Melissa and Aaron Dykes go on a deep dive and discover some very interesting forum discussions leading up to the Las Vegas shooting that specifically reference Las Vegas, as well as a larger agenda that is labeled “high incident project.” This agenda aims to train the American public to believe that even places with ultra Read More…
Tag: 4chan
4Chan Users Claim CIA And Media Fell For Trump “Golden Shower” Fake News
Defying all reason and journalistic duty, BuzzFeed may have now topped the Washington Post in the quickly burgeoning Fake News market, publishing accusations President-elect Donald Trump has “deep ties to Russia” — but the astoundingly baseless claim seems to have unraveled in the most hilarious way possible. “A dossier, compiled by a person who has Read More…
Is Julian Assange Dead? WikiLeaks Compromised?
A viral 4chan thread has had the internet in a frenzy with rumors that WikiLeaks is compromised and its founder, Julian Assange, is either dead or missing. The organization dismissed the rumors, but did not disclose concrete information about whether Assange is alive. Black-PR campaign posts going around recently trying to suppress submissions to WikiLeaks. False, but who benefits? — Read More…