Joining me today is Rosemary Frei, here to discuss an alarming development in regard to the lack of safety testing for vaccines based on new variants that is being allowed going forward.
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Hi Ryan regarding the vigil that took place in London and the actress with the red hair who was arrested. Their is some doubt about the vigil and it’s possible links to the establishment ie Kate Middlleton the wife of Prince William.
G. Vander Boessche is a veterinarian
Ghent (1980-1983)
– Doctoral degree in Veterinary Medicine from State University of Ghent (1983)
– Postdoctoral training in Equine Medicine and Surgery at the Free University of Berlin, Germany
– Postdoctoral Fellowship in Virology at James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health, Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA (Sept 1990- mid 1991)
– Research scientist in Virology, Immunology and Molecular Biology at the Robert Koch
Institute in Berlin, Germany (1987- 1990)
– Board certified in Veterinary Virology (1990)
– Senior Research Scientist and Head of Environmental Virology at University of Hohenheim,
Stuttgart, Germany (1990-1994)
– Board certified in Veterinary Microbiology and Animal Hygiene (1992)
How do you find something labeled ‘undetectable’? jesus.
I dont know. Mabye q will tell us… Lol
A friend sent me this link today. I just finished listening and have bookmarked your site for more!
The minute i saw a gates guy talking about these being bad, i was concerned about why. I think i figured it out.
When they finally have to admit that these vaccines are killing people, they have an immediate go to for “we made a mistake. This guy has it right. Now we’ll shut down till everyones vaccinated with the vaccine HE recommends.”
Hi Ryan, where can I access this video? I can’t seem to find it.–Geert-Vanden-Bossche
its on rokfin, or was