Since the world is being pushed ever more quickly towards the greatest and most destructive magic trick in history… that is the ‘great disclosure’ of ET collusion with governments using an array of holographic technologies, CGI, media propaganda and ‘insider whistleblowers’, I thought it expedient to write this current essay series as a complement to my ongoing films ‘The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs’.
Not only have Congressional inquiries into ET-government collusion occurred in Washington, Mexico, and the UK in the recent two years, but influencers have been amplified to focus our attention to alien invaders (or saviors) which are preparing to either attack or save humanity.
A recent surprising nudge was even seen in the recent case of the ex-Green Beret Matthew Livelsberger who shot himself in the face and then blew up his Tesla Car in front of Trump Towers in order to bring awareness to the supposed anti-gravity tech used by Chinese baddies in the form of new attack drones which must have been acquired by reverse engineering alien space craft.
In part 1 of this series, you were introduced to the figure of H.G. Wells as the architect of this strategy of psychological warfare and how Wells’ War of the Worlds, World Brain, Open Conspiracy and New World Order became the blueprint for a new world religion featuring alien gods.
In part 2, you were introduced to the origins of the CIA/MI6 management of disclosure initiatives and the crafting of a new sacred myth featuring new origin stories of humankind itself that relied not on God, but aliens engineering the human species.
We have now reached the third part of this series which will feature the conspicuous role of intelligence agents, satanists, and scientologists behind the grooming of the UFO disclosure movement.
The End of the Cold War and the Need for a New Enemy
1992 was an extremely important year in world history.
It was in this year that the Soviet Union dissolved resulting in a unipolar world order. This was the year that the New World Order was proclaimed openly by George Bush Sr., and it was the year that both NAFTA and the European Maastricht Treaty were established giving over national sovereignty to private corporations managed by a non-elected technocratic managerial class. It was also the year that Laurence Rockefeller founded the Disclosure Initiative alongside his niece Anna Bartley (then chairwoman of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund).
The Rockefeller Disclosure initiative had a two-fold purpose:
- Unite all of the largest UFO research organizations in America under one umbrella group, which was promptly accomplished within one year, and
- Massively lobby the Clinton Administration to declassify millions of documents which was done in 1994, revealing little more than mountains of anecdotal testimonies and correspondences.

One of the most pressing UFO topics which Laurence demanded be declassified by Clinton was everything pertaining to the topic of the 1947 Roswell crash made famous by Bill Moore and Berlitz a decade earlier during the time that Paul Bennewitz was being psychologically deconstructed. In 1994 Laurence stated:
“The July 1947 Roswell incident would be a logical and challenging place to start. While much in the public sector has been written about it, the government has had nothing to say about it after the original press release saying that a flying disc had been recovered, was retracted. The public record of this incident has been thoroughly analyzed. Further information depends upon access to classified information.
Many are convinced that Roswell marks the beginning of government secrecy about UFOs. However, whatever the truth of Roswell, a definite statement about it from the government would be very important. If it actually was UFO related, it could be used to start the process of reversing the government’s 40 plus years of denial on the subject. If it can fully be explained as not UFO related, it would be a significant contribution to the field, and perhaps even contribute to more rigor in research on the subject.
If this specific project initiative is successful, it will become an important prototype for the release of all UFO information. Obviously, the means of carrying out this event-related review is up to you. However, to the extent we can be helpful, we want to be.”

During the heyday of the Rockefeller UFO Disclosure Initiative in the early 1990s, the Clintons stayed at the Laurence Rockefeller ranch in Wyoming, during which time an early recruit to the “disclosure mission” was Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta. Podesta, who is now Joe Biden’s chief advisor for clean energy transition, started going public with calls for UFO disclosure in 2002:
Both Hillary and Obama have chimed in on their interest in UFOs with Clinton making disclosure a campaign promise in 2016 and Obama speaking at length about flying saucers on late night talk shows in recent years.
Researchers Brad and Sherry Steiger noted Laurence’s strange enthusiasm in funding both UFO disclosure and psychedelic research. This fact was laid out in their 2012 Conspiracies and Secret Societies where the authors wrote:
“Laurence also funded the Green Earth Foundation, headed by Terence McKenna, who traveled the globe collecting psychoactive plants, which he was permitted to cultivate in Hawaii. McKenna theorized that aboriginal cultures have used these substances to induce a psychic link with extraterrestrials. The Human Potential Foundation was primarily funded by Laurence Rockefeller, who encouraged its study of alternative religious and psychiatric/psychological paradigms.”
