Hear – The Last American Vagabond
Dr. Andrew Kaufman Interview – Virus Isolation, Terrain Theory & COVID-19
Dr. Andrew Kaufman Interview – What Is The True Catalyst Behind COVID-19?
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mRNA technology pioneer says Covid-19 vaccinated people can shed spike protein, Twitter says delete this – India Today
Infection of human sweat glands by SARS-CoV-2 | Cell Discovery
mRNA Vaccine Shedding of Spike Protein: Scientific & Clinical Evidence – Vigilant News Network
Infertility Risks Of COVID-19 Injections, Spike Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
Self-Spreading Vaccines, Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccines & COVID Vaccine Menstrual Disruption
Self-Amplifying RNA: A Second Revolution of mRNA Vaccines against COVID-19
Staying Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines | COVID-19 | CDC
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(31) Denis Rancourt on X: “This article kinda seems important, putting Musk in context << As “major Pentagon contractor” Elon Musk attempts to rebrand himself as some kind of anti-establishment rebel, here’s another bit of semi-obscured recent history: On July 2, 2020, Reuters” / X
Tesla’s Vaccine ‘RNA Micofactories’, COVID Jabs Cause RSV & Gates Funded Time Release Microparticles
The Rise of Authoritarianism: From Parasite Stress Theory to Lockstep
New Tab
Pneumonia as a long-term consequence of chronic psychological stress in BALB/c mice – ScienceDirect



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Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

7 Replies to “Denis Rancourt Interview – The COVID-19 Illusion: Biological Stress-Induced Bacterial Pneumonia

  1. Hi Ryan,
    Excellent interview.

    Have a look at these two articles re:Italy

    The first article provides hard data region by region which supports Rancourt’s assertion that there was no spreading pathogen. The second article goes into greater detail re:Italy- Iatrogenic deaths/hospital protocols, Pollution and Chronic Illness, Emergency Measures and Lockdown Impacts on population, Deceptive Reporting, Covid Case Creation, Manufacturing Covid Deaths, Financial Motives etc.

    Italy 2020 – The Preposterous Pandemic

    Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s Ground Zero: Was There Really a Pandemic?

  2. Excellent interview. I always enjoy hearing Rancourt. And I always enjoy the interviews on TLAV.

    Interesting concept about the trauma.

    Although I have felt very strongly about the huge lie this whole nightmare has been, with no doubt in my mind, even I know that I have felt trauma over the past 4 years, from the insanity of the covid protocols to the murder and injury of the injections, which I am happy to call weapons.
    When I feel a cold coming on I do get frightened that it could develop into something respiratory and I could end up the in the hospital. I have heard enough stories about hospital protocols, especially with unvaccinated, that it scares the beejesus out of me.
    Also very interesting what Rancourt predicts vis a vis Russia, Iran, and Brics, and US reaction to it. Makes perfect sense.
    I just spent lovely holidays with 14 nieces and nephews in their 20s and 30s, none of whom have a clue about what has been discussed in this interview. All college educated in the business world. I would venture they are in the majority, so it will be interesting to see what happens in the coming few years.
    Thanks for this interview.

  3. Another great interview, very informative. This will stand the test of time.
    Great work being done by Rancourt and team.
    Huge Thank you

  4. Hi Ryan,
    Excellent interview. I received this as I am on an email list related to Dr Rancourt. However I do not appear to be able to message him by that means (not managed so far anyway). But if I could respond to his words I would say the below:

    Hi Denis,
    As usual a courageous and informative response from you. I just wish to add that with regard to so called “germ theory” I do not think that the adherents claim that Bacteria and Funghi and their related elements cannot cause tissue damage and illness. What they appear to be saying is that they (Bateria/Funghi) do not appear to create transmissable diseases and that the cause of real illness is the “terrain” or body itself and its state of wellbeing. A human body in a weak state is likely to allow microbes of their own comensals to infect themselves. Whilst I am sure that Terrain adherents would also include damage (cuts or puncture wounds) from objects (or claws, teeth also), instruments contaminated by certain bacteria, but that it would come down the the health of the individual as to the outcome. They appear to be claiming that bacertial diseases are not being spread from one person to another as in claims made for all seaonal cold/flus, gasto intestinal illnesses, epidemics and pandemics.
    Of couse, as you point out all the elements that effect health in your work, the power of the mind (belief in transmissible diseases is often enough to create such distress as to create illness in many people), stress/distress in all its forms which increase and decrease in society and individuals depending on personal and social circumstances, diet, air quality, water quality, quality of life. All these issues can impact and create an appearance of illness in many people at a certain time but also the medical/phamaceutical response.
    I think you are aware of all this however, but just wanted to be clear on what “terrain theory” is and what it seems to be claiming as I understand it.
    It would appear that illness is far more complex than the social elite wish us understand and to blame it on a number of microorganisms is advantageous for them from the point of view of social control, profits and passing the blame of all to distress and harm/ violence that they apply to their own people. What a great scapegoat, germs?

    Thank you Dr Rancourt. You are a real blessing to Humanity,. I really mean that.

  5. Don’t forget that single jabbed were counted as unvaccinated and severe side effects of the jab were only counted for a certain period of time as related to the jab – I think it was only 2-4 weeks. Also autopsies were forbidden and data was manipulated in official databases, and still is now. I think, after the event, it might be an impossible thing to say you are purely fact-based…which was the intention of the whole big plan…spreading bio-weapons on a national level could also be the reason when access mortality stops at a border.

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