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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/29/22).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
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The demented psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists have humanity on a quick march into the abyss. This must be stopped soon.
There is more comedy gold in that KJP clip. Other reporters chime in and one guy mentions someone he knows who passed and how they are on his mind everyday, but he never looks around the room asking for them! Kjp just keeps going squawk! Top of mind top of mind! Psaki would have provided a big fat lie, and then shut any follow up questions down, but this poor woman is out of her depth.
I found this article on gaslighting in a relationship pretty funny when looking at it as a relationship with govt msm, ect.
Devaluing your worth by tellin you youre stupid (dont do your own research) lol.
Of the 4 things they listed, 3 are easily relevant to their tactics with covid, political division, n ukraine
To me, it was observationally obvious that Ronnie Raygun exhibited signs of Dementia, even before he ran for Office. Daddy Bush CHOSE him as a useful puppet , now, it seems the ‘shadow’ Govt. stilluses the same playbook. “Well, it worked before!…”, Biden is another usefull puppet, just like Orangeman, they didn’t count on Trump being a wannabe Criminal Family tho, likely WHY he lost the Election?
This from a Guardian Article: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/jan/17/ronald-reagan-alzheimers-president-son
In it, Ron Reagan describes his growing sense of alarm over his father’s mental condition, beginning as early as three years into his first term. He recalls the presidential debate with Walter Mondale on 7 October 1984.
“My heart sank as he floundered his way through his responses, fumbling with his notes, uncharacteristically lost for words. He looked tired and bewildered,” Ron Reagan writes.
When we refuse the lessons of History, we are forced to relive them…
Aloha Ryan,
Please contact me about the adoption as human trafficking situation you talked about in this show. I am connected with many adoptees and coerced mothers/families that would love to have a story done on this subject. I can also connect you to the women that put on the first Adoption Trafficking Symposium this year. They are so informed on all of this. We are in contact with another woman that is making a documentary about this subject, but it is still in its infancy and she is trying to aquire funding at the moment. These mothers, fathers and children have no one to back them up and the narrative they are fighting on adoption is as strong or worse then the narrative on covid. My girlfriend has been so screwed over by all this crap. This is also rampant with CPS as well. Can you please contact me or have Derrick contact me. There is such a big story here. And the women and children that are being abused by this would be so thankful just to get this in front of more eyeballs.
Love what you do brother and I hope to hear from you or Derrick or anyone on your team.
Hey Ryan
You are absolutely correct! This president is struggling with dementia and should immediately be removed from office and replaced with the Vice President!
Let’s all join together and DEMAND his immediate replacement!
Oh wait! Ryan! Do you think we have all been fooled again!!!??
Is this like, Checkmate Fools??!!!
Why would anyone want Kamala to step into power? None of these people are legitimate, on either side of the two party illusion.
Oh look Russell Brand must be legit because he’s been censored by YouTube.
Russell Brand is the pied piper for the gullible and easily led. The “control system” leading the opposition.
Until now I had many doubt’s about Putin and the Russian elitists. I have worried that what we were seeing had been predetermined; a choreographed bit of theater actually intended to help fulfill the goals of the western cabal elites to create the “New World Order” techno-tyranny outlined within the Great Reset agenda.
Having carefully studied Putin’s annexation address I no longer have any doubt. For Putin to be able to state so clearly and unequivocally the things he has stated can only mean that the influence of any remaining Global elitists in Russia have been contained.
Much of what he has said you yourself have observed and said over the years, along with many of the rest of us who have been awake and honest. A few excerpts and I will provide a link to a YouTube version as well as a link to a text version , which I hope you will review carefully if you have not already done so:
The West is ready to step over everything in order to preserve the neo-colonial system that allows it to parasitize, in fact, to plunder the world at the expense of the power of the dollar and technological dictates, to collect real tribute from humanity, to extract the main source of unearned prosperity, the rent of the hegemon. The maintenance of this rent is their key, genuine and absolutely self-serving motive. That is why total desovereignization is in their interests. Hence their aggression towards independent states, towards traditional values and original cultures, attempts to undermine international and integration processes beyond their control, new world currencies and centers of technological development. It is critical for them that all countries surrender their sovereignty to the United States.
