If you have been following the mainstream NATO member-state media over the past few weeks, you may be now fearing another world war. Here is why you should not be listening to these discredited mouth pieces for corporate governments in the West.
On the third of February, the White House indicated that “intelligence information” supposedly in their possession had indicated Russia would use crisis actors and staged videos to justify invading Ukraine. This information was eaten up almost uncritically by most Western media outlets. Even those reporting on it with a somewhat critical take still promoted the idea as valid. Matt Lee, a journalist for the Associated Press (AP), repeatedly called on White House spokesperson, Ned Price, for proof of the US government’s allegations during a press conference earlier this month. Needless to say, Price deflected and refused to provide any solid information other than the US accusation itself, which Matt Lee framed as getting into “Alex Jones territory”.
Since then, there have been numerous predictions about when Russia will invade Ukraine, in all of which Moscow is painted as being the irrational aggressor. Tabloid newspapers have gone with headlines like “ON THE BRINK Will there be World War 3?“, whilst others used unnamed “intelligence sources” to conjure up headlines claiming “Russian invasion of Ukraine set for ‘3am tomorrow’ with missiles and tank attack“. It’s not only the “untrusted” tabloids, which interestingly have a lot of readers, that are conjuring up ridiculous claims and conspiracy theories, almost all the more ostensibly reputable news outlets like the New York Times, BBC and the Guardian have led their readers to believe that Putin is a madman ready to invade Ukraine at any moment. The United States government has stated that an invasion could occur “at any time.” What is interesting is that far before any talk of Russia-Ukraine tensions had surfaced, the Washington Post published a piece on the 3rd of December (2021), claiming that US intelligence sources believed Russia would invade Ukraine with 175,000 troops.
Despite all the fear-mongering of a sudden Russian offensive, all talk from Russia has indicated it wishes to solve the ongoing tensions through dialogue. Russian President, Vladimir Putin, states that his country does not seek war and that they would only engage in a war in self-defense, much to the dismay of Western journalists eager to warmonger and paint Moscow in a similar light to that of the reporting during the Cold War.
What is interesting is that anyone who would dare indicate that the White Helmets in Syria had some role in attempting to stage chemical weapons attacks, specifically the attacks used to justify Western military aggression, would still be laughed out of the room by corporate media in the West. Interestingly, Russia has frequently predicted the tactic of staging attacks to justify US military aggression itself in the past, which were instantly slapped aside as akin to “conspiracy theories”. Yet, when Washington alleges something very similar, without any indication that what they are saying could actually be true, we should believe them?
The United States itself has such a long history of false flag attacks, including the Gulf of Tonkin incident leading to US military intervention in Vietnam, that it has no position to sit and accuse others whilst refusing to accept skepticism towards its own propensity to commit such acts. The problem is that the conspiracy theories of Western governments, their intelligence agencies, and complicit mouthpieces in corporate media, lead to real devastating consequences.
Consider for example; the Taliban’s alleged direct role in 9/11 used in part to invade and destroy Afghanistan, the stories about Iraqi soldiers throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators used to justify the first Gulf War, the Weapons of Mass Destruction that justified the toppling of Saddam Hussein, the Genocide that Muammar Gaddafi was ready to commit justifying NATO intervention in Libya, and the list of verifiable lies goes on and on. How are we supposed to believe the United States when they claim Russia is about to invade the Ukraine and conduct false flag attacks, when the Western media lied to the public about Russia Gate for four years straight and argued that Syria had committed chemical weapons attacks that justified US airstrikes, and now the current occupation of a third of the country?
The United States, its Western allies, and Israel, have been making false predictions about when the Islamic Republic of Iran will possess a nuclear weapon for at least 30 years now. Last time I checked, there has never been a shred of evidence that Iran has a nuclear weapons program, let alone the bomb itself. Yet people are still buying the Western propaganda and believe the dangerous conspiracy theories coming out of Washington about Russia.
What is also largely ignored by the so-called “leftists” who adhere to the current culture war tactics of “cancel culture,” is the discriminatory framing of the discussion on foreign adversaries to the United States. Constant talk of “the Russians”, “the Iranians”, “the Chinese”, is in and of itself a slippery slope to fully blown racist stereotyping of entire nationalities/ethnicities/cultures. Why is it acceptable to talk now of the Chinese, Arabs, Iranians, Russians, and Muslims in such a derogatory way? Because these are the enemies of Western empire; these are the competitors or the people our governments are dropping bombs on and so they must be de-humanized and stereotyped. Yet for the so-called “anti-Racists”, that are so historically illiterate that they cannot see their role in new racist frameworks, the wildly hypocritical talk of foreign nations being “opposed to” or “interfering” in “our democracy” is completely acceptable. It’s apparently fine to stereotype them, because today they are “our enemies”, and depending upon who the government is at war with at any given moment, the target of Western hate campaigns will change. This does not mean we should not be skeptical of others, or that any of the groups above do no wrong, only that our whole way of approaching the rest of the world must change.
There are actual wars going on and there are rumors of war in the news all the time. Tis a sign of the times. Regarding human civilization, since the dawn of the first human “civilization” in ancient Babel, or Babylon, humans have engaged in fighting and waging wars against each other. Human history, not just American history, is dominated by fighting and war. Nothing’s changed except the weapons to fight and wage war today are far more destructive, insidious, and iconoclastic than at any other time in human history. You’re all mistaken if you think that those who’ve created these weapons won’t use them or haven’t used some of them already!