Considering the fact that today’s UFO disclosure movement has converged on the very same drug movement launched by the CIA, in the form of popular academics like Graham Hancock who promote Terrence McKenna’s thesis that psychedelic mushrooms act as a gateway to access other dimensions where extra-terrestrial beings exist, this implies that Laurence’s dual promotion of drugs and UFOs should not be seen as coincidental.

During the Clinton White House years, Laurence Rockefeller recruited a bodybuilding physician named Stephen Greer to become the spokesperson for the Disclosure Project which has provided his meal ticket to this very day. Greer has given thousands of interviews promoting the narrative that NASA’s Apollo Lunar projects were stopped in 1972 merely because the aliens who have been stationed on the Moon for eons didn’t want the truth to leak out (but were at least kind enough to let us keep the technology they gave us earlier in Roswell in 1947).
The question an intelligent person should now ask is: Why would a leading figure of the Rockefeller dynasty devote the last decades of his life to the cause of “UFO truth”?
Considering this operation co-evolved with the growth of alien disclosure projects, it is worth questioning: Are Laurence Rockefeller’s roles as UFO disclosure priest and [1] primary sponsor of Terrence McKenna and the Tavistock-connected Human Potential Movement simply two sides of the same operation?
This information should cause even a devoted supporter of psychedelics and ETs to pause for a moment in contemplation that something darker might have been fed to you.
Billionaires, More Spooks and To the Stars Academy
Laurence Rockefeller was not the only billionaire to devote considerable sums of money to the cause of “UFO Disclosure”.
For the past several decades, government-sponsored UFO research has largely been driven by the work of private subcontractors like Bigelow Aerospace which was founded by billionaire real estate speculator Robert Bigelow.

Having recently joined the “new space movement” (i.e: an anti-nation state trojan horse designed to promote a privatized money driven model of space funding) alongside other billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Sir Richard Branson, Bigelow allocated large swaths of his fortunes to the creation of organizations like the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) in 1995 in order to investigate UFOs, paranormal activity, and psychic research alongside the chairman of the NIDS board, Dr. Harold E. Puthoff. Other board members included Colonel John Alexander, Gordon Novel, Bruce Maccabbee, and Jacques Vallée.
In a November 2010 edition of Saucer News, it was reported that Richard Doty (who we met earlier driving Bennewitz insane as a self-professed disinformation operative) was working for Bigelow doing “research and investigations for the prestigious National Institute for Discovery Science.”
Puthoff confirmed that Doty had worked for him saying “There was a period where we were investigating all aspects of the phenomenon. Richard Doty was a contractor for us, as were many other people. Some of his data could be verified, some could not. I happened to like him as an individual.”
Like Laurence Rockefeller, who had poured billions in the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Lab starting in 1979, Robert Bigelow has also become a major patron of para-psychology research, pouring millions of dollars into any scientific research that can demonstrate how humanity communicates with ghosts (or aliens) in other dimensions. This has taken new form with Bigelow’s Institute for Consciousness Studies founded in 2020 to add “life after death research” into this soup of ET research.
For years, one of Bigelow’s biggest assets in the US government was the late Senator Harry Reid who not only received generous campaign funds from the billionaire between 1998-2009 but also allocated tens of millions in national defense funds to his company starting in 2007.

As The New York Times revealed in 2017, it was with Bigelow’s backing, that Harry Reid spearheaded the creation of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program which was devoted to identifying ETs.
The PAATIP was the entity which David Grusch worked for becoming a whistleblower in 2023 and sparking highly publicized congressional hearings broadcast around the world.
In 2014, the creative force driving the “UFO-disclosure cause” has taken the form of a weird organization called To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science run by high level intelligence operatives and using a cardboard cut-out Tom Delonge (former lead singer of the punk band Blink 182) and Dr. Harold Puthoff, the group’s co-founder.
To the Stars has poured millions of dollars into cultural/educational and lobbying projects driven by books, movies, film, and documentaries in the cause of “elevating global consciousness” in preparation for a new age of UFO disclosure.
As Delonge says in his promotional video: “through a series of meetings I was soon connected to a large group of US government officials. From the CIA, to the Department of Defense to Lockheed Martin Skunkworks. These were the guys involved in the secretive government programs that dealt with these subjects.”
Some of the shadowy figures affiliated with To the Stars and featured on the group’s website include a former CIA director of operations, former Deputy Assistant secretary for Defense Intelligence, former Director of Information for White House Technology, and former chief of the CIA’s counter-biological weapons program. Both Podesta and Bigelow’s Aerospace have also worked closely with Delonge’s strange group over the past six years.
