Donna Brazile’s article published in Politico is one of the most important things written in 2017 when it comes to political impact going forward. Many have pointed out that she’s a know liar (true), and have also questioned her motivations for writing this blockbuster article. While it’s important to acknowledge these things, they aren’t particularly relevant when it comes to impact.
In no uncertain terms, Donna Brazile provides detailed claims about how the Hillary Clinton campaign nefariously bribed the DNC with tens of millions of dollars all the way back to 2015 in an attempt to take over the organization. They succeeded. This isn’t hearsay, she discusses specific campaign financing documents and when they were created. Long story short, there’s a lot of meat on the bones to these allegations, and if her claims are lies, this should be easily demonstrated and quickly. I’ll be waiting.
Personally, I think everything she alleges is probably true, and it’s absolutely devastating to the Democratic Party as well as Hillary Clinton personally. We now know for certain that the real reason Donald Trump is President has nothing to do with Russia, but everything to do with Hillary Clinton and the DNC.
Without further ado, here are some key excerpts from this absolute must read article, Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC:
The Saturday morning after the convention in July, I called Gary Gensler, the chief financial officer of Hillary’s campaign. He wasted no words. He told me the Democratic Party was broke and $2 million in debt.
“What?” I screamed. “I am an officer of the party and they’ve been telling us everything is fine and they were raising money with no problems.”
That wasn’t true, he said. Officials from Hillary’s campaign had taken a look at the DNC’s books. Obama left the party $24 million in debt—$15 million in bank debt and more than $8 million owed to vendors after the 2012 campaign and had been paying that off very slowly. Obama’s campaign was not scheduled to pay it off until 2016. Hillary for America (the campaign) and the Hillary Victory Fund (its joint fundraising vehicle with the DNC) had taken care of 80 percent of the remaining debt in 2016, about $10 million, and had placed the party on an allowance.
If I didn’t know about this, I assumed that none of the other officers knew about it, either. That was just Debbie’s way. In my experience she didn’t come to the officers of the DNC for advice and counsel. She seemed to make decisions on her own and let us know at the last minute what she had decided, as she had done when she told us about the hacking only minutes before the Washington Post broke the news.
On the phone Gary told me the DNC had needed a $2 million loan, which the campaign had arranged.
“No! That can’t be true!” I said. “The party cannot take out a loan without the unanimous agreement of all of the officers.”
“Gary, how did they do this without me knowing?” I asked. “I don’t know how Debbie relates to the officers,” Gary said. He described the party as fully under the control of Hillary’s campaign, which seemed to confirm the suspicions of the Bernie camp. The campaign had the DNC on life support, giving it money every month to meet its basic expenses, while the campaign was using the party as a fund-raising clearing house. Under FEC law, an individual can contribute a maximum of $2,700 directly to a presidential campaign. But the limits are much higher for contributions to state parties and a party’s national committee.
Individuals who had maxed out their $2,700 contribution limit to the campaign could write an additional check for $353,400 to the Hillary Victory Fund—that figure represented $10,000 to each of the thirty-two states’ parties who were part of the Victory Fund agreement—$320,000—and $33,400 to the DNC. The money would be deposited in the states first, and transferred to the DNC shortly after that. Money in the battleground states usually stayed in that state, but all the other states funneled that money directly to the DNC, which quickly transferred the money to Brooklyn.
It’s always the same people who scream about money laundering who do stuff like this.
“Wait,” I said. “That victory fund was supposed to be for whoever was the nominee, and the state party races. You’re telling me that Hillary has been controlling it since before she got the nomination?”…
“What’s the burn rate, Gary?” I asked. “How much money do we need every month to fund the party?”
The burn rate was $3.5 million to $4 million a month, he said.
I gasped. I had a pretty good sense of the DNC’s operations after having served as interim chair five years earlier. Back then the monthly expenses were half that. What had happened? The party chair usually shrinks the staff between presidential election campaigns, but Debbie had chosen not to do that. She had stuck lots of consultants on the DNC payroll, and Obama’s consultants were being financed by the DNC, too.
The “resistance” gravy train in action.
Right around the time of the convention, the leaked emails revealed Hillary’s campaign was grabbing money from the state parties for its own purposes, leaving the states with very little to support down-ballot races. A Politico story published on May 2, 2016, described the big fund-raising vehicle she had launched through the states the summer before, quoting a vow she had made to rebuild “the party from the ground up … when our state parties are strong, we win. That’s what will happen.”
Yet the states kept less than half of 1 percent of the $82 million they had amassed from the extravagant fund-raisers Hillary’s campaign was holding, just as Gary had described to me when he and I talked in August. When the Politico story described this arrangement as “essentially … money laundering” for the Clinton campaign, Hillary’s people were outraged at being accused of doing something shady. Bernie’s people were angry for their own reasons, saying this was part of a calculated strategy to throw the nomination to Hillary.
When I got back from a vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, I at last found the document that described it all: the Joint Fund-Raising Agreement between the DNC, the Hillary Victory Fund, and Hillary for America.
The agreement—signed by Amy Dacey, the former CEO of the DNC, and Robby Mook with a copy to Marc Elias—specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised. Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and mailings.
I had been wondering why it was that I couldn’t write a press release without passing it by Brooklyn. Well, here was the answer.
When the party chooses the nominee, the custom is that the candidate’s team starts to exercise more control over the party. If the party has an incumbent candidate, as was the case with Clinton in 1996 or Obama in 2012, this kind of arrangement is seamless because the party already is under the control of the president. When you have an open contest without an incumbent and competitive primaries, the party comes under the candidate’s control only after the nominee is certain. When I was manager of Gore’s campaign in 2000, we started inserting our people into the DNC in June. This victory fund agreement, however, had been signed in August 2015, just four months after Hillary announced her candidacy and nearly a year before she officially had the nomination.
All the way back to 2015. Simply incredible. It’s clear that Hillary had been crowned with the nomination far ahead of time, which explains the disgust and vitriol directed at the Sanders campaign. How dare they?
This story is absolutely huge. I don’t care what her motivations are, just as the source of Wikileaks’ emails is less important that what they actually say. I care about facts, and I want the American public to know exact how corrupt and shady the most powerful people in this country really are. The more minions and underlings that come out and expose the practices of their bosses, the better. I hope this is just the beginning of a trend.
Elites turning on each other is the best thing ever.
I completely encourage it.
Divide and conquer them into oblivion.— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) November 2, 2017
Donna Brazile is a minion. She harmed the country, yes, but still a minion.
Hillary Clinton is an apex predator. That’s where we must focus.— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) November 2, 2017
America has an apex predator class that knows no political party. They are Democrats and they are Republicans. They run banks on Wall Street as well as intelligence contractors clustered around Washington D.C. They own lobbying firms and pharmaceutical companies. They are at the top of every single industry if you look closely enough, and like any apex predator, they need an endless supply of gullible and vulnerable prey.
We are the prey and it’s way past time to turn the tables on them.