But people cannot be fed with printed dollars and euros. It is impossible to feed with these pieces of paper, and it is impossible to heat a home with the virtual, inflated capitalization of Western social networks. All this is important, what I’m talking about, but what was just said is no less important: you can’t feed anyone with paper money – you need food, and you won’t warm anyone with these inflated capitalizations – you need energy.
Therefore, politicians in the same Europe have to convince their fellow citizens to eat less, wash less often, and dress warmer at home. And those who begin to ask fair questions “actually, why is that so?” – are immediately declared enemies, extremists and radicals. They switch arrows to Russia, they say: here, they say, who is the source of all your troubles. They lie again.
What do I want to highlight in particular? There is every reason to believe that the Western elites are not going to look for constructive ways out of the global food and energy crisis, which arose through their fault, precisely through their fault, as a result of their many years of policy long before our special military operation in Ukraine, in the Donbass. They do not intend to solve the problems of injustice and inequality. There is a fear that they are ready to use other recipes that are familiar to them.
Now, in order to extricate themselves from yet another tangle of contradictions, they need to break Russia and other states that choose the sovereign path of development at all costs in order to plunder other people’s wealth even more and at this expense close and plug their own holes. If this does not happen, I do not rule out that they will try to completely bring the system to a collapse, on which everything can be blamed, or, God forbid, they will decide to use the well-known formula “the war will write everything off”.
Russia understands its responsibility to the world community and will do everything to bring such hotheads to their senses.
It is clear that the current neo-colonial model is ultimately doomed. But I repeat that her real owners will cling to her to the end. They simply have nothing to offer the world, except for the preservation of the same system of robberies and racketeering.
In fact, they spit on the natural right of billions of people, most of humanity, to freedom and justice, to determine their own future on their own. Now they have completely moved to a radical denial of moral norms, religion, and family.
I repeat, the dictatorship of the Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves. This is a challenge for everyone. Such a complete denial of man, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, the suppression of freedom acquiring the features of a “reverse religion” [the opposite of what the religion is] – outright Satanism. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ, denouncing the false prophets, says: By their fruits you shall know them. And these poisonous fruits are already obvious to people – not only in our country, in all countries, including many people in the West itself.
Well, said. Alternative media are being played to stay away from criticising the skeletons in Putin’s closet while the Israel lobby in Kreml is rubbing its hands.
Still, despite many claims, the so called SARS-COV-2 “virus” has not been proven to exist scientifically in the real world therefore there cannot be a SARS-COV-2 “spike protein”. The “virus” only exists in-silico as a computer generated genome sequence. This is fundemental.
Still, despite my repeatedly stating this, demonstrated numerous times: having no evidence of its existence, does not therefore mean it does not exist, it could mean that, sure. What it means for sure is that we have yet to see it proven to exist, which I state regularly, not that it has been proven NOT to exist, as that is quite different. I have proven that these jabs are based on genetic code from a computer and nothing more, using Moderna’s own posted information. Could it have been isolated after that? yes it could have been, and withheld from us. Could they have found evidence of it being created in a lab, in that isolation process, and chose to hide that from us? Sure. Those are possibilities, regardless of whether it fits into what you have already decided is the truth. Trust me, I understand where you are coming from, and will even say that, if I had to choose, yours would be the opinion that makes the most sense to me. Yet, at the moment, it is indeed still an opinion. I will wait for the proof, not just some evidence that COULD mean what you think. And sadly, as we have seen numerous time over the years, that proof may never come. This is why we must always remain objective, and not fall into the potential traps of logic that get laid out for us.
IMO, as stated for decades:
ALL genetic modification must be illegal.
ALL patenting of living things must be illegal.
All “vaccination” must stop, with any future approvals pending independent study.
All snake oil manufactures must be held fully liable for harming humans and other animals.
While I’m at it, all monetary systems need to be rebuilt—PROPERLY! Not the planned reset.
Let’s get these roots clipped, or the damn weeds will keep growing.
If a murder happens and there was a guy saying before hand he was going to do it, that doesn’t mean he did it, but it is the first place you look.
Ryan, why so much of this binary reporting.
Why is Biden vs. Trump supposed to be two party paradigm but Biden vs. Putin is not, while we all know
how both sides are being played since 1st WW and during the staged Cold War till today.
Are you suggesting that I am framing this as “Biden vs Putin”? How in the world would someone get that idea by watching my reporting? I have literally discussed numerous times the larger connections of all of them to the Great Reset. It is clearly more complex than biden vs putin, as my reporting regularly reflects.