The role of Dr Harold E. Puthoff as co-founder of this organization gives us the clearest insight into the nature of this game. Harold Puthoff was a lifelong friend with UFOlogist Jacques Vallée and acquired security clearance for Vallée in 1974 where the two men worked on the CIA’s remote viewing program at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) affiliated with the US Defense Intelligence Agency under the heading of “The Stargate Project”. Other leading figures in the SRI remote viewing project included Pat Price, and Ingo Swann, who along with Puthoff, happened to be high ranking scientologists.

Considering the role Scientologist founder L. Ron Hubbard had to US Defense Intelligence alongside fellow satanist Jack Parsons — founder of JET Propulsion Labs (both members of Aleister Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis) — and considering Hubbard’s devotion to writing hundreds of science fiction novels featuring aliens (which also became the basis of his own synthetic religion), it is noteworthy that Puthoff rose through the masonic ranks of Scientology to achieve the level of Operating Thetan 7 (OTVII) by 1971 while simultaneously working with US intelligence.
Scientologists, Satanists and Mind Wars
One of the “conclusions” which scientologists are meant to arrive at after thousands of hours of auditing and rising through the degrees of initiation, is that everyone on earth is composed of billions of alien entities possessing our bodies, minds, and souls.
These entities were called Thetans by L Ron Hubbard and described at great length throughout his thousands of “space operas” featuring elaborate stories of ancient galactic federations under a dark sith lord named Xenu who sent trillions of evil Thetans to Earth where they were somehow locked in volcanos billions of years ago.
Unfortunately, these Thetans remained loyal to evil Xenu and they went to work shaping the forces of evolution, and even the emergence of humanity, creating religions for primitive superstitious humans across various cultures.
After founding his new sci-fi religion in 1953, Hubbard taught that only those elite scientologists who rise through the degrees of initiation, which he himself designed, would be able to liberate themselves from those entities. As scientologists reach the higher degrees, they are told that they gain powers to make the world bend to their will like a Jedi master and can even astral project across space and time.
However, as Hubbard’s own son (who defected from the church in 1959) stated in a 1983 interview with Penthouse Magazine, his father was always devoted to the belief that he was the anti-Christ — a belief shared by his OTO associate Aleister (the Beast) Crowley:
“Hubbard Jr: …Also, I’ve got to complete this by saying that he [L. Ron Hubbard] thought of himself as the Beast 666 incarnate.
Penthouse: The devil?
Hubbard Jr: Yes. The Antichrist. Aleister Crowley thought of himself as such. And when Crowley died in 1947, my father then decided that he should wear the cloak of the beast and become the most powerful being in the universe.
Penthouse: You were sixteen years old at that time. What did you believe in?
Hubbard Jr: I believed in Satanism. There was no other religion in the house! Scientology and black magic. What a lot of people don’t realize is that Scientology is black magic that is just spread out over a long time period. To perform black magic generally takes a few hours or, at most, a few weeks. But in Scientology it’s stretched out over a lifetime, and so you don’t see it. Black magic is the inner core of Scientology – and it is probably the only part of Scientology that really works.
Also, you’ve got to realize that my father did not worship Satan. He thought he was Satan. He was one with Satan. He had a direct pipeline of communication and power with him. My father wouldn’t have worshiped anything. I mean, when you think you’re the most powerful being in the universe, you have no respect for anything, let alone worship.”

Strangely, in 1987, Hubbard’s son decided to retract his earlier claims writing that the claims of black magic were “no more than wild flights of fantasy based on my own unlimited imagination.”
Was Hubbard’s son telling the truth in 1983 or was he telling the truth in 1987? We will leave it up to the reader to decide.
One piece of evidence which should be considered while deciding whether Hubbard’s son was telling the truth in 1983 is found in a leaked outline for the OTVIII degree drafted by L.Ron Hubbard (written in May 1980) on the topic of the Book of Revelation and the Anti-Christ.
In this scandalous document, Hubbard described the Book of Revelation of the Bible and outlined the ordained age of destruction in which he saw as his role to fulfill as an anti-Christ with a sci-fi twist. Describing an apocalyptic end-times with the dark “Markabian galactic confederacy” returning to earth (which Hubbard explained was the truth of the prophesy of the messiah’s return in religious texts), Hubbard described his role of Antichrist and leader of Luciferian forces in the following terms:
“This Antichrist represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the “light bearer” or “light bringer”), Lucifer being a mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment, the Galactic Confederacy. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief Antichrist period. During this period there is a fleeting opportunity for the whole scenario to be effectively derailed, which would make it impossible for the mass Markabian landing (Second Coming) to take place. The Second Coming is designed, among other things, to trigger a rapid series of destructive events…”
After the OTVIII degree caused friction within the ranks of Scientology over the years, it was retracted from the official course pack and repudiated by official scientology executives. However, former Scientology executives Frank Oliver and Jesse Prince (as well as former high level Scientologist George White) assert the document’s legitimacy.
