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As WEF Prepares for 54th Annual Meeting International Activist Movements Offer Alternative Vision of 2030

After 54 years of gathering, the World Economic Forum has greatly influenced the direction of the world. Now, people from all walks of life are rejecting their top-down, technocratic vision for the future.

On Monday January 15th, the World Economic Forum will begin their 54th Annual Meeting as hundreds of heads of government, representatives of international organizations, civil society “leaders”, so-called experts, and media outlets gather in Davos, Switzerland. The WEF has announced the theme of their 54th annual meeting: Rebuilding Trust.

Interestingly, this is the same theme they used in 2021. It’s no surprise that the WEF continues their focus on building trust after they have become enemy number one of millions of people around the world since 2020. The WEF says the meeting will “restore collective agency” and reinforce the “principles of transparency, consistency and accountability” among world leaders.

Expected attendees of the WEF 2024 gathering include Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State; Jake Sullivan, US National Security Adviser, as well as representatives from the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

Some of the presidents and heads of state include Li Qiang, Premier of the People’s Republic of China; Emmanuel Macron, President of France; Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission; Javier Milei, recently elected President of Argentina; Han Duck-soo, Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea; Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Spain; Viola Amherd, President of the Swiss Confederation 2024; and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine.

Other globalist representatives include Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund; Ajay S. Banga, President of the World Bank Group, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization; Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary-General of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization.

In the last 2 years, the WEF has promoted the idea of a “polycrisis”, claiming that the world is now contending with multiple crises, including alleged pandemics, climate crises, multiple wars, and economic downturns. For 2024, the WEF is warning that “even as we turn our attention to new crises, the old ones persist”. Always an organization to create new terms or seemingly predict the next trauma inflicted upon the world, the WEF continues by asking if 2024 will “be a period of ‘permacrisis’?”

“At a time when global challenges require urgent solutions, innovative public-private collaboration is necessary to convert ideas into action,” said Børge Brende, President, World Economic Forum. “The Forum provides the structure for developing research, alliances and frameworks that promote mission-driven cooperation throughout the year. Next week’s Annual Meeting will serve as an accelerator of that cooperation, deepening connections between leaders and between initiatives.”

The meeting is organized around four areas, Achieving Security and Cooperation in a Fractured World; Creating Growth and Jobs for a New Era; Artificial Intelligence as a Driving Force for the Economy and Society; and A Long-Term Strategy for Climate, Nature and Energy.

The WEF says they will focus on answering questions like how they can achieve a “carbon-neutral and nature-positive world by 2050” while also providing “affordable, secure and inclusive access to energy, food and water”. The WEF is also focused on how to balance these “trade-offs” while achieving “social consensus”.

To translate from globalist-speak — this means they know that the masses of the world will have to suffer to achieve their vision of a Great Reset, and they are working to figure out how to convince the public so they can achieve “social consensus”.

The WEF also shared a historical look at the organization and their various claimed accomplishments.

The WEF notes that at the 1973 meeting, Aurelio Peccei, the Italian industrialist who co-founded the Club of Rome with Alexander King, presented a speech on his now infamous book “The Limits to Growth”. Alexander King was also responsible for a follow up report released in 1991 titled “The First Global Revolution”. This controversial report includes a section called “The Common Enemy of Humanity is Man”, which contains this often-quoted section:

Some readers have interpreted this statement to mean that the Club of Rome was acknowledging they would use the idea of pollution, global warming, water shortages, and famine to unite humanity behind the idea that humanity is the problem. The Club of Rome and their supporters claim this passage is taken out of context and simply represents their leadership recognizing geopolitical issues which would soon befall humanity.

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.

That was the same year that WEF participants drafted the “Davos Manifesto” which outlined WEF Founder Klaus Schwab’s “stakeholder capitalism” concept.

The WEF goes on to brag that it was their 30th meeting in 2000 where former U.S. President Bill Clinton became the first sitting president to visit Davos. It was at this meeting that the Bill Gates funded Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) was born.

Finally, the WEF acknowledges 2016 as the launch of Schwab’s “Fourth Industrial Revolution” concept. According to the WEF, “Schwab coined the term Fourth Industrial Revolution to describe the far-reaching impact of the digital age”. Schwab wrote about this impact in his 2016 book of the same name, claiming that we are witnessing a transformation of businesses and societies that will propel humanity forward into a completely digital age.

In truth, the WEF agenda will bring about the end of freedom of choice, individual liberty, and bodily autonomy. Thankfully, the world is waking up and realizing that the WEF agenda, and the 4th Industrial Revolution, represents the end of a free humanity.

