Anyone who has taken the time to truly research this nation’s history, both recent and back to its origins, should be well aware that those with the wealth have the power to manipulate the government, just as we are increasingly beginning to see today, due in large part to the tireless and all too often unacknowledged efforts of the independent media.
History has shown, in more ways than one, that these ruling elite – or whatever euphemism one feels applies to those with almost no financial limitations and the ability to influence both policy and trade on a massive scale – would have no qualms about choosing their gain over your well-being at every turn. So when we apply that logic to the case at hand, wherein doctors are finding, or rather re-discovering alternative ways to heal and outright prevent a multitude of illnesses that plague humanity, illnesses that have been used to create entire multi-billion dollar industries of continuous treatment as opposed to actual healing, we need to ask ourselves: who stands to lose with this monumental rise in awareness of just how effective holistic medicine can be?
Joining me once again to follow-up on our previous interview in regard to her unintended series about the mysterious deaths of now over 90 doctors, is Erin Elizabeth of Health Nut News.