Did Harold Puthoff have this view of intergalactic demons and his service to Satan in mind when he began his “alien investigations” career in the 1960s?
Again, we can only guess.
Master Li Hongzhi’s Asian Scientology Cult
This synthetic belief structure is not that different from the inter-galactic and inter-dimensional space opera of alien beings possessing our bodies, interfacing with governments and causing all evil as outlined by Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of the Chinese pseudo scientology cult known as Falun Gong in 1991 who professes to use Chi Gong exercises to help followers purge themselves of demonic alien forces. For those who may not be aware, Li Hongzhi lives on a 420 acre estate under CIA protection in New York State and runs a media empire known as New Tang Dynasty with a news branch called Epoch Times (which has made ET-disclosure news a large feature of its work).
In a 1999 interview with Time Magazine, Li Hongzhi described this belief in some length:
Li Hongzhi: “…since the beginning of this century, aliens have begun to invade the human mind and its ideology and culture.
TIME: Where do they come from?
Li: The aliens come from other planets. The names that I use for these planets are different. Some are from dimensions that human beings have not yet discovered… The aliens have introduced modern machinery like computers and airplanes. They started by teaching mankind about modern science, so people believe more and more science, and spiritually, they are controlled. Everyone thinks that scientists invent on their own when in fact their inspiration is manipulated by the aliens. In terms of culture and spirit, they already control man. Mankind cannot live without science.”
TIME: Are you a human being?
Li: You can think of me as a human being.
TIME: Are you from earth?
Li: I don’t wish to talk about myself at a higher level. People wouldn’t understand it.
TIME: What are the aliens after?
Li: The aliens use many methods to keep people from freeing themselves from manipulation. They make earthlings have wars and conflicts, and develop weapons using science, which makes mankind more dependent on advanced science and technology. In this way, the aliens will be able to introduce their stuff and make the preparations for replacing human beings. The military industry leads other industries such as computers and electronics.
TIME: Can you describe it?
Li: One type looks like a human, but has a nose that is made of bone. Others look like ghosts. At first they thought that I was trying to help them. Now they know that I am sweeping them away.”
Jacques Vallee and J. Allan Hynek’s Rosicrucian Revival
It should be noted that until the end of 1965 J Allen Hynek played the role of anti-UFO rationalist advancing the most absurd ‘scientific theories’ to explain away thousands of UFO observations made by civilians.
AFTER 1965, however, something strange occurred, as Hynek came out of the closet and became the world’s loudest evangelist of UFO encounters and worked with his student Jacques Vallée to advance the interdimensional ET hypothesis by 1969 as outlined in Vallee’s Passport to Magonia. This 1969 book popularized the notion that ETs were interdimensional travelers shaping humanity’s evolution taking the form of demons, angels, poltergeists, and folk tales of elves, and fairies.
Jacques Vallée was a close friend of Puthoff and Board member of Robert Bigelow’s National Institute for Discovery Science, who has become another hero of the UFO truth movement. Before this, he was an early cyberneticist and was mentored directly by Dr Joseph Allen Hynek at Northwestern University, during which period he became initiated into Hynek’s infamous ‘Invisible College’.
Vallée noted that his mentor had been immersed in theosophical and other occult literature since a young age, leading to Hynek’s decision to base his society on the model of the earlier Rosicrucian occult sect of Britain that largely controlled the Royal Society, British intelligence, and the Hellfire Club for centuries.
In a recent interview, Jacques Vallée, who had been a friend of the Church of Satan’s Anton Levay, described the secretive Rosicrucian order of which both he and J. Allan Hynek were life long members.

The Mystery cult known as Rosicrucians originated in the early 15th century, as a gnostic sect of sorcerers who based their secret teachings on a mixture of ancient mystery cults, sex magic, Hermeticism, alchemy, and Kaballism.
When the Templar Order was discovered to be practicing black magic and worshipping the androgenous demon Baphomet, the Mithraic sect of Crusading mystic warriors was wiped out in the early 14th century. After this crushing, the Rosicrucians became the new conduit for this anti-Christian sect devoted to creating a new order and a new type of humanity under a revived network of pagan deities overseen by necromancers, and high priests.