The World Rejects the Globalist Agenda

While the Davos crowd gathers in Switzerland to plot the future of humanity, more and more activists, academics, indigenous communities, and working class people are pushing back against the idea that we need a technocratic “expert” class to micromanage our lives. Rather than passively watching as the WEF, the WHO, the UN, the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, and their partners transform the world to their preferences, these non-compliant groups are blazing their own trail for the future.

In year’s past activists would spend the week of the elusive Bilderberg Group, or the WEF’s annual gathering, obsessing over what they are talking about. Activists would fly from all over the world to protest and confront the media moguls, politicians, business leaders, and other highly influential players. While confronting those who attempt to wield power is absolutely a necessary task, we have also allowed the Predator Class to dictate our actions. Rather than focus on what WE can do to empower and improve the world, many of us have spent most of our time being reactionary.

This line of questioning is what led myself, John Bush, and a collection of activists from around the world to co-create The Greater Reset Activation. Our hope was that we could organize a 5 day event that would take place one the same days as the WEF’s annual gathering, and even talk about similar topics. Of course, the difference between what they were offering and what we organized was monumental.

Where the WEF would highlight how technocrats and global governments could use their power to remake the world, we would showcase the power of decentralization, localization, and community. Where they sought to imprint the idea that only top down decision making could save the planet, we shared ideas for empowering our local communities to organize themselves.

The Greater Reset will return for the 5th activation on January 17th, once again meeting at the same time as the WEF. I encourage anyone who cares about solutions to tune into the livestream for free, and watch the solutions-focused presentations.

I would also like to acknowledge the Better Way Conference in Bath, England, U.K., and the Next Steps Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.

Both of these events take a similar approach to their meetings by focusing on practical solutions. I was honored to be invited to speak at both gatherings to share about my work and the message of The Greater Reset Activation. Each event was filled with hundreds of people who are desperately looking for practical steps they can take in their lives to feel empowered.

Frankly, people are sick of the doom and gloom of much of the independent media. The viewing audience is quite familiar with how disturbing our world has become. However, they rarely come across journalists, activists, and content creators who are focusing on solutions.

I believe this is changing.

The growth of The Greater Reset, the Better Way Conference, Next Steps, and similar events reflects the growth of the overall Truth and Freedom movements which are intersecting in recent years. While none of us can predict exactly what the next decade looks like, we can see trends that may shape the years to come.

One of the trends I believe will only increase in influence is that of the Activation movement. That is, the section of the overall Truth/Freedom community that is absolutely, sometimes exclusively, focused on solutions for our troubling times. This is because we recognize it’s not enough to be “Awake”. We need to be actively creating the world we want if we know we do not want the globalist’s vision of 2030 and beyond.

Are you ready to move beyond simply being awake or aware of the problems? It’s time to embrace solutions outside of politics and living in fear. It’s time for The People’s Reset.

Derrick Broze
Derrick Broze
Derrick Broze, a staff writer for The Last American Vagabond, journalist, author, documentary film maker, public speaker, and activist. He is the founder of The Conscious Resistance Network, an independent media outlet dedicated to investigative journalism, and the intersection of liberty and spirituality. Derrick is the author of the underground best-seller How to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State. He is also the writer, director, and narrator of the 17-part documentary series, The Pyramid of Power.

5 Replies to “As WEF Prepares for 54th Annual Meeting International Activist Movements Offer Alternative Vision of 2030

  1. Those involved in the truth and freedom movement do not support the true Word of God as revealed by Jesus, The Christ, in whom the Spirit of God was present. To seek to be “independent” and attempt to create a world you want, through one’s own efforts, no matter WHO you are, is enmity with God, period.

  2. Instability does not ever go away when you treat the unit of acCount for the representation of the value contained in other things as though it too is an item of value all by itself. This basic Monetary Illiteracy is never corrected by more of the same.
    “This document is the result of a rigorous control system theory stability analysis of the current world de facto standard currency system and identifies a root instability in the form of the growth component of Debt associated with the money creation process. It first establishes the inherent instability of Common Lending Practices (application of interest). Then the analysis further charts the logical consequences of said root instability as it affects the economy as a whole and identifies how it provokes a systematic divergence between debt and value attributed to wealth in past cycles with the minimum value required in current and future cycles as those incorporate past unpaid debt i.e. systematic compounding of debt. It also identifies how the only means available within the system design for staving off inflation is through the continued contribution of collateral wealth as guaranty for the creation of new principal debt money commensurate with past debt growth. Finally it illustrates that compounding debt inevitably leads to a point where an inability to provide new wealth to guaranty new money to keep up with debt growth becomes chronic at which point either runaway inflation or a definitive collapse of the system inevitably ensues.”

    Genuine System Analysis can only finally determine that a different system must replace the present one.

  3. I dunno about anyone else but I’m done being willing to Suffer because these CLOWNS in authority positions think they can dictate to anyone living How they have to be to continue Living. Fek the WEF and the bitch leaders they produce.

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