With the recent early release of convicted pedophile and former US Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, the investigation that became known as Pizzagate has been somewhat pushed back into view. Despite the ceaseless mainstream agreement to ignore any and all corroborating facts and information that continue to be exposed, when those willing to brave the condemnation of the false majority do even the slightest bit of actual research, they see what is now becoming very apparent to all who are paying attention: That there is a prevalence of pedophilia at the highest levels of power.
Whether that prevalence was cultivated, or just a natural occurrence, when one looks at the facts, the history, truly looks, with no preconceived notions, it is next to impossible to ignore, unless one simply will not allow themselves to see it, for a number of reasons. Even for those who refuse to acknowledge the validity of the investigation, the veracity of the evidence within and the overt nature in which said evidence is covered up, what exactly the investigation pertains to has now become quite well known. Which is why it is so very confounding when public officials are exposed as a pedophiles, and entire rings are brought down that include politicians, police officers, priests, teachers, etc., yet these same doubters will maintain that there is no basis for such claims.
On July 25th, a California Deputy Attorney General was charged with multiple counts of possessing child pornography. Raymond Joseph Liddy, 53, son of G. Gordon Liddy, prominent figure in the Watergate scandal, was taken into custody at his home in Coronado and was booked into federal jail on charges of possessing images of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct, according to federal court documents obtained by The Last American Vagabond.
Raymond Liddy Conditions of Release by Chris on Scribd
Liddy pleaded not guilty on Tuesday, was released on $100,000 bond and placed on house arrest with GPS monitoring. Despite Liddy’s plea of not guilty, a months-long investigation resulted in findings of numerous images depicting minors engaged in sexual acts on his computer — pornographic images of minors as young as 12 — as well as a thumb drive also containing similar content at his home. Liddy admitted to investigators that he would talk about “sexual fantasies” with individuals on the internet, and that he often saved sexual images, according to court records. He told investigators he would delete those images afterward, but court records showed he may also have forwarded some.
The investigation began in January when the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received an anonymous tip alleging that a user had uploaded child pornography. A month later another similar anonymous tip was sent from a different ISP address claiming that a user had uploaded 10 images depicting child pornography. Those tips were forwarded to authorities, who traced the illicit activity to Liddy’s Coronado home. When FBI agents interviewed Liddy, he admitted to using Internet services and user names associated with the images that had been reported by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Raymond Liddy Criminal Complaint by Chris on Scribd
Liddy is due back in court for a preliminary hearing Aug 8.
It is important to acknowledge that one such occurrence can certainly be an isolated case, or the favorite go-to justification of the “bad-apple,” but if one simply stands back and sees the whole picture, and not the red or blue shaded fabrication, the truth is pretty easy to see. More than addressing the recent scandals and accusations, when one chooses to look back in history, the reality of the elite culture that clearly dominates both our perception of the past, and the direction of our future, is painfully clear; all one must do is actually look.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-california-prosecutor-idUSKBN1AC2BH
This sounds like it could be a stitch-up … the ol’ ‘kiddie porn on the computer’ trick, increasingly being used by governments against dissidents & trouble-makers … a distraction from real paedo-philes, such as the people who made the porn, & above all the people raping children & enjoying their dead bodies, amongst whom are high-end political paedophiles. Any ‘kiddie porn on pc / email / web posting’ allegations, especially in small volume with no timeline, are suspect.
So Liddy Jr here, admitted having some computer user-names which were also used to post the pictures … but it’s long been clear that people post things using other people’s user-names … and as part of the general abilities to hijack someone else’s computer & accounts, things can be planted even on one’s own computer – e.g., Shrimpton case as below
Also, father G Gordon Liddy, is an old-school rough guy with ‘principles’, he went to prison rather than rat out others, & in his way believed he was helping keep nationally-destructive people out of office … A ‘patriot’ of a type, with a good sense of humour, not likely to produce a stupid weasel kid
In the UK there was a recent political railroading of an eccentric political writer on Veterans Today, the barrister Michael Shrimpton, who spent nearly a year in the can there in Britain … when they seized Shrimpton’s computer on another charge, voilà they found ‘gay kiddie porn’ on it … but as Shrimpton dug into it & had his computer analysed, he found that the hard-drive had been swapped … & the serial number of the hard drive, combined with the manufacturer’s register, showed that it could not have been a hard drive either on the original computer, or one purchased by Shrimpton … it was clear the goons had swapped it out to plant false kiddie porn evidence against him
I considered the same, it is very possible. I am currently looking into Liddy, and if I find anything that suggests as much, i.e. motive, I will do an update. Please share any info.