Health Marijuana Movement Social Change Sponsored Top News

Cannabis vs. Opioid Addiction

The number one reason why people seek medical attention is pain. A differing number of pains notably slow down the quality of life for a lot of patients. Modern physicians are taught that medications which contain a considerable amount of opioids provide the best solution against pain, yet the most current research is now revealing that opiate-based Read More…

Entertainment Sponsored

Cannabis: The Right To Home Medicine And The Auto-Flowering Strains

Allowing for the unrestrained domestic cultivation of marijuana offers an astounding advantage when compared with buying, as it allows you to determine the strain of cannabis you are using and that strain’s peculiar therapeutic effects. There are distinctive strains of cannabis with equally different therapeutic and medicinal effects that can be used in the treatment of Read More…

Politics Government Sponsored Top News

Win or Lose: Whatever the Outcome, Trump isn’t Going Anywhere

Since the release of the ‘Access America’ tapes it seems that hardly a day goes by without further accusations and revelations. There are the alleged ‘Apprentice’ tapes, an open letter to the Washington Post, signed by three thousand sexual assault survivors calling for Republican leaders to stop ‘enabling’ Donald Trump and a succession of women, who Read More…