In this video, Melissa Dykes breaks down how it is now admitted that “climate scientists” are experimenting with geoengineering techniques like “stratospheric aerosol injection,” more commonly referred to as chemtrails by conspiracy theorists who are once again proven right. Melissa explains that it is perfectly legal for the government to treat the population like lab Read More…
Tag: admitted
DNC Just Admitted They Had the Legal Right to Rig the 2016 Primaries
Last year, the political election process exposed Americans to more corruption and vote rigging than at any time in their history. Now, a recent lawsuit has exposed that this corruption and fraud is actually standard operating procedure. The lawsuit, filed against the Democratic National Committee, and its former chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, by Bernie Sanders donors Read More…
Pentagon Quietly Admits to Deploying Troops to Yemen, Under Cover of Captain America Film
As Americans swarmed theaters on Friday, setting record-breaking sales to watch Captain America; Civil War, without warning or fanfare — much less, debate — the Pentagon announced ground troops have already been deployed in Yemen, ostensibly to reinforce the ongoing battle against al-Qaeda in the war-ravaged country. In fact, as typical for modern undeclared ‘warfare,’ Pentagon official Read More…