When Vallée and Hynek began promoting the new gnostic gospel which asserted UFOs to be interdimensional angels and demons, they were merely carrying out a sleight of hand designed to redefine and normalize Satanism by now redefining the practice as interfacing with interdimensional aliens (often with the assistance of psychedelic drugs).
This was not entirely an original idea, as none other than Carl Jung (an OSS Agent during WWII and advisor to Allan Dulles) had thoroughly documented the parallels of Christian demonology and UFOlogy in his 1957 book ‘Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky’ which served as a manual for psychological warfare.
The notion of using UFOs and the growing ET mythos as a foundation for transforming Christians into Alien-worshipping fools had earlier been developed by social psychiatrists working at the Brookings Institute who were commissioned by NASA to draft a study exploring the psychological effect of UFO disclosure on religious fundamentalists.
The Brookings report authors wrote:
“The Christian religion would be particularly compromised by the discovery [of extraterrestrial life] since it makes so much of the Incarnation as an historical event and of knowledge of the good news of Jesus Christ’s Passion, Ascension, and Atonement as the sine qua non of salvation. It would either have to maintain that the Incarnation and crucifixion of the Son of God has occurred on innumerable worlds, or embark on a vigorous missionary campaign of broadcasting the good news throughout the universe. The latter would be a vain effort, for the distant galaxies are receding from us faster than the speed of light and could never be contacted, so their inhabitants presumably would be eternally damned: a fact surely irreconcilable with any idea of Divine Providence.”
While there is no evidence that Vallée was involved with this Brookings/NASA study, it is known that after this formative period within the Invisible College, Vallée went to work for NASA and co-created ArpaNet for the Department of Defense. This would be the birth of the modern internet. Vallée then went on to join Stanford University as the manager of information systems in 1969.

In 1979, Hynek gave a speech at the United Nations co-written by Vallée calling on world governments to create a centralized global committee to investigate extra terrestrials. While that intervention didn’t find much political traction at the time, it did legitimize UFO research in the minds of countless devotees.
This research, often published by mainstream scientific journals like Nature and Scientific American, gave an air of scientific legitimacy to the sorts of concepts that had formerly been treated as fantasy created by Luciferian cult leaders like Hubbard.
MindWars 2.0: A New Age Cult Takes over the Military
While at Stanford, Vallée and Puthoff collaborated closely with Israeli magician Uri Geller who would go onto work as a psychological warfare specialist with the US Military at Fort Bragg and beyond overseeing the growth of a ‘mind wars’ program pioneered by Psychological Warfare specialist Dr John Alexander (author of “The New Mental Battlefield: Beam Me Up Spock”).
Colonel Alexander introduced “non-kinetic warfare techniques” into US military affairs which involved the creation of “psychic spies”, astral projections, and parapsychology. Drugs played a direct role in this operation.
Col. Alexander also worked closely with Col. Jim Channon, innovator of the First Earth Battalion at Fort Bragg (made famous by Jon Ronson’s The Men Who Stare at Goats) which saw soldiers trained in transcendental meditation techniques attempt to align their particles in order to walk through walls, and blow up the hearts of goats with their minds. The idea of creating an elite class of soldiers was actually named the ‘Jedi Warrior Program’.
Alexander’s work also inspired the 1980 military planning paper ‘From Psyop to Mindwar; Psychology of Victory’ which advocated the use of ESP, “telepathic behavior modification, parapyscholgy, psycho-kinesis, remote viewing, etc.” as new weapons in modern warfare. The paper was co-authored by Col. Paul E. Vallely (head of the 7th Psychological Operations Group and later Deputy commander of the US Army of the Pacific) and Major Michael A. Aquino.

In the paper, the duo refer heavily on Col. John Alexander’s work and say:
“MindWar must target all participants to be effective. It must not only weaken the enemy; it must strengthen the United States. It strengthens the United States by denying enemy propaganda access to our people, and by explaining and emphasizing to our people the rationale for our national interest in a specific war…There are some purely natural conditions under which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and MindWar should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic activity, air ionization, and extremely low frequency waves.”
The paper’s co-author, Major Michael Aquino was Anton Levay’s second in command, and in 1975 founded the Satanic Temple of Set. Perhaps it is only a coincidence, but during this time, Anton Levay was also hanging out with Jacques Vallée (see 1970 photo of Vallée and Levay at the latter’s San Francisco home).
Like Colonel Alexander, Aquino was a special forces veteran of the Vietnam war which provided the dehumanizing initiation process for many leading psychological warfare specialists who would play a role in the occult takeover of America after the war’s end.
