Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/10/20).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
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The intelligence network is involved because they want to see who might be outside of their surveillance in order to compromise them and improve their own evil operations.
Most “Intelligence Agencies” are now a single conglomerate that use different names… To simplify your understanding, replace with a single name : Mossad
Ryan – You are one of the best orators working to open the eyes of the lost ones. I am old school but technically proficient. My personal observation is that the tlac website is too cluttered. This is compounded by the denial of service attacks by google and its affiliates. For example, subject matter such as the daily update should not need two introductions one of which does not launch the video. Another suggestion would be to separate and restrict You Tube to their own section section, distinctly separate from TLAV’s less restricted, suppressed, and censored channels.
Keep on giving us direction brother, I love you. Just suggestions to perhaps make it easier for more to cross over to the real side.
It’s a sickening commentary on our present state of being that we have to navigate our way through a multitude of obstacles to get anywhere near news outlets that at least try to give us an unbiased accounting of the various narratives. We are constantly being attacked as either producers or consumers of these news sites and TLAV is no exception to those attacks. I can differentiate them inasmuch that they are either attempts to hack these sites in one way or another or that the content and people producing and/or presenting them are denigrated (using the weaponized phrase, “conspiracy theorists”, or other derogatory epithets) while dismissing the information and opinions they present as “fake news”, “disinformation”, etc. All done without ever really mounting a properly constructed critique of the information presented or opinions offered by sites such as TLAV.
The thing is, no matter how many of these attacks are made they only harden the resolve of people like myself to think for myself, research as much as time permits, and in that process makes me even more certain that those in the MSM are utterly devoid of ethics, morals, or the ability to stand up for journalistic integrity.
I do think Ryan should use a different platform rather than YouTube to embed as the video player as there have been times when it has seemed (to me at least) that we have been denied content because of YouTube censorship.
Maybe that’s something Ryan is working on.
Sometimes I would prefer that when Ryan and guests get into the nitty gritty of the organizational structure of these groups that they produce some charts that show how we can fire poison into their homes seeing that they’re poisoning us on a daily basis. It only seems fair.
Jokes aside (even bad ones) I think it would be helpful if people understood that these people who conspire to control the world and every individual on it that they do have a spiritual belief system that makes it completely acceptable for them to commit acts of evil.
I suggest people who are interested in exploring this darker side of their motivation have a look at the videos posted by “The Real Merkabah” and specifically the ones titled, “SATURN, Satan & God And The Nature of Reality” which, in themselves, I don’t suspect them of being made directly by the Cabal. However, they will disturb those who are religious because they point out how we are manipulated by religion into accepting duality in so many aspects of our thinking when the truth is that these duality’s have already been synthesized into a singular (and thus more powerful) philosophy about life and how it can be controlled.
I suggest people watch before these videos get rolled back under the carpet as IMO they are letting to much out into the light of day.
Maybe that’s the way they like to do it. Hidden in plain sight. So on and so forth.