Joining me today is political commentator, and self-styled “jagoff nightclub comedian” yet, in truth, one of the most important voices of today in reaching the masses that are still lost to the comforting suffocation of the mainstream propaganda, and that of course is Jimmy Dore.
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very good show today, you do have to laugh at the madness our esteemed leaders think we don’t see, or at least they couldn’t careless if we do as they say there is NOTHING we can do and certainly not be allowed to say, mmm street lamp decorations is what we need !
The little animation film at the end was very accurate and well done..
I have dumped my final News program now RT NEWS for the third time in about 4 years using 3 different names ,a new name after each shadow ban or out right deletion of my comments to be able to get the truth out, they have banished me after about a month this time and 3 times and your out, so now I dont even go on there, and stick to you truth guys,but the trouble is there are just SO many who cant even be bothered to think about what is rational or truthful, and maybe could be nundged on these MSM shows but most now dont have comment sections now, and on YOUS tube as I call it, you know when its a lying bit of propaganda coming out because they turn the comment section off, so as not to get the comments pointing out the lies and exposing the truth… still WELL love your shows..