A similar parallel could be seen in the initiatory process of the Boer Wars launched by Britain against the Transvaal Republic in South Africa from 1897-1902 — during which time a generation of elite satanists, pedophiles and occultists rose through the ranks to become leading figures around the Cecil Rhodes/Milner Round Table movement which drove the takeover the USA during the 20th century.
As Cynthia Chung demonstrated in her essay Dr. Strangelove’s Spoon Benders: How the U.S. Military Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, this takeover of the US Military command by satanists, occultists, and New Age operatives shaped the entire program for the “war against terrorism”, regime change wars, and surveillance state deployed against patriots (dubbed domestic terrorists) in the wake of 9/11.
Dr. John Alexander worked closely with Bigelow, Puthoff, and Jaques Vallée as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Bigelow’s National Institute for Discovery Science, and all four men were also members of the military intelligence cell called ‘The Aviary’ which included Office of Air Force Intelligence psychological operative Bill Moore, who played a leading role in deconstructing the poor Paul Bennewitz (as we saw in Part 2 of this series).
Bill Moore also went on to work for Bigelow’s National Institute for Discovery Science, and Bigelow was also a participant in the same meetings on Laurence Rockefeller’s ranch in 1993 featuring Stephen Greer and Linda Moulton Howe.

Vallée’s work at the Standford Research Institute’s remote viewing and parapsychology research gave some “scientific veneer” to his ‘Multidimensional Visitation Hypothesis’ while gaining a wide array of supporters including Harold Puthoff, J. Allen Hynek, Laurence Rockefeller, and Robert Bigelow. The line drawn between ETs, science fiction, religion, and the occult were now further blurred, as the demons, angels, elves, and other spirits, phantoms, and etheric beings detected by mediums were now united with aliens.
This theme has gone on to shape the popular culture with thousands of books, comics, Hollywood films, and countless shows treating this topic as if under the veil of fiction while blurring the line separating reality from fiction for millions of young people around the world.
The New Independence Day – Fused with Chinese Alien Invaders
In 2019, Jake Sullivan (National Security Advisor to Joe Biden) delivered an interview to The China Project, outlining the need to find an enemy that could unite Americans, akin to the sort of threats that were conveniently available during World War 2 (the Germans) or Cold War (the Commies). In this interview, Sullivan saw aliens and China as the answers to this problem:
“So is there an alternative strategy, and part of the reason that people are so into the idea of turning China into that next great enemy, well there is something in it for everyone honestly. I mean, there is something in it for the people writing articles in foreign affairs…there is something in it for progressives, who want to see much more domestic investment in the US… So, I think that this is the direction we are heading in, because there is something in it for everyone. But that very much concerns me, I would like to say that there is an alternative which is much more focused on a set of threats and challenges that require the United States to rally the world a la “Independence Day” the movie, you know, like aliens are coming…Yeah right, so like I’m thinking, you know, if aliens came down, uh yeah, we’d rally the world and that would be a great story. And I think people would get totally psyched up for it to avoid global annihilation… And just saying, you know what we are going to do to have an organising principle for US foreign policy, it’s gonna be China.”
-An Alternative Vision of U.S.-China Relations with Jake Sullivan – The China Project
Since China appears to have decided to exit the depopulation game in recent years, the 2019 words of Jake Sullivan have taken on a dangerous edge as an accelerated militarization around China’s perimeter has seen a ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ and NATO expansion into the Pacific with both Japan and Taiwan serving as Asian versions of Ukraine.
In early 2023, a new variation of psyops was seen which sloppily began fusing anti-China hysterics with UFOs as American media outlets began warning of ‘Chinese Spy Balloons’ and ‘Unidentified flying objects’ that had invaded US airspace… all in the same breath.
Throughout the rest of 2023 and 2024, the simultaneous growth of anti-China propaganda and UFO propaganda has been deafening, with CSIS-steered public inquiries in Canada positing ‘secret information’ revealing China’s election interference putting CCP puppet Justin Trudeau into power, while also running drugs into North America, and also controlling weaponized immigration flows and secret Chinese super-soldiers entering the USA via the Darian Gap.
While this anti-China propaganda has resulted in countless Americans championing the oncoming war with China, Americans have been bombarded with official Congressional inquiries into US-Alien collusion, reports of aliens over military bases, and hundreds of UAP flights over American cities (which citizens are being told is either an attack by Iranians or ETs).
Certainly the work of Master Li Hongzhi, and the broader US government-funded New Tang Dynasty/Epoch Times machinery he represents has greatly assisted the fusion of anti-China and anti-ET hysteria among a large portion of the western population, who have been led to believe that China’s collusion with evil aliens has resulted in an insatiable desire to milk humanity for our precious organs and bodily fluids. Apparently, Master Li has explained that the organs of Falun Gong practitioners are the tastiest for aliens since they do Li’s Xi Gong exercises.
