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Kissinger Just Met With Trump For The Third Time This Year — Here’s Why It Matters

President Trump met with alleged war criminal Henry Kissinger on Tuesday, the third meeting Trump has had with Kissinger this year. While the media has focused on Trump’s push to use the former secretary of state’s visit as a ploy to bash Obamacare, their recent meeting likely also signifies something more sinister than the plan to destroy an already woeful healthcare system.

According to the Daily Beast, a White House official told the outlet that Kissinger was meeting with Trump mainly to discuss North Korea and China. The White House transcript shows Kissinger’s first statement on the matter was specifically about Trump’s upcoming trip to Asia, which should tell you something about the real reasons Kissinger was eager to meet with Trump.

For the record, Henry Kissinger was responsible for the U.S. government’s secret bombings of Indochina, as well as disastrous coups in Latin America. His travel is very much restricted for fear of arrest.

Kissinger also wrote a strong opinion earlier this year where he actively warned against defeating ISIS simply because the terror group’s downfall would empower Iran.


With this information in mind, Kissinger’s meeting with Trump at this point in time is a troubling indicator that something frightful could be headed our way. As CBS reported:

“The meeting with Kissinger comes after the president has offered explosive foreign policy-related comments that has Washington waiting with baited breath. Last week, Mr. Trump alluded to a calm before the storm’ after a meeting with military leaders, although the White House wouldn’t offer much clarity on what he meant by that…Over the weekend, Mr. Trump said 25 years of diplomacy with the North Korean regime has failed, and ‘only one thing will work,’ fueling speculation over military action. The president’s Cabinet has emphasized that diplomacy is still the administration’s first choice.”

Not only is President Trump continuing his incessant saber-rattling against North Korea, but reports are also stating he is moments away from intentionally derailing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) formed with Iran in 2015. He is also supposedly planning to designate Iran’s core fighting forces as terrorist entities, which could see both the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Hezbollah on the receiving end of U.S. missiles in Syria.

Henry Kissinger is a stalwart architect of American foreign policy, especially when it comes to covert initiatives. His meeting with Trump may very well signal the end of the relative calm and the beginning of the storm, and who better to advise Trump on navigating his way through the storm than a peace-prize laureate wanted for war crimes?

Darius Shahtahmasebi
Darius Shahtahmasebi is a New Zealand-based legal and political analyst, currently specializing in immigration, refugee and humanitarian law. Contact Darius: Support Darius' work on Patreon:

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