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James Li Interview – The True Nature Of The ADL and How It Spies On Americans For Israel

Joining me today is independent journalist James Li, here to discuss his outstanding mini documentary covering the troubling history of the ADL, the overwhelming evidence that it is an extension of the Israeli government, and how the agency spies on Americans. We discuss how the ADL intersects with the CIA, trains FBI and local police, weaponizes antisemitism, infiltrates activist groups, and aggressively manipulates social media algorithms driving censorship, all centered around one focal point — suppressing legitimate criticism of the state of Israel, at all costs.  


Source Links:

James Li’s Links:
(45) James Li (@5149jamesli) / X
(146) Uncovering America’s MOST Powerful “Civil Rights” Group – YouTube
(58) James Li on X: “I’ve spent the last 2 months deep-diving into the ADL, the world’s most powerful “civil rights” organization, and what I found was more disturbing than I could ever imagine: – Surveillance of American citizens via a network of 🕵️ – Alignment & coordination with Israeli” / X
(57) James Li on X: “The Anti-Defamation League is not a “civil rights” organization. It is Israel’s attack dog in the US, with tentacles in US intelligence agencies, law enforcement, big tech, finance, and media. Don’t believe me? These are all things they openly brag about.” / X
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(57) The Last American Vagabond on X: “@_whitneywebb So they turned off the comments and clearly had Twitter remove the community notes, at least as far as I can tell. (But mobile is quite different than desktop these days.) ADL is partnered with Twitter so that wouldn’t not surprise me.” / X
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Zionism Vs Nazism, Israel’s Connection To Extremist Ideology & ADL’s History of Faking Nazi Marches
Screen Shot 2024-08-07 at 11.00.40 AM.png (1874×842)
Nazi March Turns out to Be Hoax – Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Office of Public Affairs | U.S./Israeli Man Indicted for Hate Crime and Threats to Jewish Community Centers, Israeli Embassy, Anti-Defamation League, Conveying False Information, and Cyberstalking | United States Department of Justice
ADL Provocateurs At Work: Inciting Nazi Rallies
Skokie: The legacy of the would-be Nazi march in a town of Holocaust survivors – ABC News
Park Service Rescinds Permit for Nazi Rally At Independence Mall – The New York Times
Mordechai Levy – Wikipedia
News clip from 90’s surfaces detailing how the ADL was caught red handed creating fake Nazi groups
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Not Just Azov: Documents Prove The CIA Has Been Cultivating Fascism In Ukraine Since At Least 1948
(50) Afterhours_Live on X: “Verifiable facts: US Congress made sure the Azov Battalion WOULD get US arms in 2016. CIA has trained them since 2015. FBI verified that the Azov Battalion is neo-nazi, is immersed with Ukraine’s gov & that those in Charlottesville are their US faction.” / X
A Year After 1/6, Ukraine’s War Draws U.S. Far-Right to Fight Russia, Train for Violence at Home – Newsweek
The Patriot Front, January 6th & The “Vanilla ISIS” Psyop
Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine – Israel News –
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(61) James Li on X: “Proof that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism.” / X
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A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution | HRW
Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians – Amnesty International
A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid | B’Tselem
(146) The Lobby – USA, episode 1 – YouTube

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Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

3 Replies to “James Li Interview – The True Nature Of The ADL and How It Spies On Americans For Israel

  1. Excellent interview and information presented. Greatly appreciated that is for sure!
    It has been needed for a very long time in order to brake the mirror that held basically all the nations hostage.
    Interestingly enough… forming part of a strong triangle: The US as the strong arm/muscle dominating everywhere, newly created Israel as the religious arm in which all nations placed their belief/faith as “the chosen nation” and for such reason placing it on high and dare not ask questions. Of course, both such entities having an embassy within the Vatican land which has been chosen as having power over the rest of the religions in the world and recognized as “the mother church” with self given authority as the ruler of the world therefore claiming the triple crown. Doubt it? Then ask yourself this question an before answering it take the time to truly think about it. Why every governing entity has without fail visits the pope who is the governing body of such land and that from his window/balcony has said it… from there can hold power over the world? And of course… anyone can take it a little further and ask: Does he has taken part in meetings among those who set behind close doors and from such places plan the future for the rest of the populations? Is there not a conflict of interests? Or is religion using politics to achieve full dominion over all living beings placing those very few in claiming the position of being gods over all life.
    Much to be consider, reflect, before truly and truthfully answering the first question to begin with. Prior to also making/arriving to your own conclusion and therefore making choices.

  2. Good work and gutsy; I’m sure they’re trashing it and him now; next he should look into AIPAC, which is even worse than ADL, I’d bet.

  3. It’s not just Zionism vs. Judaism, because the latter also includes Talmudism, which is what most people who are anti-Jew mean (which emphasizes ruling the world and considering non-Jews as cattle, etc etc.); obviously everyday American Jews are just living their lives and practicing the externals of their religion and aren’t secretly working against all goyim. It’s just like most everyday Catholics aren’t privy to or participating in the Vatican’s intrigues and thus are not blameworthy for what the latter does.

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