Conclusion: The Strategic Relevance of Space in Breaking Malthusian Closed Systems
It was never a secret that the post-1971 globalized world order championed by the likes of Sir Henry Kissinger, David and Laurence Rockefeller, was always designed to collapse.
With the mass shock therapy that such a collapse would impose upon the world, it was believed that a deconstruction of the Abrahamic traditions that governed western society for 2000 years could be accomplished and a new society could be socially engineered in the image of the Brave New depopulated World that would live like happy sheep forever under the grip of a hereditary alpha class and their technocratic managers.
The cutting-edge programs launched by JFK were destroyed starting with the collapse of NASA’s budget from 4% of GDP in 1965 to less than 1% only a decade later (See Graph of NASA Funding collapse) and after being gutted of all long-term goals, Apollo was cancelled by 1973 along with the most advanced government programs for fusion power, and nuclear propulsion.
This is an important paradox, since many people today either love NASA entirely and recognize nothing evil about the Nazi-riddled agency at all, while on the other extreme, many Americans who have become aware of occult forces influencing NASA have concluded falsely that the agency is one simplistic evil machine.
The fact is that NASA is a MIXED institution with both good and evil aspects vying for influence. At the best of times, it has been driven by some of the most intelligent, moral patriots, and at other times, by satanists. This nuance is needed to appreciate the systemic sabotage of NASA over the past 60 years.
A small but valiant effort was made to revive a sane space mission based on mutual trust building, scientific sharing, and cooperation.
On July 17, 1975 the first international handshake was occurring in space between Russian Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov and American astronaut Thomas Stafford as the first official act kicking off the historic Apollo-Soyuz cooperative mission. Taking place during the age of nuclear terror on Earth, the Apollo-Soyuz represented a great hope for humankind and was the first ever international space mission leading the way to the MIR-USA cooperation and later International Space Station. Starting on July 15, as both Russian and American capsules launched simultaneously, and continuing until July 24th, the Apollo-Soyuz cooperation saw astronauts and cosmonauts conducting joint experiments, exchanged gifts, and tree seeds later planted in each others’ nations.

As hope for a bright future of cooperation and co-discovery continued for the coming decades with mankind’s slow emergence as a space faring species, affairs on earth devolved in disturbing ways. A new era of regime change operations, Islamic terrorism, and oil geopolitics took on new life in the 1980s, as globalization stripped formerly productive nations of their industrial/scientific potential.
Things were working out according to HG Wells’ wildest dystopic fantasies in 1992. NAFTA and the European Union were rendering the age of sovereign nation states obsolete and an End of History vision for a New World Order… first outlined by H.G. Wells in 1940 was finally announced by George Bush Sr.
The Soviet Union, over-bloated and crippled by a stagnant mechanized system of bureaucracy was not able to avoid a systemic breakdown.
It is commonly understood that a war in Afghanistan, orchestrated by Trilateral Commission leaders like Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel P. Huntington, provided the crisis that pushed the Soviet economy over the edge.
But perhaps more importantly than the Afghan war, the most destructive blow to the Soviet Union came from a Laurence Rockefeller-funded initiative called The Soviet-American Exchange Program… run by a peculiar organization called ‘The Esalen Institute’.
Founded by disciples of Aldous Huxley (Richard Price and Michael Murphy) and working in close alignment with the CIA’s MK Ultra program, Esalen Institute was sold as a retreat that brought artists, business people, politicians, and even members of both the FBI, CIA, and KGB into communion. The week long spas, seminars, and seances focused on parapsychology, occultism, drugs, sex, and psychic phenomenon.
When Michael Murphy created the US-Russia exchange program, the gates were open for Russia’s occultists, cyberneticists, and intelligentsia to spend time at the new age retreat carrying out sacred orgies, drug ceremonies, psychic studies, and other paranormal rituals.
Among influential Russians who attended on Laurence Rockefeller’s dime was soon-to-be Premier Boris Yeltsin, while Premier Mikhail Gorbachev sponsored several Esalen programs in Russia. These were the two Russian leaders who did the most to consciously dissolve the Soviet Union while rendering Russia into a satrap of the CIA, George Soros, and western financial cartels.
After finishing his work as destroyer of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev worked closely alongside Anglo-Canadian oligarch Maurice Strong, co-founder of the World Economic Forum and father of the Modern environmentalism, to spearhead a UN Project dubbed ‘The Earth Charter’ which was a key component of the UN’s Agenda 21 (later re-branded as ‘Agenda 2030’).
The Earth Charter was overseen by Laurence Rockefeller’s nephew Steven Rockefeller and proposed to replace the order of sovereign nation states codified by the 1945 UN Charter, with a new global charter based on the belief that the natural ecosystems had to be protected from polluting nation states.
As Maurice Strong suggested in a 1990 interview with West Magazine, the vision behind this program was nothing less than the controlled destruction of industrial civilization:
“What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group’s conclusion is ‘no’. The rich countries won’t do it. They won’t change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
With Gorbachev’s dissolution of the Soviet Union, America’s military industrial complex lost an invaluable enemy image that had been created in 1945.
Now, an opportunity was created to begin to move aliens from Cold War fetish, into geopolitical reality as Laurence Rockefeller created the Disclosure Project for the Clinton Whitehouse.
Under Clinton and every subsequent President that oversaw the new “War on Terror”, funding for actual space missions were dried up as the generation of real rocket scientists who pioneered America’s space program grew older, demoralized, and retired. A vast amount of living knowledge retired and died with them. The western economic system, once an industrially advanced productive powerhouse, was transformed into a speculative bubble, as the former Warsaw Pact economies of the Soviet Union were privatized and looted to sustain a growing consumer market in the West.
Despite the accelerated death spiral in the Trans Atlantic society which appears intent to embrace a world of de-industrialization, and general war, a new era of space exploration has been revived not seen in over 60 years. In Eurasia, efforts have been made to undo the damage of the Rockefeller destroyers as a prog-growth policy has attempted to purge Russia and China of their anti-industrial oligarchs.
Agreements have been signed by the leaders of both Russia, and China to jointly develop lunar bases with a look towards Mars.
China and Russia have made their priority the mining of lunar resources not only for rare earth elements but especially helium-3 which can fuel humanity’s energy needs for millennia. This positive vision of an age of unlimited growth is a feature once expressed by the West in such better times that President John F. Kennedy challenged us all to leap beyond the limits to growth by aiming for the outer reaches of the solar system. Had an LSD mass psychosis of the 1960s paradigm shift (and JFK’s murder) not derailed that positive view of humanity and the future, then today’s world might look very different.
The impending economic collapse has forced certain uncomfortable truths to the surface: 1) we will get a new global economic and security system soon, 2) that system will be of a closed system/unipolar nature or it will be an open system/multipolar character.
If it is an open system, as JFK had died fighting for 60 years ago, then humanity will have learned that in order to successfully exist within a creative, evolving universe, we will have tied our fates to becoming a self-consciously creative, evolving species locking our economic, cultural, and political realities into this discoverable character of reality.
If the new system is of a closed/entropic order, as certain advocates of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset are proclaiming, then a much unhappier fate awaits our children and grandchildren which would make World War II look like a cake walk.
The deceivers are “many”. There is no one human being that is “The Antichrist”. There are “many” who are “of the spirit of antichrist” which is “at work in the sons of disobedience”. Among them are those who claim to represent Christ, yet they “deny the divinity of Christ” through their actions or words. “Who is the liar but he who denies Jesus is the Christ? This is antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.” (The First Letter Of John, chapter 2, verse 22, RSV, 1952) In plain words, those who deny the Father and the Son are collectively antichrist, or opposed to the words of Christ in their original form and meaning.
I appreciate the work that went into this Matt. I think the military leaders adoption of occult practice is easily put down to being a fundamental part of the psyop. The children of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob aren’t going anywhere and the technocrates were never going to succeed. This angle fuels the psychologically stunted growth of the main organised religious cults in the west because now Christians can say “look Satan is real, therefore Jesus”.
In conclusion the psyop appears directed by the Masonic lodges and is of the problem(Satan), reaction(fear), solution(prophet) type to retain the status quo.
No mention of Astana, the Masonic capital of the world? Concerning the “children of Abraham”, or more correctly the “sons of Abraham”, according to the testimonies written in the versions of the gospels (truths) in the New Testament (RSV, 1952, being one) the words of Jesus “found no place” in those who practiced Judaism, nor in the Jewish leaders who were the “sons of Abraham”. Jesus words concerning them are written in THE GOSPEL OF JOHN, chapter 8, verses 36 thru 47, RSV, 1952 Nothing has changed with their descendants alive today.
Just curious, did you use AI to construct your documentation? Lots of people using advanced AI assistants to rapidly create all sorts of documentation and videos. I don’t.
No. I don’t believe in that
“Of course it is happening inside your head, H̶a̶r̶r̶y̶ [Lance], but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
― Albus Dumbledore
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows